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Hiro speculation

No.12292135 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello there 4chan, this weekend is celebrated an anime convention called "Expomanga" in Spain and I assisted cosplaying the female trailer for Pokemon X/Y (well, i tried my best, since when I was planning the dress there was no official artwork) and Hiro (the spanish guy that leaked fairy type and BW dex) noticed me. When you all were saying that he is a womanizer, you were not kidding, he started asking me about pokemon and flirting with me. I wasn't paying too much attention until he started talking about the new games and "secrets". He told me that I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about this and if I did, he will deny all, but I don't care since I argued with him by personal motives that doesn't make sense posting here. He don't like 4chan at all, so I'm obviously posting here.
He didn't tell me too much, but there it is:
-He don't know when Corocoro or the japanese tv show will reveal things, but he does know the entire pokedex and other details
-Lapras (my favorite pokemon) won't get any preevolution or evolution, but Rapidash, Donphan and Yamask will get an evolution. Audino will get a Normal type preevolution and will be re-typed Fairy/Normal.
-Contest conditions now will have a role in battle since there no longer are contests in this game. They will give a boost in "probabilities", for example, he mentioned me that smart will boost the chance of dodge and cool the chance of a critical attack.
-Fennekin first and second evolutions are Fire/Normal. Chespin first and second evolutions are Grass/Rock. Froakie first evolution is Water, second evolution is Water/Dark.
-He stated that Fairy type pokemon don't have to look pink and girly.
-Mewtwo new form is Fairy type.
-Fairy type is weak to Poison and strong agaisnt Dragon.
-He thinks that there are more character personalization choices than corocoro have shown. He saw a male trainer with red hair and pink t-shirt and a female trainer with white dress and jeans.