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Quoted By: >>12293007 >>12293099 >>12293161 >>12293445
Congrats! You are now living in the Pokemon world, however, it's not as easy as it seems. You're only allowed to pick a single role in this world.
Here are your options:
1) A Breeder: You get to interact with pokemon, world hard to breed perfect IV pokemon, and you have a lot of free time to explore forest for berries and other aids that will help you in breeding. However, you are not able to own any of the Pokemon that you breed. You cannot go out and become a trainer.
2) A Pokemon Trainer: You're able to go from region to region alone or with friends catching pokemon and battle gyms. However, you are not able to breed pokemon or really interact with them besides battling. You're also treated as a child regardless of your age.
3) A Gym Leader: You're allowed to open up any gym of your choice and battle all the trainers that come by. You can pick any battle style you want and you're very popular in the region that you live in. You have many fans, and you also are allowed to breed Pokemon if you desire for your battles. However, you are not allowed to leave said town you live in and you are not allowed to travel the world.
4) A Pokemon Professor: You're allowed to breed and interact with Pokemon in any way you except actually fight with them. You can study them, go on missions to discover new Pokemon, and work with younger trainers that are passionate about becoming a Pokemon trainer. You have much free time to enjoy your Pokemon as well. Becoming a Pokemon Professor also gives you immunity from asses like Team Rocket, Plasma, etc..
5) Team Plasma, Rocket, Magma, Etc..(the bad guy): You're allowed to commit any stealing Pokemon crimes without any penalty regardless if you get caught. You're allowed to train your own Pokemon, however, you can ONLY use them for bad. You're allowed to travel anywhere you want and you have access to the massive amounts of money your team holds. You cannot breed Pokemon.
Here are your options:
1) A Breeder: You get to interact with pokemon, world hard to breed perfect IV pokemon, and you have a lot of free time to explore forest for berries and other aids that will help you in breeding. However, you are not able to own any of the Pokemon that you breed. You cannot go out and become a trainer.
2) A Pokemon Trainer: You're able to go from region to region alone or with friends catching pokemon and battle gyms. However, you are not able to breed pokemon or really interact with them besides battling. You're also treated as a child regardless of your age.
3) A Gym Leader: You're allowed to open up any gym of your choice and battle all the trainers that come by. You can pick any battle style you want and you're very popular in the region that you live in. You have many fans, and you also are allowed to breed Pokemon if you desire for your battles. However, you are not allowed to leave said town you live in and you are not allowed to travel the world.
4) A Pokemon Professor: You're allowed to breed and interact with Pokemon in any way you except actually fight with them. You can study them, go on missions to discover new Pokemon, and work with younger trainers that are passionate about becoming a Pokemon trainer. You have much free time to enjoy your Pokemon as well. Becoming a Pokemon Professor also gives you immunity from asses like Team Rocket, Plasma, etc..
5) Team Plasma, Rocket, Magma, Etc..(the bad guy): You're allowed to commit any stealing Pokemon crimes without any penalty regardless if you get caught. You're allowed to train your own Pokemon, however, you can ONLY use them for bad. You're allowed to travel anywhere you want and you have access to the massive amounts of money your team holds. You cannot breed Pokemon.