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No.12302252 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok /vp/oreons let me get one thing:
why the hell some of you can't believe that Sylveon is going to be a totally new type of Pokémon!? I mean, Eeveelution always looked totally like the element that they represented, it's a fact. And now they showed a brand new Eeveelution, and on purpose they DID NOT show the type of that Pokémon. Now Sylveon doesn't look like any of the existing types, it's a fact. Also Eeveelutions have always had a "special" type, I mean a type which in Gen. 3 and backwards affected the Special stats, Sp.Atk and Sp.Def. I know that this doesn't count anymore, but Flying is NOT a special type, Fighting is NOT a special type, Normal is NOT a special type, Poison is NOT a special type, Ghost is NOT a special type, the only special type left is Dragon, and saying that Sylveon will be Dragon is soooo dumb. I would point out that the "physical" types are 9, and "special" types are 8. A special type is missing to be equal.Also why would they keep it's type such a big secret if that was an old type? Smash also leaked that Sylveon will be a brand new type, because of it's weaknesses and resistances. So why? Why do you keep being negligent? Explain. (sorry for my english but I'm italian...)