>But if this doesn’t kirlia lips into a smile baltoy end feel free to flygon right up to me and makuhita me right in the face, or call me a slakoth for my atropius attempt at romance in whatever lunatone you want.
>I guess what I’m getting at is you have me clampearled in a vicegrip that I never want to escape.
>There’s no one else I’d rather huntail than you,
>I don’t think anyone could have a more beautifly smile,
>No one could drive me to laugh as much as you do with that ludicolo sense of humor we share,
>No one could make me feel more vigorothly about loving them.
>You make me feel like my heart skips a plusle everytime I see that gorebyss face of yours, llumise with that electrike smile!
>Sometimes I feel like my pulse has hit the minun entirely, and I pelippered my way up to heaven!
>But I’m not dead, and all I can do is thank the wailord for bringing such a manectric person into my life (even if it took him mawhile).
>I feel like a ninjask, wurmpling my way into your heart, and clearly you’re one hell of a banette,
>Because your shiftry little mass seems to have slipped right under my nosepass, completely un-masquerain, and you registeeled my heart (FUCK GRAMMAR).
>Like I would even want to stop you though? >For all I care wynaut just hand it over to you in a delcatty wraped box!
>I really wouldn’t mind so long as you keep nuzleafing into my chest after dusclops, as I brelloom over you, keeping you gardevoired in my arms.
>You’re the brightest rayquaza of sunshine in my silly feebas world, and your voice?
>The most beautiful chimecho.
>You have an armaldo of awesome personality traits that I would never dare try to altaria because we’re so meditite that I can be azurilled I love each and every one of them.
>I don’t think I could count all the metagross reasons why I love you,
>I’d lay down the swampert on anyone who tried to get between us with all my mighteyana, marshtomp out any competition, and mudkip my way right to your side,