>>12315903It is pretty unlikely that a guy guesses 4 names and Parabola Charge + attack effect right, isn't it?
That same guy said that Sylveon is going to be Fairy.
His explanations to the type relations match the relations shown in Pokémon Smash with one difference: The relation to Fighting.
In Smash, Sylveon was weak to it, while the guy leaked that Fairy is strong against it. Might actually be a Ghost-Ghost-Relation.
Not to mention that Sylveon doesn't look like any existing type (except maybe Flying, although GF usually interprets it into the "blue" direction) and its name in every language contains a fairy of some sort.
Also, everywhere on the official pages, it is associated with pink.
See it as a whole, EVERYTHING GF hinted ans leaked points towards a new type.