[12 / 4 / ?]
Quoted By: >>12334199 >>12334268 >>12334334
Hello folks. I'm from Nintendo of Europe. Due to the massive fake leaks coming from here (I'm looking at you, Mr.Leaker, Hiro and Pokebeach), I've been allowed to give you some information, which will be soon revealed (thanks to the next Pokemon Smash and the next month's Corocoro), so here it is :
- Fairy type does exist, but not with this name. It is known as "Magic" type, came in the Pokemon World due to legendaries' shenanigans (can't say more due to story spoilers), and some older gens' Pokemon will get it instead of other types when transfered on X/Y. Cleffa, Igglybuff and Togepi will get it in addition of their Normal type (with Togekiss' Normal/Flying becoming Magic/Flying), Dunsparce will become Magic/Flying. Absol will become Magic/Dark. Mawile will become Magic/Steel. Gardevoir will become Psychic/Magic. Outside of that, there's no type changes.
- Regional dex is made of 280 entries, including older Pokemon like Zigzagoon, Eevee, Pikachu, and other Pokemon already appearing in trailers. Several of them will get new or alternative evolutions.
- Starters are Grass/Insect, Fire/Psychic and Water/Magic. Sylveon is Ground (as some guessed, it's based on the Ground nymphs). The new Mewtwo form is Psychic/Magic. Gogoat gets an evolution, whose French name is "Boucamion". Helioptile has no evolutions, and is the Pikachu-like Pokemon for this generation. Fletching has two evolutions, with the latest becoming Flying/Fire. Pancham has two evolutions, becoming Fighting/Dark and sharing many things with the Torchic line.
- Several moves get reworked, some of them especially changed for competitive playing. For example, Stealth Rock has been changed, only hitting once before disappearing and not doing more than 1/4th of current HP in damage, and the weather-inducing abilities only work for the same time as the respective attacks.
Hope you're pleased. I'll be back next month to give you more info.
- Fairy type does exist, but not with this name. It is known as "Magic" type, came in the Pokemon World due to legendaries' shenanigans (can't say more due to story spoilers), and some older gens' Pokemon will get it instead of other types when transfered on X/Y. Cleffa, Igglybuff and Togepi will get it in addition of their Normal type (with Togekiss' Normal/Flying becoming Magic/Flying), Dunsparce will become Magic/Flying. Absol will become Magic/Dark. Mawile will become Magic/Steel. Gardevoir will become Psychic/Magic. Outside of that, there's no type changes.
- Regional dex is made of 280 entries, including older Pokemon like Zigzagoon, Eevee, Pikachu, and other Pokemon already appearing in trailers. Several of them will get new or alternative evolutions.
- Starters are Grass/Insect, Fire/Psychic and Water/Magic. Sylveon is Ground (as some guessed, it's based on the Ground nymphs). The new Mewtwo form is Psychic/Magic. Gogoat gets an evolution, whose French name is "Boucamion". Helioptile has no evolutions, and is the Pikachu-like Pokemon for this generation. Fletching has two evolutions, with the latest becoming Flying/Fire. Pancham has two evolutions, becoming Fighting/Dark and sharing many things with the Torchic line.
- Several moves get reworked, some of them especially changed for competitive playing. For example, Stealth Rock has been changed, only hitting once before disappearing and not doing more than 1/4th of current HP in damage, and the weather-inducing abilities only work for the same time as the respective attacks.
Hope you're pleased. I'll be back next month to give you more info.