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!!KTo3TVgIhnO No.12366418 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm nobody of high significance in Pokemon news, but I AM one of the MageLeif's few irl friends. We study together at DigiPen and see each other maybe once or twice a week outside of school. I've tried calling him today but I haven't been able to get a hold of him so I really have no clue what he's doing.

A few weeks ago we did actually discuss the topic of X and Y information. What he told me wasn't exactly gold and I can't remember all of it because I didn't know I'd be expected to recall it, but here we are. Below is pretty much everything I can recall. Apologies if some of this is already well known.

>Sylveon is a fairy type Pokemon
>There are around 10 new fairy types, 30ish have been changed to fairy/sub-fairy
>There are two teams in the main game, like Aqua and Magma
>Hoenn Pokemon contests have pretty much identically returned, pokeblocks included
>Some moves have two types
>There are 2 new HMs, 'Warp' and 'Freeze'
>Several attacks are changed to have unique impacts on Pokemon in the first turn of 'Fly' in battle - in the air
>Wattson from Mauville city plays a very small role in the story line
>There are 3 Safari Zones for the 3 segments of the region