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I'm nobody of high significance in Pokemon news, but I AM one of the MageLeif's few irl friends. We study together at DigiPen and see each other maybe once or twice a week outside of school. I've tried calling him today but I haven't been able to get a hold of him so I really have no clue what he's doing. A few weeks ago we did actually discuss the topic of X and Y information. What he told me wasn't exactly gold and I can't remember all of it because I didn't know I'd be expected to recall it, but here we are. Below is pretty much everything I can recall. Apologies if some of this is already well known.>Sylveon is a fairy type Pokemon >There are around 10 new fairy types, 30ish have been changed to fairy/sub-fairy >There are two teams in the main game, like Aqua and Magma >Hoenn Pokemon contests have pretty much identically returned, pokeblocks included >Some moves have two types >There are 2 new HMs, 'Warp' and 'Freeze' >Several attacks are changed to have unique impacts on Pokemon in the first turn of 'Fly' in battle - in the air >Wattson from Mauville city plays a very small role in the story line >There are 3 Safari Zones for the 3 segments of the region
Fink !!KTo3TVgIhnO
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>>12366418 *10 new Fairy Pokemon
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>>12366418 they all sound pretty neat, fake or not
>>12366439 I think he meant "Wrap", which btw is a move that already exists since Gen 1
OP is a faggot once again
Fink !!KTo3TVgIhnO
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>>12366444 I meant what I said
>>12366418 >Hoenn Pokemon contests have pretty much identically returned, pokeblocks included >Some moves have two types >Wattson from Mauville city plays a very small role in the story line Fucking Hoenn confirmed.
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Who's mageleif and why should we trust either him or you above the other 'leakers'?
>>12366439 It's probably like some super fairy shit where you warp into the fairy dimension.
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I'll be curious to see if any of this info is released by PokeBeach tomorrow before Smash... I like everything you said, whether it is true or not.
>>12366455 None of that indicated that we would get hoenn remakes, there was plenty of kanto characters and references in gen 4 and we didn't get kanto remakes.
"Sylveon is fairy..." Stopped reading right there.
>>12366465 Not getting the joke, are we?
Fink !!KTo3TVgIhnO
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>>12366467 I honestly don't give a fuck, just telling you what he told me
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>>12366473 Johto
>>12366476 The hoenn stuff was never a joke, it was just autists wanting to get their introductory gen remade
>>12366473 >HGSS is Gen 1 huehueheuehueheuheu xD Are you one of those retards that think Region = gen?
>>12366495 I'm saying any Gen 4 references to Kanto could have equally alluded to HGSS than Gen 1
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So what pokemon are retconned to Fairy type? Any surprises?
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So basically XY is like Hoenn? Sounds good to me
Will walking Pokemon come back?
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>>12366510 Yeah, well unless one of the gen VI games includes traveling to hoenn then that doesn't really have anything to do with OPs 'leaks'
OP updates us about mage's job status when possible
Fink !!KTo3TVgIhnO
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>>12366528 He didn't say that it was so don't put your bets on it
Fink !!KTo3TVgIhnO
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>>12366562 I think there's been some confusion. Mage does NOT work at Gamefreak or anything like that. He has (had) a close connection that was heavily involved in X and Y, but not him personally.
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>>12366418 >Wattson returns I don't believe you at all but oh god I want this.
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I actually like everything mentioned here
>Hoenn Pokemon contests have pretty much identically returned, pokeblocks included I hate you for being such an obvious fake and reminding me this will never be true.
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Completely dislike the idea of dual type moves.
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It's fake because they said No old user would return
>>12366849 this alone makes the game worth buying
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This actually looks pretty good
>>12366460 Actually wasn't one of the things that WPM (or one of the other people) was hinting at was a similar "Distortion World" area?
>mfw Fairy World Anonymous
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>>12367488 >Fairy world >flowers, pink, hearts and all kinds of girly shit I'm not surprised if they made a new type just to solely cater to little girls
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>>12366849 >>12366974 On status screen wasn\t there an option to look at the ribbons??
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>>12366418 >Several attacks are changed to have unique impacts on Pokemon in the first turn of 'Fly' in battle - in the air What does this mean?
>>12367488 Doesn't Sylveon do this in the trailer for the upcoming short?
Now where is that gif...
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>>12367633 Holy shit it does, that could be warp