Alright, here it is, motherfuckers. Tomorrow is the big reveal. We have all taken sides, but there is one problem: Anonymity. Everyone who disagreed with the winning side will spout along with them; "YEAH I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG" So, this is what you're going to do. You are going to post in this thread with a NAME and a TRIP. You will post a short summery of what you believe, and always have believed would happen with a new type. Then screencap your post and a few others. It should go something like this, except substitute your name and whatnot. "I, O'Malley, believed there would be a new type since the moment I saw Sylveon, although I'm unsure about "Fairy". I'm glad Flyingfags and Normalfags are wrong, though" Man up.
Baron !CYckOZT23c
>Implying they'll reveal anything of importance
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
Quoted By:
I, O'Malley, believed there would be a new type since the moment I saw Sylveon, although I'm unsure about "Fairy". I'm glad Flyingfags and Normalfags are wrong, though. (I want to get my own confession to be in the same space as the date and time)
Quoted By:
A man who doesn't admit his erros gets enough of a punishment already
The reveal is today you tard.
Quoted By:
You're a fucking terrible governor of Maryland.
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
Quoted By:
>>12367547 Just being prepared for the scenario.
It's not like the purpose of the thread will be invalidated if any information related to a new type wasn't revealed until later.
Huehue !wqCQRJJz1k
Quoted By:
I never gave a shit about Sylveon because it looks shitty, but with the recent happenings I believe it will be a new type.
>implying I'd ever lower myself to posting with a trip
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
>>12367564 Cool.
What time?
Duke Nukem !5U7xiMlc1A
Quoted By:
I'm bettin' it all on Duke.
Quoted By:
>>12367584 Sometime in the evening assuming you're in the states.
>>12367583 Apparently you don't know what trips are for.
Posting in one thread with a trip is fine. That's why they exist.
It's when you never take them off that you're being a fag.
He who is always right
Quoted By:
I, He who is always right, believed from the beginning exactly, word for word, whatever is going to be officially revealed.
Seagroatt !KXUM2fs2AA
Quoted By:
At first I thought it was poison, then dragon, then bug, and then I just decided that it would be one of the three. It wasn't till recent months that I started really grasping the concept of a new type at all, but soon Fairy Type made sense to me. The recent leaks have only strengthened my belief, but I am keeping my mind open. Sounds like I'm in an AA meeting. Same basic principle I guess.
Jaggi !!B6Ka7ug1PJm
When I first saw Sylveon, the first thought that prung into my mins was what the hell is that. i was never a beleiver in a new type, but after a while, I waremd up to it, retconning a lot of old pokemon to a new type wouldnt be that difficult, Clefairy for example. I dont know what the new type will be called, and I dont really care, I've come to terms with it.
Jaggi !!B6Ka7ug1PJm
>>12367632 Wow, that spelling, thank you 3DS...
Quoted By:
Thought it was dragon at first, then flying. My last guess if it is an existing type is ghost, but I'm pretty sure it'll be whatever the new type is.
Mermaid Princess !h7O9szBTgs
After realizing what Sylveon's names meant I theorized that was either a Normal type (like most of the cutesy pink fairy Pokemon) or the Game Freak finally decided to make Fairy and official type. With the latest Smash all but confirming that Sylveon is a new type I am fairl y confident that the new will be Fairy (do we have any reason to believe the reveal is today? Or are we just assuming?)
Quoted By:
I believe there will be a new type but not Fairy type.
Quoted By:
>>12367638 I thought "Prung into my mins" was a kind of swear.
Also, I know damn well there are still many out there who still doubt a new type. Why are you avoiding this thread, m8s?
MissingNo. !A3pBtJlNc.
Quoted By:
Fairy will be the new type, but it might get renamed over here. Because of the emphasis on Slyveon and playing coy with what it's type is mostly. I don't discredit the fact that we will probably still get a Flying type Eeveelution in the future though.
Quoted By:
I gotta admit, at first I thought it was flying. Then normal started to make sense, but I honestly thought that it was a totally shit idea for normal because I thought normal should be a bigger Eevee, basically. So I clung to flying. Then I heard more about 'new type,' and now that makes way more sense to me. I don't care if it's fairy or what, I just want it to be a new type. I really do hope they release another eeveelution alongside it, though. Something with a type that already exists...
Penis Mc Cockslap !m4iU.VDEnQ
Quoted By:
I believe in Light type. Maybe not in Gen V, maybe not in Gen VI either but some day... some day we will see Arceus in its origin angel form with glorious Light type.
Sound !Gsj8QDCPFA
Quoted By:
Sound type confirmed.
Lingzhi !lJbD/hvMp6
Sylveon will be a new type, but I don't think it'll be called "Fairy". It's the only eeveelution we'll get this gen. Tomorrow's Smash will just reveal what had already been said in CoroCoro, maybe another skit where they try to figure out Slypheon type, and nothing more.Fletchling will evolve into Fire/Flying.
Tesslashy !iiA80eLVpY
Quoted By:
Fairy type will happen.
Jirachi !!tmjnqEaP1om
Quoted By:
>>12367535 I was originally ambivalent to the new type crowd, but the evidence for it is pretty strong now. Whether it's Fairy, Light, Sound, or something else entirely, I think Sylveon will be this new type.
Normal is the second most likely scenario here, but Sylveon seems way too stylized and hyped to be a run of the mill Normal type.
Flyingfags are deluded and grasping at straws. GF is nowhere near subtle enough to make a Flying Eeveelution that isn't covered in clouds and/or feathers.
LC guy !/RtxhVBX0I
Quoted By:
I was a flying believer at first. But then, I got hooked in the fairy boat. I honestly would be okay with any type, as long as Sylveon is good. I don't really show up much in these threads, so yeah... I'm okay with whatever is going to be released.
Anonymous 100148
Quoted By:
When I saw Sylveon I didn't care what the hell it's type was until people started speculating on Fairy type. I was leaning toward Normal or Flying as it's type until last weeks Smash. I hope they redid the type chart or its a new type besides "Fairy"
Quoted By:
My first impression of Sylveon was that it would be a Bug type (back when it was only Ninfia). When its English name was revealed, I changed my mind, now believing it to be Flying. I was quite skeptical about the alleged Fairy type, but after the various leaks, I believe that a new type is likely. Therefore, I think Sylveon will be a new type.
Xiaobao !.sV0rLOb9U
Quoted By:
I gotta admit, at first I thought it was flying. Then normal started to make sense, but I honestly thought that it was a totally shit idea for normal because I thought normal should be a bigger Eevee, basically. So I clung to flying. Then I heard more about 'new type,' and now that makes way more sense to me. I don't care if it's fairy or what, I just want it to be a new type. I really do hope they release another eeveelution alongside it, though. Something with a type that already exists...
Quoted By:
>>12367596 Apparently you don't know what 4chan is for.
Posting on one board is fine. That's why they exist.
It's when you keep returning that you're being a fag.
Lingzhi !lJbD/hvMp6
Quoted By:
>>12367699 *Sylveon's type. Fuck.
>>12367699 I hope it does. I'd like to see a kind of pheonix come from his evolution line, they're fairly famous for their birdsong.
Spring !m7te1lApzs
Quoted By:
I thought it would be Light, Sound, Magic type first and never suspected Fairy. I thought we would see Space or Gravity type too before I thought Fairy would be a thing. However I have been expecting a new type for a long time and believe it's overdue. I'll be happy no matter what it turns out to be. I'm just excited to see something new.
I was positive it was gimme be flying for the longest. Some friends convinced me it would be bug type though. I'm now 100% sure it'll be a new type, regardless of whether it's fairy or not. If it somehow is an existing type, I'll say ghost.
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
Quoted By:
Oh, by the way, you might want to remember what tripcode you guys used for when the time comes. Write it down somewhere.
I believe it will be fairy type. I always thought Sylveon would be a new type because it has no clear relation to any existing type, also the mystery about its type and the German name FEE-li-na-ra made me believe this time there there will be a new type.
>>12367740 I'm betting on it being based on a bird-of-paradise. Phoenixes fits legendaries better (See Ho-oh Moltres).
I, ThisGuy, had no initial feels about Sylveon. Upon much fan speculation, I was convinced that Sylveon was a new type rather early on in the discussion. Currently, I believe the leak that said that the new "fairy"-type (Would prefer it to be called "light" or something less homosexual) is immune to dragon, supereffect against dragon/fire/psychic and all. At this point, I find it rather impossible to believe that a new type isn't coming. Never before in pokemon history have they revealed a SINGLE pokemon without revealing it's type. It's just too suspicious. So, all-in-all, I believe there will be a new type, and actually, I don't totally throw the idea of a second sound-type out the window either.
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>>12367584 It's going to hit midnight soon in Japan, so in seven? eight? hours. I can never remember when that shit starts.
Pilot !93fDXcBf2k
Quoted By:
I, Pilot Pat, have known thought from the reveal that Sylveon doesn't fit any existing type, and must be a new type. When Fairy was announced by Hiro, I saw it as a perfect new type idea. However, I do not think negatively about believers of Flying and Normal types. There is no proof for Fairy type, why should they believe?
what time does smash air?
Zero !dc7W.XoPPI
Quoted By:
I'm fine with fairy just don't mess with Togepi's evolution line.
Mermaid Princess !h7O9szBTgs
>>12367759 I also believe Fletchling will be Fire/Flying, but less Phoenix and more "Flaming Arrow"
Quoted By:
>>12367765 Also, I NEVER believed that it would be flying. Ever.
Greggy !!DNvMco6Fan/
Quoted By:
I have believed there to be a new type ever since Sylveon's "WHAT TYPE COULD IT BE?" CoroCoro page. It won't be normal, it likely won't be flying. Sucks to be you losers.
TripFaggot !6evZiseJ/k
I thought Sylveon would either be flying or normal when it was revealed. I hadn't even considered a new type at that point. However as time went on it became more likely that a new type would be revealed. I'm not too bothered about Fairy type being introduced although I'm curious as to why it's Fairy of all things. What I'm not looking forward to though is the massive influx of "FAIRY IS FUCKING GAY GAMEFREAK POKEMON ONLY NEEDS THE TYPINGS FROM THE FIRST TWO GAMES TO BE GOOD. MUH CHILDHOOD" that all my friends will spout. Which is maybe why I wouldn't be too disappointed if Fairy type wasn't real.
Cabbagerat !wwErz90FkI
Quoted By:
I always hated the idea of a fairy type. The very suggestion of the existence of this type sent me in a mad frenzy leading me to type things which may not be repeated in an audience of PG13. I was insistent that Sylveon was flying or normal type. Until that fateful episode of Smash. After a week of crying in the foetal position I have accepted my fate, to play a game in October which includes a type called fairy. I hope they change the name.
I QJ believe that there will not be a new type, I believe the only reason it's evolution method and typing have not been shown was to emphasize a new feature in X & Y
Sound !Gsj8QDCPFA
Quoted By:
>>12367801 Fletchling will be Norma/Flying then when it evolves it becomes Sound/Flying and moves at the speed of sound.
It was only given Flame Charge because it raises speed, and one of it's abilities will be Speed Boost.
Cabbagerat !wwErz90FkI
>>12367833 >not knowing how to use trips lel
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
>>12367840 I guess that's a common issue ITT, huh?
Guys, in case you don't know, just put
After your name
The Dude !EfHZSqCvQ.
I am indifferent to the notions of:>a new type >the Fairy type >no new type at all That said, Fairy type DOES seem likely seeing as there's a Fairy egg group and several "Fairy" pokemon.
MASTER TRIPFAG, THE MASTER TRIPFAG !!L3/aDIzvUII Sat 18 May 2013 15:04:12 No. 12367858 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Sylveon's gonna be ??? You heard it first here kids
Quoted By:
>>12367849 How I get a cool tripcode after my name like some people have?
DemmyG !P1OXkidOFM
I, Demmy G, would not be surprised if Sylveon were a new type, as it probably is, however, I doubt it will be "Fairy," if a new type at all. If it is a new type, it will be a Light type, not only as a direct mirror to Dark type, but simply because Fairy just doesn't sound or feel to be right in a pokemon game.
>>12367853 Field type confirmed.
Blazen !!DKS9fps4gn/
Quoted By:
I was very skeptical of the Fairy type at first. Even now, I would rather it not happen. However, the evidence seems to be piling up that it's real. Gamefreak has made some weird decisions previously. Some ended up working great (physical/special split after 3 gens of physical/special types), others... not so much (dreamworld's complicated use, IV breeding). So, I guess only time will tell how this turns out. I will say I would have preferred a type chart reworking instead. Remove Ice's Rock weakness. Make poison hit some other things for super effective damage. I hope this does happen.
>>12367871 Call it Fae type?
Quoted By:
New type, not specifically named fairy (but possibly is) confirmed.
Seagroatt !KXUM2fs2AA
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>>12367759 >>12367801 Yeah I guess that would make more sense. Whatever it is I don't doubt it'll be more interesting than all the previous early bird lines. When I saw that it learns Flame Charge I almost came, because it means that I will have a back up fire type, which hardly ever happens early on. The only fire/flying pokemon so far were Ho-oh, Moltres and Charizard. I'd like a viable main game counter-part. I can only hope GF will continue to offer such fun Pokemon options.
Digi !dMICE2jdcU
Quoted By:
- I thought that Sylveon was Flying, but rumours and Smash have convinced me of a new type - Fairy-type. - Yveltal OR Xerneas (or both) will have the new Fairy-type in their typing(s). That's why their types were never revealed.
Dewkonir !!lTPd6MTs6HE
Quoted By:
I thought Slyveon looked normal when it was revealed but hoped it was dragon. After the latest movie trailer where it was seen using some sort of crystal attack I figured it would be a new type. I'm sure there will be a new type I don't think it will be called fairy though.
Seagroatt !KXUM2fs2AA
Quoted By:
>>12367765 It's not super-effective against fire and psychic, the leak said those two types take half damage from it, meaning they resist it, but inflic regular damage to it.
Billy !2y1il5Qy0g
Quoted By:
My first impression was that it would be Normal but with the Fairy type speculation I switched over to that. With Smash, a new type is all but certain. I'm hoping for Fairy, its the most interesting of the proposed new types.
Quoted By:
You know what I think is kind if funny? From the mouths of flyingfags: "OH MY GOD FUCKING FAIRYFAGS CANCER RUINING THIS BOARD" Meanwhile, almost everyone ITT doesn't believe in fairy specifically, they just think a new type is coming.
Donphan King of Dragons !!sLz+fwCdMOg
>>12367886 I hope the new type will be spirit or something. something spiritual, because i can never imagine tinkerbell taking down mushu
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
>>12367926 You know that Fairies =/= Disney.
Fairy encompasses the following
Trolls(hue), goblins, gnomes, witches, wizards, and basically everything related to such beings that isn't a dragon.
Pokemon based on Japanese folklore will likely fit the bill too (pls Mawile)
Quoted By:
I'm too lazy to bother with all the trip code shit, but I'll say that I was a flyingfag till around 3 weeks ago. I don't think the new type will be "fairy" but instead something derived from it or comsic. -Pluto
Tuprimaladesi !!J3DFt2pFkix
Quoted By:
Lame thread.>implying I can't have 3 or 4 trips. >implying I wont be back to post as anonymous after this >implying I fucking care or others will care of what I thought first Anyway, I'm a fairyfag spanishfag hiroballsuckerfag
>>12367535 But isn't Smash going to be aired today?
Xiaobao !.sV0rLOb9U
Quoted By:
>>12367925 Interesting AND it satisfies the gays on this board that can't handle the idea of their own "straightness" being threatened by being "forced" to play a game that has fairies in it.
>>12367949 so in your eyes
fairy=anything mythological?
okay then
Quoted By:
I can't post with a tripcode otherwise I get autobanned by 4chan
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
Quoted By:
>>12367984 Not really in my eyes.
Going off what fairies from old Folklore actually were.
Jukain, Samurott
I don't have a trip, but if I must give a name, I am known as Jukain or Samurott. I was not open to the idea, especially since they have not added to the type chart since the second gen. I thought this whole business was trolls trolling trolls. Then the inside info junk started, and I didn't believe it either. Hiro kept telling different stories, there was no way to take it seriously. Even for Smash, I took it as a skit and nothing more. They don't play games to reveal information, they just say it. Finally, the name info matched and I had no choice but to go along with it. I would've stood against the entire fandom, but I could not deny this. I do not believe Smash will give us any new info, but in light of everything that has happened, I don't know what to believe anymore. To deny anything connected to the name leak, though, is silly to me.
Delarin !Q9mEZuDPu2
Quoted By:
At this point I'm completely convinced there will be a new type, but I do not believe it will be the Fairy type. I think Hiro is full of shit and every other source of "leaked" information involving the Fairy type is just hopping on the bandwagon. My guess is that the new type will be called "Love" and very few if any pre-existing Pokemon will be re-typed. Hopefully I'm right so that I can drink the delicious tears of both the Flyingfags AND the Fairyfags (and Normalfags and Dragonfags and Bugfags and all the others)
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
I have 40~ screencaps and NONE of them are from flying or normal believers... It's kind of funny, honestly. Defend your position, cowards.
The Dude !EfHZSqCvQ.
Quoted By:
>>12367925 >yfw Professor Giorgio Anonymous
>>12368042 >implying it's not just fairyfags trying to samefag and have fake flying/normal believers. Anonymous
>>12368042 >40~ screencaps Would you take a neatly arranged, done by a slightly bored fag, to replace it?
Deltabeard !!0I47VpdbGFC
Quoted By:
I'm sure that there is a new type. I hate the lack the unverified information. I hate how Game Freak are teasing us.
Gwiber !!kl7VpRadnJS
New type, not fairy. Sylveon will be SILK type. Bonus rolls on other possible revelations: Yveltal will also be silk/dark type. There is at least one more new type called HOLY or SAINT. This will be one of Xerneas' typings along with psychic. Starters will be Water/Fighting, Fire/dark and Grass/psychic. Chespin's evos will be based on chess pieces.
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
Quoted By:
>>12368055 I said NONE.
If fairyfags are samefagging, they are doing a shitty job at it, seeing as there isn't a single post that supports flying or normal.
Tuprimaladesi !!J3DFt2pFkix
It's funny guys, but I even created a thread before Sylveon was even revealed titled: THE NEW EEVEELUTION WILL BE OF A NEW TYPE discuss Don't know if somebody remembers, although it didn't get many replies
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
>>12368066 Fucking sure.
I'm on a cell phone so I've just been screencapping every post and cropping it.
Pink Unown
I hope its one of the current types with a long explanation as to how and why it evolves. It would hurt me if it was "fairy" typed. Any other new type is fine but I still don't believe the "no es fake"
Quoted By:
>>12367878 Human-like type confirmed.
bakaStache !Hc6EcVkstI
Quoted By:
Sylveon is a new type. I never doubted this for a second. The hype and the vague design should have made that obvious - It's obviously not a normal type eeveelution, that'd be redundant. And if it was flying it'd be covered in clouds 'n shit. Also fletchling will evolve into a majestic motherfucking pheonix and mewtwo will have two new formes
Sound !Gsj8QDCPFA
Quoted By:
>>12368069 Chespin will be Grass/Ghost, the Conker shell of it's head begins to decompose and takes over the pokemon possessing it.
Similar to Parasect
Cloniez !znCa9n3ua6
Quoted By:
I'm on the fence. I somewhat believe it will be a new type but I'm more certain it won't be. It likely has something to do with the "Genetics" feature that has been speculated about. Either way i'll be getting the game and I will enjoy it. (If its a good game)
>>12368080 pics or it didn't happen
The Dude !EfHZSqCvQ.
>>12368069 We already have Pawniard and Bisharp.
Mr. Boring
Quoted By:
Sylveon will be a NEW TYPE BASED ON MAGIC OR SOMTHING SIMILAR like fairy, light, or arcane. Also Fenekin's final evo will be fire/psychic
Quoted By:
>>12368085 Alright. Glad to know it didn't go to waste.
Tuprimaladesi !!J3DFt2pFkix
Quoted By:
>>12368111 It didn't happen, then. I wasn't even that into 4chan at the moment. Didn't know about the tendency to screencap posts, nor did I use trip or anything
Blank !!BxvXqdy6Rty
Quoted By:
I, Blank, thought that Sylvion was a normal type the first time I saw it, everything else seemed stupid. After a while though, I started to realise that it being a normal type is also pretty stupid (what with plenty of other different types they could make him). Therefore, I deducted that the only possible answer is Sylvion being a new type entirely. Of this I am 100% certain and will proceed to suck the balls of every single anti-fairy fag if it is not so. As for which type it is, I hope light (as I am a light and sound fag), but I think it's going to be fairy, due to the way it resembles the other fairy pokemon from previous generations. I really don't give a shit what they name the type though.
Deltabeard !!0I47VpdbGFC
Quoted By:
>12368128 You guessed what game freak would do next, and you happened to be right. Although of course, a new type hasn't been verified yet. I agree with your screencap comment.
AprilAngel !H1Mxp0HH8U
Quoted By:
I, AprilAngel, never took any side in the Sylveon hype, but was hoping that it's not gonna be a normal type. (I still participated in the shitposting though)
Toxic Heart !pZi4UkQwpQ
I was hoping Sylveon was going to be a Poison type and it would love you to death and it had an ability called Toxic Heart which was a mixture of Cute Charm + Toxic This isn't going to happen now though.
Third Wheel !z5ZUXG4Hnc
Quoted By:
It's a rock type bro. A new type would just destroy the meta game. But in all seriousness I'd say it's 100% a new type
>>12368178 You were in every thread for a week
WPM !haedjBttHQ
Quoted By:
Gwiber !!kl7VpRadnJS
Quoted By:
>>12368116 >We already have Pawniard and Bisharp. We already had Meowth and Persian but we still got Skitty and Delcatty.
Toxic Heart !pZi4UkQwpQ
Quoted By:
>>12368198 It wasn't me, I only posted it once or twice myself and I had a spelling mistake when I did it.
Had to have been someone else.
Quoted By:
Updated screencap.
Jellum McMeister
Quoted By:
Fairy or Nymph type.
>>12367786 >>12367971 Pretty sure it's airing sometime tonight for us in the US.
Does anyone know exactly when it airs? I've never watched it live before.
Grass-type Master !!71d+x+8lRr5
Sylveon is a new type. I don't care what they call it but "Fairy" makes sense and I've been using that name this whole time. Also would be cool if this new type the opposite of Dragon.
DemmyG !P1OXkidOFM
Quoted By:
I believed, until last week, that Sylveon would be a flying-type but I'm totally okay with there being a new type as long as it isn't called "Fairy".
Quoted By:
What would be the point of claiming you were right all along, in an environment full of anonymity? You don't get any credit, you'll just know you were lying to yourself. Surely the whole argument was based on what we wanted and believed? For the record, I don't want a Fairy type, but I believe it's going to happen. My butt has been less hurt, but it will recover.
i fugged ur mom !!5+Q5la/RUxB
Sylveon is flying and there's no fairy type.
LC guy !/RtxhVBX0I
Quoted By:
>>12368471 Aaaand we have the first flying believer
Julian !vIpIw6g4Zk
Quoted By:
I, Julian, thought that the new Eeveelution would certainly be Dragon, but once I saw Sylveon, I knew that there would be a new type, and I was 50% certain that it would be Fairy. Since then my faith in Fairy has grown ever stronger. It has been a pleasure to watch the bugfags and flyingfags try to make justifications for why their type made any sense, and I will drink their tears from crystal goblets in six hours when Pokemon Smash airs and Sylveon comes out of the Type closet.
cipfagtricklejerk !!Xz/B2iSP9Ra
Quoted By:
it's love type
Quoted By:
>>12368447 Thanks.
>mfw they continue to troll us and reveal nothing about Sylveon Anonymous
Quoted By:
I don't mind if Fairy exists, what I mind is the fact that it's resistances are just placed all over the place haphazardly.
Grass-type Master !!71d+x+8lRr5
Quoted By:
Sylveon is a new type. I don't care what they call it but "Fairy" makes sense and I've been using that name this whole time. Also would be cool if this new type is the opposite of Dragon.
Lillers !7hC4rc6lig
Quoted By:
The moment I saw Hiro, who leaked the entire Gen V pokedex, say Fairy, I had some doubts, but mostly none. I believe there will be a fairy type.
Quoted By:
Oh wow this is the worst idea ever. Generating more tripfags, just what we needed.
Vee !iYDVp0KKgw
Quoted By:
At first, I was a Flyingfag. I was confident that Sylveon would be Flying-type, but now the evidence is clear that it won't be. Dual type Eeveelution? That ain't going to happen, no way. A new type for sure, but Fairy-type? I doubt the new type will be Fairy but... I guess we'll see. I'm not bothered either way, but I anticipate the shitstorm that'll follow.
>>12367656 It's just an assumption, nothing will be revealed in this smash
>>12368443 Archives are forever
I, for one, welcome the coming of our new fairy overlords.
Quoted By:
>>12368178 Sylveon has poisoned the souls of the Pokemon fanbase. We are miserable with eagerness to know its type.
G !!2Gfu63PIyWd
Quoted By:
Testing trip Money's on New Type If it isn't Flying
anonymoose !SanicfZp3.
Quoted By:
I couldn't care one way or the other, but I have a feeling it's going to be a new type.
Quoted By:
>Everyone who disagreed with the winning side will spout along with them; "YEAH I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG" ..What? No I won't, who does this? I'll just admit I was wrong. Pity the people who end up on the "winning" side will probably act extremely obnoxious, but oh well.
DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
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>>12367535 >Fairy type is oh so very real >Sylveon IS Fairy type Grass-type Master !!71d+x+8lRr5
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>>12368530 I know. I wouldn't have deleted it if it actually said anything different. I just needed to fix an error because autism.
Lillers !7hC4rc6lig
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I really love this gif, and I hope I get to use it again if it's Fairy.
Admin V !4X3DfJ617A
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>>12367535 I, Mr. V, refuse to believe anything about Fairy Type until I see it somewhere trustworthy. Or in the game itself preferably. For all I know, this could be an elaborate joke.
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>>12368632 Okay, when I first read the Fairy theory in that one thread where the first picture of retconned Fairy types was made I thought it was a cool idea but a bit of a stretch. I'd love to see the Fairy type (I think the suggested Mythic type is a much better name though) and to be honest I don't think Sylveon is any already-existing type so I'm gonna say yeah, no es fake.
I gotta say though, this shitstorm has been amazing.
So you're are basically just making a thread to organize the "I told you so"s? Not sure how to feel about this.
Mhmm !mfl6EhR6DM
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I, Mhmm, does t believe in Fairy type. No fairy types have been revealed so far. I would love if "Fairy" type was renamed to something better.
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I, Anonymous, have always believed that whatever is going to be revealed is the truth. Because I'm a fucking genius and I knew it all along. Suck it, fags.
WPM !!5uvaFmYRWsP
DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
Speaking of this, what time will Smash start in the US?
DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
>>12368719 And if you're wrong, which you will be?
>>12368722 ...You know the US has more than just one time zone, right?
DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
>>12368740 No shit? But with one of them, I can figure out the others.
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>>12368684 It seems like a good way to ban obnoxious people. That's all I can see the use for. That and needless circlejerk.
>>12368770 You're making no sense.
It doesn't start at one time in the US because of multiple time zones.
And if you can figure out the others, you can figure out one by googling 'time zone converter', retard.
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>>12367547 >ing of importance this
Mr. Escroto
I, misuta Eskurotto, dont like the idea of a fairy type because if certain pokemons would be retconned, what will be the explanation for take dragon damage in past generations and now they are inmune to that type of attack?? Think about it, fairylievers, and vote for me, and a pokeworld with no faeriefags!
A flying type. Why? Sylph means wind anyways.
WPM !!5uvaFmYRWsP
Quoted By:
>>12368730 I AM RIGHT
Fairy fags can run but cant hide
DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
>>12368794 If it starts at say, 10 PM EST, that means it starts at 9 Central. You shouldn't need a converter, unless you're retarded like you.
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I've got my caps ready!
whimsimi !9BDnJutgOo
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sup im whimsi anyway i think sylvemeonyoenoaquishaeon is a new type because its pink woah also i hope its male exclusive because then it would be even more kawaii
>>12368827 Here, since the other guy is being a fag
>>12368447 DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
Quoted By:
>>12368867 Thank you, sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
>>12368827 So if you know how time zones work, why can't you use it for the Japanese time zone into whatever US one you want?
If you don't need a converter then why the fuck are you even asking in the first place, fuckass.
Butch !!1S35s3JKGWG
>>12367535 I, Butch, believe there will be a new type.
Although I do not take sides with the fairyfags because I doubt it will be called fairy.
DickGrayson !!rUCIli29qwj
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Why would I ask when it started and Japan and do all that work when I could just ask where it started here?
Crawful !VFqsIo6w52
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Hoping for fairy.
>forcing people to become tripfags go fuck your ass with a cactus
NoEsFake !.bJzUH12uM
Quoted By:
I am NoEsFake, and I'm completely convinced of the existence of a new type independent of it's name (Fairy, Fee, Magical, Light, Cosmic or whatever)
>implying you will use your trip if you are wrong
Quoted By:
I am Pedro, and I believe in the existence of a new type, not necessarily Fairy, but a new type regardless
Quoted By:
I'd like for there to be a new type. I don't mind if it is fairy. I don't mind if there isn't a new type. I think Fletchling looks shit. Gogoat will be my bro. I don't need a name or a trip because none of this truly matters if I am right or wrong because I will continue to breathe.
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>>12368934 >implying I will use it with any other outcome O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
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>>12368913 >Doesn't actually know what a tripfag is Fresh from winter, huh?
Retching !c.t8xCtiW6
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I believe that there may or may not be a new type, but I hope there is, because it would be a fun addition. I hope that there are some evolutions for some of my favorite Pokemon (Dunsparce, Sableye), but there's not anything to suggest that there will be, so this is more of a hope. Fletchling will be a pretty unremarkable Normal/Flying line, maybe with a couple fire-type moves. Yveltal or Xerneas will have some dumb typing like Steel or Ghost, because those are the 'Legendary types', so to speak.
Ricki !!wt2ySM1Ju9f
Quoted By:
- Sylveon will be Fairy tipe - Xerneas will be Fairy Tipe and Yveltal Dark/Flying - Maybe the reveal of the Sableye evolution... - Or the new bond mechanic
Medium Penis !!JKHLRJBh8Jz
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Sylveon is not a new. /vp/ has done a good job finding reasoning for fairy types, but of course it's not gonna happen.
G !!2Gfu63PIyWd
I think it may be Fairy, but I seriously hope it gets localized. Call me edgy, but Fairy Type sounds gay as fuck. Maybe Magic Type or some shit. Just not Fairy, please.
For all the Fairy type fans, how would you react when it's a new type but not Fairy type?
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
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>>12369052 Fae has already been suggested.
It's more likely too. They probably understand that the west is Disneyfied in that sort of thinking.
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
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>>12369081 Most people ITT have said that it will likely be a new type but are unsure about fairy.
Actual fairyfags are rare. It's just flyingfags and normalfags desperately trying to find something to shit on.
Already confirmed that Sylveon is flying type and fairy type will never exist
arceus !!T3NkCRaIRHj
I believe there will be a new type, it will be based on fairies and most likely will have fairy as its English translated name. I believe Sylveon is of this type.
Quoted By:
Fairy type will never exist. Also I don't think they'll reveal anything whatsoever today on Smash.
I don't know how to trip !BHXNrqi4GU
There is no way gf would make a flying, rock, dragon, ect eeveelution look like sylveon. I think there will be a new type, but I won't be surprised if it is normal. I also doubt we will get the type tomorrow. captcha: sumrtme fon
arceus !!T3NkCRaIRHj
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>>12369148 I originally thought it would be dragon until the fairy theories started making sense and were backed up by various 'sources'. But that was more because I despaired at gamefreak's shitty design and I couldn't see it being anything else. I never have thought it would be flying type and will never understand anyone who does.
>>12369158 Suck my dick, it's flying
>>12369179 >>12369143 Any convincing "evidence"?
>>12369190 >Implying fairy has convincing evidence Anonymous
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>>12369190 It's based on a kite
>>12368898 Yeah, I agree with you, Bart. Your opinion seems to be the general consensus of this thread.
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New type will be magical type, we already saw an attack of this type in one of the first videos
>>12369202 >misspelling Billy's name Anonymous
So, at what time does Pokémon Smash start and where can I watch it? Kind of late to the party, sorry.
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>>12369199 >implying I think it's fairy It could be anything.
Mr. Escroto
>>12369214 You sure that isn´t Beck?
>>12369219 3:30 west coast time, 6:30 east coast time
just google "pokemon smash stream"
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>>12369081 I'll learn never to trust Hiro, or anyone that isn't an official source, ever again, and will be content that I was intelligent enough to realize it couldn't possibly be anything other than a new type. Normal was always the only type that fit and Smash has confirmed it's not Normal. Anyone doubting a new type at this point is in denial.
>>12369214 I think you'll find I got the name right.
I don't think I would misspell Baxter.
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>>12369237 Thank you anon!
>>12369240 It's Bigglesworth, moron.
Hata Mari !8hipstaRr6
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I'm ambivalent about a new type. I'm more interested in whether Gogoat is the only pokemon you can ride.
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I've never felt too strongly either way, although I really don't think it's flying type. Dragon, maybe. Fairy, maybe. Normal, probably not, but I kind of wish it was.
Toñito Pelusas !sjP9sdUIEE
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I, Toñito Pelusas, declare that there will be NO announcement regarding types today, rather than information from CoroCoro or, at most, a new Pokémon or some new screenshots. Sylveon will be an unknown type for at least another month.
Oshaboss !2XhKzdCyS2
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I, Oshaboss, thought Sylveon would be a new type from the moment of reveal. Was I on board with Fairy initially? No. However, I think I was won over despite finding the Dragon immunity farfetch'd. I thought people thinking it was normal/flying/dragon were understandable at first, but once the hot pink type box and weird fairy wing egg appeared for Sylveon in the promotional material for the short, I thought anyone clinging to the idea that it wasn't a new type was being ridiculous.
Fucktard !!FgdBh5k/j2m
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Smash pretty much confirmed a new type, although I don't think its name will be fairy. That just doesn't sound like something I'd expect from Pokemon.
Dragon Slayer Ornstien !vIi27NVcvc
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I don't care lol
>>12369339 you bet it's a wing. a wing of a fairy.
>>12369352 a wing of a flying type, faggot
>>12369352 And fairy have bug wings
O'Malley !eHg13QwJnI
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>>12369199 Fairy/newtypefags
>Weaknesses and strength that don't match with any current type. Major hype over it's type on Nintendo's part. Flyingfags
>It's name in only one language sort of sounds like something that occasionally is associated with the air Anonymous
>>12369365 Since when was a flying type weak to poison and super effective against ice? Explain that.
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>>12369339 It's a butterfly wing
Bug confirmed
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>>12369339 It's the shape of Sylveons ears Anonymous
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>>12369365 Ninfia's been confirmed effective against ICE, not a flying type
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looks similar to the Jet Badge from gen v (Skyla's gym - FLYING type)
>>12369370 >>12369365 Burgh would like to speak to you faggots
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>>12369339 I wanted to believe too, Anon, but at this point it's rather inevitable we are getting a new type. I think that shape is supposed to be reminiscent of her ear. They are the exact same shape.
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>>12369365 your tears of denial are delicious. more pls
>>12369381 Since when we trust some asians doing retarded stuff on tv in a program for kids that has nothing to do with nintendo?
>>12369411 >nothing to do with nintendo it's where they often reveal exclusive new info on the games
Kuraimano !8HPOUTJpJA
A new typing was fucking obvious, and no I am not tuning down my belief because there's a tripcode over my head, I never said it was going to be Fairy. Love, Magic etc. seem all viable, might as well be called Buttfuck type. Flyingfags and dualtypingfags and all the other fags are, well, fags. In denial. Whose brain's inner workings I fail to comprehend. And is the reveal tomorrow? Or is this just hype?
>>12369381 >taking smash seriously The first type ever given to Sylveon on smash (by one of the member who guessed) was flying
And what everyone seems to forget it's that at the end of the sequence they said themselves , after the tests, it's that it was hard to guess Sylveon type with these kind of tests.
So, don't take smash too seriously.
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>>12369437 It's in about 5 hours I think.
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>>12369437 The reveal is today on Smash
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>>12369441 >at the end of the sequence they said themselves , after the tests, it's that it was hard to guess Sylveon type with these kind of tests. well gee, maybe that's because it IS impossible to guess the type with the tests they did?
Lillers !7hC4rc6lig
>>12369377 Made this specifically for you. 8D Because it does remind me of it too now, haha.
Sigma !jclrQ5ykSY
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I believe it's going to be either a new type, or normal with a shitty bond gimmick.If they even reveal the type today
Po the Swalot !T.zwpOK2EE
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When I first saw Sylveon, I thought it was going to be a Normal type, level-up evolved form of Eevee. I believe it's most likely going to be Fairy type.
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Don't care about a trip code. Even if I put one on I'm going to get rid of it and it won't matter. I've believed Sylveon was a new type since like a week after it got revealed. It's fucking obvious. Fairy type specifically from the names and the large number of fairy inspired Pokemon.
Quoted By:
>Sylveon is announced on Valentine's day >the pink coloring on the bow just under its head resembles a heart >the region is based on France >Sylveon's eyes look glazed over like its blind. Shakespeare wrote "But love is blind and lovers can not see." >weak to poison (Romeo and Juliet) >strong against dragon (St George and the dragon) >there are already moves like attract, charm, and lovely kiss that fit the theme It's Love type
Quoted By:
>tfw don't know how to screencap, but with the fairybros
Kuraimano !8HPOUTJpJA
>>12369724 it's strong against dragon? when has this been said?
also, add that it might be super effective to ice, in reference to the fact that love is a "warm" thing or burning passion or breaking the ice etc.
still, I'm not supporting any type theories because you can do the same fact-listing thing with Fairy and other types to, and no matter which one has more reaons it's going to be arbitrary anyway, you guys are applying logic to things that are not decided according to that and when you turn out to be accidentally right you are gonna brag like crazy, that's possibly the only truth
>>12369806 >inferring information from a series of hints to the end of seeing the bigger picture >accidentally right namegoeshere
I honestly don't care if there's a new type or not, and I don't have any opinion on whether there will be one. I'm still going to buy the fucking games, and so are all of you. Quit acting like you don't worship GF no matter how much you claim to hate them.
Kuraimano !8HPOUTJpJA
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>>12369870 obligatory comment is obligatory
re-read post
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>>12369724 Also, its tail and ears are all shaped like hearts
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>>12369948 >This. Well said. People always go BAWWWWW DIS SUX NEVER PLAYING POKEMON AGAIN.
Then when October rolls around, they're one of the first ones in line.
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I don't really know honestly. A new type could go either way, as long as I can still transfer my old pokemon I'm good. My only guess on what Sylveon's type will be is that its not going to be dual typed. At least I hope it wont be.
At this time, I am convinced that there will in fact be a new type. I think fairy sounds tall forehead kid retarded, but I'm not going to deny the possibility, even though I would prefer something more unisex like light or magic.
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>>12369806 A recent leak gave away this new type and it's specs. One of the included specs was that it's supereffective against dragon, and immune to it.
The source of the leak did, in fact predict the four new pokemon that were recently revealed, but this is still to be taken as nothing more than a rumor.
Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g
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Up until Pokemon Smash, my belief has always been that Sylveon was a normal type, based on its design being similar to a great deal of normal types, and due to most other types not making sense for it. My current belief is that given the results of Pokemon Smash, it is impossible to argue that a new type will not be introduced, and that in all probability, it might as well be Fairy type, as a Light type has already been argued into the ground, and a Sound type simply has no reason to exist (meanwhile Fairy would be similar to Dragon in its reasoning, and could cover a wide range of Pokemon).
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>>12370037 I'm rooting for light.
I think that it's going to be called "fairy" type only in Japanese, and they'll translate it into something more unisex for the English release.
It's possible
King SharxMan the III
i swear to god if its fairy typing then im going kill my self on oprahs channel while masterbating on the crowd as dr phil yells out what the fuck? good bye everybody!
Stuff !jxUHNd07s.
Quoted By:
I thought it was flying for about 2 days, then I was convinced it was a new type, because it doesn't look like a flying type at all. After weighing the options (fairy or light), I settled on fairy, mainly because there are already a bunch of should-be fairy types out there who can change type just like magnemite. (clefairy, snubbul, etc)
Fenix !/yKMoRDkhI
Quoted By:
I, Fenix, always did hope for a new type. Ever since my misconception about Dark types versus a possible Light type, I've always thought that GF should try to fuck with their formula, to experiment and try new things. New type is probably going to be Fairy, no doubt, but I would be happy with any new type. Perhaps there's going to be a mistranslation again and they're going to localize it to "Light" type, but who knows? I won't be mad if either thing happens, but I also won't be mad if there is no new type. I'm just looking to the past, as I head for the future in this pokemon world, and a new type isn't the worst thing they could do. But I am excited.
The Awe Dude !a2uDFch6hM
Quoted By:
>No new type >There will be a new Hazard >Poison or Fighting type uturn. >No big comp shakeups (no stat changes, no pokes with weather abilities) >Baton-pass will be viable again >The starters will be shit >A physical Blissey-like Pokemon with Unaware that will be at least UU >There will be no Pixie (100 in all stats, event mon, Mew, Celebi, Jiarchi etc.) >Genesect will not be referenced in the Dex (it might be in the game, just no new Pokemon referencing it) Data about it
fagface the 3rd
>>12367535 The new eevee evo* is going to be a fucking the 1st fucking flying/fighting thats what i think she/he'll be disagree? fuck you.
Gym-Guide~kun !!chp1kUKFcgl
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I doubt there is a new type. Not against it, but I doubt it.
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>>12370037 >even though i would prefer something more unisex It's like he's fucking five...
snowmanne !ZcX9l0CMgQ
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I think it will be a new type, and that several old Pokémon will be retyped with it Deep in my heart I still have home for it being Cosmic, but I came to terms with Fairy
>>12367813 See, my problem with Fairy is that it's purported to be strong against Ice. I don't get why GF wants to fuck Ice overe even more...
LittleRedFellow !cCxMGmFgt6
>>12367750 I don't think it'll be a new type. Everyone ITT might be butthurt, but anyone can recognise that feelinara is a pun about feline, or catlike, which would make Sylveon a cat, which has usually been a Normal type(seeing as it doesn't have any clear stuff that refers to a certain type). It doesn't have to be a Fairy type. I personally find it highly unlikely that GF would introduce another type, so late into the franchise, in such a way that they'll only introduce one single type, with one single eeveelution...
Another option is that this is just part of the plan. Very wise words from a tourguide: ''If you look to the left here, you can't see shit on the right''. GF might have a lot more surprises. I don't think it'll be another type though, as they would've created an eeveelution of that type to introduce it as well.
tl;dr Normal or Fairy ; if Fiary, shitstorm soon stalker
LittleRedFellow !cCxMGmFgt6
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>>12370388 Oh, and it doesn't have to be named exactly Fairy, and GF will fuck us all over, and troll us to hell and back.
>>12370388 >Feelinara >Pun on Feline So they make multilangual puns now?
That's so meta.
>>12370477 FEElinara. In German, 'Fee' means Fairy. Google translate it to see for yourself.
Quoted By:
>>12369486 Haha perfect. Though maybe mew and the originals should be flying because changeisbad?
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>>12370477 >FEELinara >love type >tfw no GF LittleRedFellow !cCxMGmFgt6
>>12370496 I'm fucking Dutch, and the word's the same here. I believe ya.
>>12370477 It's a Latin species name(felinae iirc), so it's plausible. Besides, they don't spend as much time on the other languages' translatons as they do on English, the Dutch stuff is just horrid imo.
Quoted By:
>>12370538 Yeah, because I automatically knew you were Dutch from the moment you posted. MY BAD.
Quoted By:
>>12370386 You're getting your info mixed up dude. Smash (Which for the record is the most reliable thing we have to go on) heavily implied Sylveon's type is strong against ice. The Fairy leak doesn't say that. So it's probably going to be strong against Ice no matter what it's called.
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>>12371194 You really are a faggot arent you?
Sylveon is bug type, faggots.
Quoted By:
Dragon type FTW
Dallas Smith
I, Dallas Smith, strongly believe in Sylveon not being any one type at all, but in fact, have its type be decided based on IVs. Yeah. That's right. YOU HEARD ME.
Dallas Smith !VmOOUg7urc
Quoted By:
>>12371722 Sorry, forgot to Trip
I, Dallas Smith, strongly believe in Sylveon not being any one type at all, but in fact, have its type be decided based on IVs.
Yeah. That's right. YOU HEARD ME.
Wisebird !Wjm0aF4zBw
Quoted By:
I wisebird know fairy type will be confirmed because I feel it in my bones.
I, Meeyuhmowtow, strongly believe that sylveon will be a fairy type, based on the French name containing the word nymph.
Meeyuhmowtow !HjtJCUJ4nc
Quoted By:
>>12371826 Forgot trip but yeah its totally a fairy.
Cupanon turtwig
Quoted By:
Wanted Sylveon to be Dragon, but pretty much accepted that it was entirely wishful thinking. Had high hopes for bug, flying, normal, etc. But once the Pokebeach thing came it was sort of impossible to argue no matter how much I didn't like it. Now I'm just hoping the new type is called Cosmic, Mystic, Magic or something in America.
Quoted By:
I, Asshole McGee, know that there will not be any stupid ass fairy type. If anything, Game freak just made some changes to the weakness/SE chart or the pink eevee just has some sort of ability that fucks around with its type.
Randy Wonderfag
I, Randy Wonderfag, being of sound mind and cock in hand, do solemnly state that, its a SOUND type. There will be a sound type and that is that. Randy Wonderfag, out.
poop dog
i poop dog, do believe in fairies! I do! I do!
Tav !A6L4coKy0I
Quoted By:
I, Tav, believed that Sylveon would be a Dragon type back in Febraury when it was revealed. Now I think that there is a really big chance of it being a new type, although Fairy doesn't really sound convincing to me. Either way I'll be fine with whatever type Sylveon ends up being.
Illictu !!8qTQG3ZH7oG
Quoted By:
>>12367535 there is a
light type FleshRibbons
Quoted By:
I, FleshRibbons, was a firm believer that Sylveon would be flying type when it was first revealed. However, due to the large increase in evidence and some solid arguments, I have changed my opinion to be that of fairy type.
I, dwp, have my money on a new type. I'm hoping it's called something other than fairy though
Boss Rush !D1pa5hsojM
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>>12367535 I, Boss Rush, am a flyingfag of the highest order who will drink a bottle of urine with pix if "Fairy" is a fucking thing.
dwp !rpXPoGn8h.
Quoted By:
>>12372010 fuck forgot to trip
Butch !!1S35s3JKGWG
Flying Queen !sex0lQafxY
Quoted By:
I, Flying Queen, think this thread is dumb as shit and no one gives a fuck about either the flyingfags or the fairyfags. Also:>Forgetting that the whole original fairyfags were the ones that first claimed that Sylveon was going to be Normal, until Fairy Queen Hiro, claimed it was going to be Fairy.
Butt Dickingson Cox !PWf0ysM8oc
Quoted By:
I, Butt Dickingson Cox, thought at the beginning it'd be a normal type. I always thought shit like dragon and bug were stupidities, and in the beginning I wouldn't accept a new type. Flying type never felt very reasonable to me. Now though I admit a new type is fairly possible and I'm open to it, though I still find it hard to believe and wouldn't be surprised at all if it didn't happen.
Quoted By:
i already DID screen what i think, even if i didn't trip it
Qball !NIQwfIV9fM
Quoted By:
well when i first saw sylveon i thought it would be a normal type but once i started reading into all the hype regarding its type i came to the conclusion it would be fairy and since then ive been praying for fairy to be a type that counters dragons hard
Lillers !7hC4rc6lig
>>12372038 Nice to meet you, Biff.
I, Pastel, truly believe in my heart of hearts that Sylveon is a new type, but that it won't be Fairy. I have had my mind set on this from the start, and will be hard pressed to believe even a reveal.
Cel !Td2Aj1bGp.
Quoted By:
I've always thought Sylveon would be a new type because it doesn't seem to fit in with any existing type. I never participated in the debate, but I believe Fairy type will happen.
Pastel !0TAM/h2i7I
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>>12372152 Captcha stole my trip when it broke.
>>12372038 Get Brad's name right assholes!
poop dog !Z6AC0BdjJ2
Butch !!1S35s3JKGWG
Quoted By:
>>12372139 >>12372164 >Butch ;_; On another note, if your speculations are wrong, what will you guys do?
WPM !!5uvaFmYRWsP
poop dog !Z6AC0BdjJ2
Quoted By:
>>12372038 why is everyone giving Ben such a hard time?
Sylvia !8vtx.bTq3M
Quoted By:
Ever since Sylveon was revealed I thought it was going to be a new type. I admit at first I was rooting for light type, but fairy seems to be the correct answer now.
Quoted By:
I think Light is more of a possibility than fairy... that being said, I think it's going to be flying.
Why does this thread have 246 replies? Why? Why, why why why why why why why Why why
>HURR SCREENCAP UR POINTLESS ANONYMOUS GUESS AT A POSSIBLE NEW GAME FEATURE SO U CAN GET I WAS RIGHT INTERNET POINTS THAT DON'T EXIST I'm never coming back to this board.>don't let ur door hit urass on the way out It fucking won't.
>>12372269 Because people want to be able to say "I told you so, look at me I'm right an you are wrong"
poop dog !Z6AC0BdjJ2
Quoted By:
>>12372284 yea right nigga
Batman !!FpcDNgnxfSB
Quoted By:
I, Batman, believe that fairy-type is a thing.
>>12372292 This is the most immature thread I have ever seen on this entirety of this site.
Even a thread completely dedicated to dubs shitposting would be less childish and pointless than this thread.
OP is fucking deplorable.
>>12372317 Flyingfag?
Quoted By:
>>12372381 It's one thing to playfully speculate about whether or not there will be a new type.
It's another thing to have a thread entirely dedicated to meaningless screen caps.