>>12378288Defensively it is quite amazing, especially in-game, which is what GF is gearing their games towards, meta shit is done by we the people. Offensively, it has amazing neutral coverage and is only resisted by Dark, and Steel, which resists damn near everything, and hits itself and Psychic for 2x, with Psychic being in a slightly higher stance, like Dragon. Their BSTs are based on in-game, where most of them are psuedo-legendary or legendary, giving them higher natural average BST.
>>12378297leave out the >in this case
>>12378300Smash said it was not the same type as a pre-existing Eeveelution. Grass =/= Grass + X. That's like saying Arcanine and Reshiram are the same type because they're both part fire.
>>12378308The first part of that is correct, and I'll stand down on that, but the point I was originally making in the post still stands as to use the translated name, not the Romanized name, as it's more direct. The second part I also was told off on and I will link it here:
>>12374886 which pretty much says it's not a direct translation of the type. it's something to do with it, which would give more credit to my theory of the Grass + X.
Which leads me to the rest, which I explain in an above argument. And I originally said in my first post that I'm sick of the debates, and am trying to be a medium. In it I also say that everything fairy-type or typechart changing related is possible, just more unlikely than not.
>>12378319Poison is great defensively. Some are offensive (Dragon, Fire), some are defensive (Poison, Steel), and some are in the middle (Ghost, Water)