Throh: performs a circle throw on the oponent, rolling along with him with enough force to end the move standing on top of the opponent
Sawk: Stomps the floor making two small rock pillars emerge, making the opponent fall on them with a rigid body, then uses brick break in on the oponent.
Mienshao: uses its long apendages to block the opponents vision and delivers a punch right into the stomach, recovers one third of the damage dealt
Medicham: Uses mind reader, works as a counter move triggered by an opponents atack
shows an animation of medicham quickly evading the move and counters it with zen headbutt.
Lucario: Pretty much a renamed hadouken.
poliwrath: Uses the pattern on its stomach to hypnotize the opponent and takes its time to deliver a dynamic punch
Heracross: hits the oponent a few times with the horn, then situates himself ground level with the horn rip directly under the oponent and lifts him, trowing itself backwards and smashing the opponent into the ground