>>12382966I used a rain dance team of Kingdra, Lanturn, and Ludicolo. So many teams are easily beaten by Kingdra alone. Kingdra had Surf, Icebeam, Dragonbreath (solely for other kingdras and), and rotated between Rain Dance and Toxic (for Shednija, other waters, and Blissey). Ludicolo had Surf, Icebeam, Rain Dance, and Toxic. Lanturn and Thunderbolt, Surf, Icebeam, and Toxic. Seems like a lot of redundancy but it meant that most random hax surely won't destroy the team. And the coverage gained with Surf/Icebeam is surprisingly powerful, since NPC water types are really the only ones who stop it and most of those are not threats at all. Team also allowed for very quick matches and is easy to build if you can get a hold of the extra icebeam TMs. Lanturn is the one switched out the most (usually for Heracross) for things that aren't the Tower/Dome.