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Well, they could've delayed him for a good long time even if they continued to show him getting stronger. Even with Tobias, they only showed two legendaries. Imagine getting to see the entire team, maybe even stronger legends. Even upon winning the League, they could spend time on the E4 and Champion. Then there's the REAL World Tournament. I honestly cannot see anything beyond winning that, though, not unless they can somehow rig a fight against 6 Arceus. (I know it doesn't make sense, that's the point) They could even delay each step for a number of years since they kept him at the top 8 for 2 leagues. Technically 3 since I think he finished in the 8 in Unova too. There was still a small improvement from Johto to Hoenn, though since he lost against a guy who lost to the winner in Johto, and in Hoenn, he lost to the guy who won the whole tournament. Unova isn't an improvement in any sense of the word, though. My point is they could've done that just as well as this doggone BS retcon. True, they couldn't keep doing that forever because there does have to eventually be a limit to how far progression can go. I think that is why they ultimately elected to go the retcon path since it's easier to go back to an earlier state than to risk running out of ways to delay him.