I'm so glad this thread is here, I just got all my Pokemon together for the Battle Frontier
I calculated a bunch of stuff like the Frontier Brain's Pokemon/weakness, overall stats and moves learned and this is what I came up with (No legendaries though, and everyone's preferances are probably different)
Tell me what you think, it's my first time using EVs and actually playing competitively.
Aggron: 228 HP/252 ATK/ 28 Sp. Atk
Rock Slide, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Flamethrower
Starmie: 240 HP/240 SpA/ 28 Speed
Surf, thunderbolt, rapid spin, recover
Breloom: 52 HP/ 252 ATK/ 204 Speed
Sky Uppercut, Spore, Substitute, Leech Seed
Swellow 4HP/252 ATK/ 252 Speed
Aerial Ace, Double Edge, Endevour, Facade
Hariyama: 96 ATK/ 192 Def/ 192 Sp.Def/ 128 Speed
Knock Off, Rock Slide, Seismic Toss, Brick Break
Metagross: 252 HP/236 ATK/ 12 Def
Meteor Mash, Rock Slide, Explosion, Earthquake
Sableye: 76 HP/ 252 ATk/ 180 Speed
Shadowball, Taunt, Brickbreak, Fake Out
Claydol: 252 HP/ 216 Def/ 40 Sp. Def
Rapid Spin, Earthquake, Psychic, Ice Beam
Obv. not using them all for each building, doing teams based on what they're good at.
Thinking of doing Dome with Starmie, Metagross and Breloom. Good Idea?