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Battle Subway Shit.

!W40SpdmeU2 No.12413770 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Doesn't this battle mode just grind your gears?
Tell me your every story you know about this mode's shit happenings, i'll start:
>Be in a 43 Win streak
>close to Subway boss for the very first time
>Killer team
Technician Hitmontop, Priotity moves
Eviolite, Downoad Porygon 2. fucking tank bro.
Multi-scale Dragonite. Attack oriented.
Guts Conkeldurr. flame orb, bulk up set.
>first turn whiscash and donphan vs. Hitmontop and Porygon 2
>Fake the shit out of wishcash and ice beam donphan's jimbobs.
>sturdy. FISSURE against porygon. SUCCES.

(it was the only way to take it out, right nintendo?)

The battle goes on. a fucking wailord gets into the battle. blizzards my pokes in three turns, exept for conkeldurr.
>Fuck this Po has this.
>1vs1 conk has +1 Bulk up.
>first turn in this 1 vs 1 y select drain punch to flip this whale's shit.
>Wailord is faster than Conkeldurr?
>Hidropump can't take me down,
>Critical. fucking. hit.
>Full HP conkeldurr faints in just one hit.
>Go apeshit.

Damn. every fucking time.
has this mode Chomped your Charlies?