>>12425345More diverging evolutions for older pokemon or at least give some to the old starters. (simmilar evolution to the wormadam tree) Imagine Charmeleon evolves depending on the location into Charizard with different typing and stat distribution, so it's Fire/flying (special attacker) in mountains, Fire/Dark(speedy special with high SpD) in woods, Fire/dragon(Physicall attacker with most of the SpA stats redistributed into defense) in caves.
For Blastoise - Pure water in water, Water/steel in cave (lower speed and higher SpA), water ground (lower SpA higer Att) in field.
Venasaur - Grass/poison in woods, Grass/rock(High defense,low speed, lower SpA and high Att) in cave, Grass/ghost (pure speciall attacker, all Att stats relocated into HP)in local graveyard.
Simmilary apply to other gen starters at least.