[159 / 4 / ?]
Hey, /vp/. Basically i'm bored of my pokemon white2 save and I have quite a hefty amount of shinies on it. Now I honestly don't care for shinies as I tend to prefer the originals and I only keep them for 'status'. But since i'm starting a new save I propose you can have them since I don't care, i'm only keeping one or two that I like. None of the ones i'm offering are trained yet and are the same as when I caught them. I'll post the list of ones I have in my next post but basically post here with your friend code and whoever gets trips gets a shiny of their choice free. Cool. Also I don't know what their IVs are like by the way, never checked, never cared. I only got them from luck or trades. Pic unrelated.
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>>12468586 Gonna need a pokecheck op
ShinyGuy !61OxU/9OfU
>>12468586 The mons I have are as follows:
Entei (event)
Suicune (event)
Genesect (event)
I believe I have more on my Diamond and Platinum versions but i'm not sure. I'll have to find it.
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Do you by chance have a poliwag with its hidden ability. I need dat drizzle yo.
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>>12468623 i'll take that genesect
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>>12468586 thats a silverman drawing if I ever saw one!
me !fF4AGV9pQg
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0347 0313 7103 i'll go for the eevee. if it's for free i'll pokecheck it myself :D
ShinyGuy !61OxU/9OfU
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Guys so it's fair and I don't choose post with your friend code or with a trip and if you get trips you get to pick a pokemon from the list ok.
>>12468586 I'll take that Scraggy off your hands!
ShinyGuy !61OxU/9OfU
>>12468666 Ohhh trips! But, anon! You didn't mention your friend code or use trips! Sorry...
me !fF4AGV9pQg
Quoted By:
0347 0313 7103 rolling for eevee
me !fF4AGV9pQg
0347 0313 7103 eevee! do we have to post our FC and what we want each time, or now that i've done it once and i'm using a trip am i good to just keep rolling?
me !fF4AGV9pQg
Quoted By:
0347 0313 7103 eevee a 777 get approaches
ShinyGuy !61OxU/9OfU
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>>12468726 Keep rolling or whatever but make sure that whatever post you're hoping to get trips with has your friendcode or trip and if it's just your friend code then specify what you want
ShinyGuy !61OxU/9OfU
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I'm gonna sleep now. I'll check out the thread tomorrow morning and give people what they get should they get trips and stuff
me !fF4AGV9pQg
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ah right, cool. so this tripcode is attached to the FC i've been posting (0347 0313 7103) and i'd like the eevee! from now on i'll just post something like 'rolling' or something.
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OP's a huge faggot. These "rules" are ridiculous. Just give out your shitty shinies and move on.
me !fF4AGV9pQg
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oh. fuck that, i'm not gonna keep this thread open til tomorrow. thanks anyway! :D
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>trips I can literally give away any shiny to anyone who wants one, for free
>>12468586 Never done this before, what do I do to participate in this event?
>inb4newfag Lucas - 0090 3088 6977
>>12468623 yo op I'll take ANY of them. I'd prefer the Lotad or Scraggy but I'll take any!
4041 6736 2426
Quoted By:
rolling for lotad
Kid !/1pcDJ2UPo
Quoted By:
rollan 4 Eevee
anon !I94GMMnlgM
>>12468845 my FC is 1679 4584 8429
Lucas - 0090 3088 6977
>>12468851 rolling for lotad/scraggy
Paprika !Eop0AfTkHY
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
that cranidos would be awesome
Lucas - 0090 3088 6977
>>12468623 Can I get my hands on that Suicune?
I wanna surprise my girlfriend with it
Lucas - 0090 3088 6977
>>12468999 >>12469000 Yo, OP neither of them asked for scraggy or lotad so just hmu
>>12468623 Hey OP, your Burmy is male or female? I'd like to adopt it if male.
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Rollin on eevee, cuz shit yea
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>>12468586 Wouldn't mind having that Cranidos or Lairon, but any is fine by me.
2578 4461 1360
Paprika !Eop0AfTkHY
>>12469019 i'll take eevee
Nate 2065 6960 7634 Black2
>>12469012 Oh sorry forgot my friend code
3354 4502 2664
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12468932 You need to post with your friend code in as a name
CheeseLettuce [W: 3654-9972-1015]
>>12468623 I would sure love that shiny Eevee, that would make my night, Shinyguy
Quoted By:
>>12469059 aight thanks, what do I do to receive a pokemon?
CheeseLettuce [W: 3654-9972-1015]
CheeseLettuce [W: 3654-9972-1015]
Quoted By:
>>12469081 takin' a last swing for eevee
0090 3174 0723
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>>12468623 The Suicune would be nice :D
0090 3174 0723
Acho 1679 4584 8429
>>12468586 Would like to get that Entei please or which ever one is available.
anon !I94GMMnlgM
Quoted By:
Rerollan for Eevee
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469054 I can give you the suicune if you want I have no intention of using it myself and it'd be better off in your hands
also role for quagsire
Paprika !Eop0AfTkHY
Quoted By:
>>12469019 >>12469051 or if you need 4 gen
Gold 5371 3569 7982 HeartGold
Quoted By:
>>12468623 I'd like that shiny Houndour or Lotad or Cranidos
0090 3174 0723
>>12469117 3354 4502 2664 T
Thank you muchly sir!
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469154 No problem, shiny suicune isn't that different to regular suicune, I have dupes of shiny charmander if you'd rather that.
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
>>12469107 rollin'
Also how does one receive a pokemon when doing this?
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>>12469166 I'd take a shiny Charmander.
0090 3174 0723
>>12469166 It's fine I'll have the Suicune. My girlfriend would be quite pleased with it
Acho 1679 4584 8429
>>12469166 I'd take a shiny charmander too
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469195 well I'm in the wifi room now
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469222 Sorry about the wasted trips gais first one to reply to this post gets the shiny, so long as OP agrees of course.
Jason W2: 3354-2478-1596
Quoted By:
>>12469166 yo lemme hold that shiny charmander
Acho 1679 4584 8429
0090 3174 0723
>>12469227 I'm flying in. I can trade you any starter if you want
Jason W2: 3354-2478-1596
1292 8324 6712
Quoted By:
rolling for entei
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
Quoted By:
>>12469233 shit thought that was me for some reason nvm ignore that
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469243 any dex filler will do, I have all the starters
5330 0754 9753
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>>12469027 Hey OP, can I have your Burmy?
Quoted By:
Rolling for Eevee!
Jason W2: 3354-2478-1596
>>12469257 can i have one of your shiny charmander? please!
Rolling for Genesect again.
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
>>12469233 its ok, should i just be in the Union room from now until OP delivers?
Paprika !Eop0AfTkHY
Quoted By:
>>12468999 i'll take eevee
2065 6960 7634 Black2
5371 3569 7982 HeartGold
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469274 Sure. Let me trade with the other guy first
0090 3174 0723
>>12469227 I'm in the wifi room. Dun see anything though
Jason W2: 3354-2478-1596
Quoted By:
>>12469292 awesome, i love you!!!!
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469307 Prehaps I put your code in wrong gimmie a sec
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
>>12469257 Can I hove one too please?
0090 3174 0723
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>>12469353 Sometimes it just doesn't work the first time I find. I'm rejoining.
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>>12468623 Can I get vannilite please?
Kabuto !!Inv4qn2n+2N
Kabuto !!Inv4qn2n+2N
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
>>12468586 >>12469107 rolling for that Entei
yo dawg 3Sx53-3dsce
rolling for possible shiny
Kabuto !!Inv4qn2n+2N
yo dawg 3Sx53-3dsce
Quoted By:
>>12469415 fucked up the trip :( re roll
Jason W2: 3354-2478-1596
0090 3174 0723
>>12469353 Thank you so much :D :D
shinyroll 4642 8055 2826
>>12469453 No problem.
To the guy I said I'd give my charmander to I'm so sorry but I can't right now because my roomate is mad at me because I'm moving around from my room where my laptop is and the hall where I can get wifi and it's 01:30 in the morning here. I promise I can give it you at midday GMT tomorrow if this thread is still alive.
Jason W2: 3354-2478-1596
Quoted By:
>>12469490 it's ok, give it to somebody else.
Leo 2578 4461 1360
Quoted By:
>>12469166 I'll be pretty bummed if I don't get a bite of that shiny 'mander
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
Rolling for that Entei
Leo 2578 4461 1360
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>>12469292 It's weird, my 3ds keeps telling me your FC is wrong
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
rolling for that Entei
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Rolling for genesect
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i want that genesect. not that ill get trips
Quoted By:
Rolling. Is OP here still?
>>12468623 Rolleando for Genesect
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>>12470372 Rolleando for Genesect
Zach B2: 1894-1648-7994
>>12468623 >>12468623 OH SWEET JESUS I NEED THAT ENTEI
Zach B2: 1894-1648-7994
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
rolling for that Entei
Paprika !Eop0AfTkHY
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>>12471040 went to sleep, said he'd check in the morning
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Rolling for dat Genesect
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>>12468601 rolling for genesect
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>>12468623 god damn i need that genesect
Quoted By:
alright well its worth a shot
0819 9048 0344
Quoted By:
roll for genesect
Quoted By:
>>12468623 Genesect rolling
0819 9048 0344
Quoted By:
>>12468586 genesect rolling
Kenly !IWWqFC.oLY
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Rerollan for Vannilite
FranKie (B2: 2495~3046~5939) !mXYWAz9zZU
Quoted By:
>>12468623 rolling for shiny entei
Liam - b2 - 0390 8698 2942
>>12468586 OP, my girlfriends bday is coming up and I know it might sound dumb, but I'd love to surprise her with a shiny Vaporeon, her fav poke.
Could I snag that Eevee from you bro?
Quoted By:
>>12468623 Is the Eevee female?
If so, rolling.
TK FC: 3998-5583-7375 !q/nk9phXW6
Quoted By:
>>12468586 Rolling for shiny Eevee
1808 0062 3451
meh, let's give it a try suicune would be neat
1808 0062 3451
1808 0062 3451
Quoted By:
>>12473662 so close, re-roll
1808 0062 3451
>>12473662 almost there, re-roll
1808 0062 3451
>>12473665 c'mon now, re-roll
1808 0062 3451
Quoted By:
>>12473704 Rolling one more time, I really want that eevee and/or houndour.
FranKie (B2: 2495~3046~5939) !mXYWAz9zZU
>>12473704 Rolling for Entei, Suicune, or Eevee.
FranKie (B2: 2495~3046~5939) !mXYWAz9zZU
FranKie (B2: 2495~3046~5939) !mXYWAz9zZU
FranKie (B2: 2495~3046~5939) !mXYWAz9zZU
1421 4735 5801
Quoted By:
Rolling for Eevee. Though, seems the thread started poofed...
Quoted By:
Rolling. Need Genesect for Dex data.
2237 7898 5630
>>12473233 your girlfriends a fat dog.
3096 7417 4784
3096 7417 4784
ROLLON AGAIN. Is OP even still here?
3096 7417 4784
Quoted By:
>>12474033 I GOT DOUBLES! Aint no nigga getting trips dawg.
Acho 1679 4584 8429
Quoted By:
>>12469107 >>12469107 rolling for the entei
Quoted By:
>>12468623 lets keep rollan rollan rollan
Liam - b2 - 0390 8698 2942
Quoted By:
>>12474026 hahaha oh I love when people insult others and their girlfriends.
Bro, just because you're a fat fuck who lives with his mother, doesn't mean you have to be so mad.