http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=159 Wiki:
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/CAPX_Wiki Forums:
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php ?
Current Demo of the Game:
http://www.mediafire.com/?1de4t4u3yqg6z1z Current Comments Pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1XSUpMgD Right now we need:
>Design Revisions (For Pokemon with less then 66% approval rating) >Region details & Mapping >Names (Make sure to add your ideas to the wiki or forum!) >Sprites >Movepools, Stats & Abilities >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain about the starters, don't.
Ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>All submissions are closed at this time! >Pokemon with Green Arrows are ready design wise to go in game, they can still be changed but your time is much better spent elsewhere. >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. >Yes, we are making this a game, and we're using RPG Maker to do it. >The dex has low quality images, check the wiki for better quality. >Spriters need to stop making the sprites direct copies of the art! They need to make sure they are facing the right way! > If you do not like a design give constructive criticism so we know best how to change it! >We are really trying to capture the spirit of Pokemon games. We want to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for any Pokemon player. Clash's art folder:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g0exdjc1rdlkg4z/dZAAdIcVGB Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far:
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
Post your ideas and concepts for the Ice Gyme Leader here:
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=300 The deadline is May 30th!
Please vote in the following surveys!
Oil Rig Follow Up:
https://www.surveymon key.com/s/oilr ig2
Pokedex Follow Up:
https://www.surveymonk ey.com/s/po kedexes2
Name Survey Follow Up:
https://www.surveymon key.com/s/seas lugsnames2
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1st for pottle
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>>12472397 >less than a month away more like less than last thread away
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>>12472397 Macabra is spanish for macabre (female).
This sprite has been bugging the hell out of me. Made his body thicker and fixed up his face some.
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>>12472625 Tell me about it. There are a lot of things wrong with that sprite. Wish someone would just make a new one entirely.
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>>12472616 Looks like a kid stand on another kids shoulders.
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>>12472699 Yeah, the coat really shouldn't button down as far as it does.
If I was any better at making trainer sprites from scratch I'd try to make a new one myself...this was one of the earliest trainer sprites that was made I think
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>>12472739 some bugs fly high in the air. but straight lining moonstones and doing pull-ups every morning i have evolved passed their devious tactics.
also lol my patch has bees
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>12472739 gary what the fuck are you doing
>>12472397 >Higgs Bosom lel
>>12472811 tits.jpg
I cannot begin to understand why people vote for that
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>>12472816 Isn't the name actually Bozom?
we must never show this to /sci/ Anonymous
>>12472816 especially Higgz... It sound like some painfully bad white-guy suburb-rapper..
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12472811 The sea slug name with Andromeda doesn't make sense either. Why can't people look more into names before they vote on them. If I don't know much about it I rather opt to just not vote for those certain Pokemon.
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>>12472816 >>12472833 >>12472841 >>12472870 It's odd, you seldom see people in the threads say "well, I voted for it because of [list of reasons]." Or even telling the critics to fuck off. Yet they apparently comprise a plurality. How is that? They can't ALL be above responding to derision.
>>12472870 Gastromeda I can live with because you can see the connection and the other names are just not very good
the atom names not only do not reflect the mon, but are deviantart-tier one letter changes to (misspelled by the way) irrelevant physics buzzwords
there will be a run-off because there are 3+ choices for each, right? Anonymous
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>>12472898 i feel we need purely non-nonsensical names at times for some of them. things that make less sense but work better as pokemon names
>>12472870 What's more, I, even though I've always been an advocat for the "we don't need to do what gf does, and traditions shouldn't matter"-idea, I think just taking a name and changing s to z is just too un-pokemon-like.
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>>12472959 It's a bunch of fucking 12 year old kids stuffing the ballots is what it is. I can not rationalize how anyone can consider those good names and have at least basic scientific knowledge.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12472959 I agree, hopefully the names will go to runoffs and since this has been brought up and is an issue people will vote differently. Although You still can change you vote everyone out there.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
So this is from Dex (Dex is having problems posting)
Oh boy this is late as hell and I apologize for it. It's been a hectic last few days.
All other lines I haven't touched (like the golems) are going to be on a new image I'm about to make right now. So besides those, am I missing anything?
http://i.imgur.com/UtPwSue.jpg Anonymous
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>>12473099 lol my pos dragon/bug evo is in there. was hoping to inspire an artfag.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
Also here is the RESULTS of the last redesign survey! Which some of the runoffs are in the previous picture!
https://www.mediafire.com/view/uwtf8a9r43suwhl/Survey%281%29.pdf I shall work on updating dex and wiki with winners!
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>>12473127 damn guess i was only person that like maroon magowl.
>>12473127 added 4 test pages because people wanted route pages. for organization. check them out and well add from your datas if you could.(and menu them in somewhere if you approve)
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>>12473199 to wiki... got ahead of self.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12473199 I saw those! They look really good so far! Thank you!
Any idea on how you want them linked? I can make a new sub catagory in the bar. But should it just be a long list of them all? I guess it wouldn't matter a whole lot for now since there is only a few. And later on we can get a better organization of them down.
>>12472397 A shitload of those maps have been made already.
All this endless revising is really annoying for mappers and that's why we have so little of them
>>12473211 yeah didn't fill them out too much because i thought maybe convo guys could plan it out to trainers on maps. might want to make room for the interiors in each map(buildings)
maybe to the map page with the built maps just being a mark on each location on the map. also left it open for the music guys becuase i did try to find how to link soundcloud onto a wiki but only yt work(wanted to add poke-sounds to wiki the other day)
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>>12473226 endless revising? you mean custom tiles or what? most revising is plot or poke. map is just terrain to deal with this kinda of stuff. we can always switch new tiles into old ones for houses and pokecenters and so forth.
Are we doing walking pokemon?
>>12473272 we have maybe 10% done. so most likely not unless some people get busy. or if spriters get bored after we finish spriting the dex. but for legondaries will maybe have to have over world animations of some kind.
>>12473282 I am one of the guys working on them, and like I always say, I will continue to make them until they are all done, but the timeline of two people making a sheet for every mon in the dex might not be reasonable.
ps there are more done than you think because I dump them in groups now, but no it is definitely not 10% yet don't give up hope Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12473231 Well for now I just added them into the navigation bar under Region. They can be organized and stuff later. I also updated wiki with all winning designs.
>>12473327 Maybe ones the majority of sprites are done, if some of the spriters are willing to learn how to make overworlds they can? I know they must be a big jump in difficulty and time though.
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>>12473339 I was making a guide to animating them earlier, and I ended up expanding it a bit into making them, so I can post that when I finish it
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>>12473099 >http://i.imgur.com/UtPwSue.jpg The poodle moths are going to shit, as is basilect. That platypus evo has potential, but right now it looks awful. I hope to god none of these get in.
People who vote are idiots. Some of these redesigns are literally abortions
>>12473976 > people who vote are idiots Anonymous
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>>12473976 >literally stop acting like you know the definition of that word because apparently you do not
Chameleohm? Seriously ? When ? Was it surveyed? Boltilian ftw
>>12474102 Who the fuck even submitted that name, we can at least resurvey them right? I mean shit I voted the actually good sea slug names and these fuckers are are voting for "hurr durr andromeda sounds kewl"
>>12474321 If enough people call for a revote Ill do one. Though Bozom will kinda fit if that multiple molecule design wins. I do hope it wins. Im tired of my mothers atom beig in the dex
>>12474356 The one with the angry and happy faces right?
>>12474356 You do know that bosom is a word for tits right?
>>12474356 shouldn't that be runoffs anyway?
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>>12474368 >>12474379 >>12474383 Yes runoffs and >thatsthejoke.png
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>>12472397 >Higgz isn't winning >Bozom is The disparity is probably due to morons wanting boob jokes. Considering how many people want every single NPC to be the long-lost daughter of an elite four with a tragic past and various other really dumb ideas, this doesn't surprise me but it does highly disappoint
>>12474309 >Boltanything >A good name Cry more
>>12473099 >Basilisect has Sugimori'd art that looks good >the shitty middle stage is probably the only problem >the other versions (final) are all terrible >They fail to match color scheme at all >inb4 hurr dragonite Well, people tend to vote based on art anyway whether they know it or not, so the higher quality art will likely win out and keep the line in tact.
>>12474579 But I love the middle stage...
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>>12474587 I don't mind it but it doesn't really transition the evo's well.
Bagon's head thing becomes the entire Shelgon, which them gets reduced the the belly of Salamence, which makes perfect sense. Right now the color schemes don't really match up and there isn't a consistent theme throughout the whole line.
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>>12474542 >Chameleon based mon named Chameleohm > Boltanything is better Anonymous
Why are the trolls and the penguins so strong? Aren't they meant to be found early?
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>>12474630 The penguin evo has an horrible typing. The good stats make up for it.
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>>12474630 What is a penguin
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>>12474630 A better question is: How did the penguins get in?
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>>12474630 They're ice types man. God knows they need something to help them out
What are the lanterns based on specifically?
>>12474724 Paper lanterns.
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>>12474738 Like the ones used in pic related, right? I think it fits perfectly: obon lantern (oblong) evolves into zhongyuanjie lantern (roughly spherical like the lotus lanterns IRL). Also, it makes sense that it should appear in a SA-inspired Pokédex because Brazil has the largest celebration of obon outside Japan.
Just looking for reasons to make this a support Pokémon. DURRtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
>>12474579 W-why are Clash using my shitty unfinalized
recolors concepts of basilect?
Plz Clash, dont poll them
and monkesuma, is comkeldurr/machamp again
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>>12475058 m8 he complainin about the monkeys with the gold chains
Dex Survey !c3FtBquQFA
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>>12475015 Do you not want them in? I'll leave it out for now if you want.
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So the deadline for the "demo" is in two days right? Do we still need the iguanas middle evo sprite?
Dex Survey !c3FtBquQFA
https://www.surveymon key.com/s/R evision5
Not everything's in here, but I'll have another survey out maybe today, or tomorrow. Enjoy everyone.
>>12475102 When does this one close out btw
Dex Survey !c3FtBquQFA
>>12475202 In about 48 hours.
Also, there were a lot less leftover redesigns than I thought. Anything else left over?
We should fix the elephant's attack stat
>>12475265 We should cull the elephant.
>>12475283 We should cull you.
>>12475300 we shud cul ur mum lmao
>>12474379 You know Argibi looks like a dick, right?
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>>12475323 That's why it's the signature mon of the
Festival Boys .
>>12475317 Ironic shitposting is still shit posting
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>12475323 WOAH
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12475489 GET YOUR BUTT INT HIS STREAM DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>12475496 Moose is streaming again?!
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12475531 Nope. A friend of mine~ I might later. There's not much left to stream in terms of redesigns,,,,,,,,
I never stopped streaming, either. Lately it's been movies, though >>12475526 Good. I called you earlier and saw no reply!
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
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>>12475583 livestream slash moosefriend
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Oh gosh you guys filled up so many sprites while I was gone. Everything looks so wonderful!
>>12475679 pls fix Huricanine's backsprite
The posture is just so awkward
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>>12475679 pls fix Huricanine's backsprite
The posture is just so awkward
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>>12472668 better artwork for the shaman
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12475721 Eh? Okay, I guess I can try fixing it. I wanna see if I can fix this damn Iguadium sprite first.
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>>12475679 pls fix Huricanine's backsprite
The posture is just so awkward
>http://i.imgur.com/z0Jx6oZ.jpg Guys, for the hat rats why not have different colors based on gender, or even randomly?
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>>12475844 So it would be like Spinda with it's randomly generated spots? But to a more limited degree?
>>12475896 i like the hea! the hoofs not so much
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>>12475896 >>12475903 oh and i'd avoid the fire horns
>>12475234 thanks for letting those basilects out
Im working on an less humanoid version of the second Erace I did
Also, a babilonian
not really eronze on the way
Where are you gonna do this survey?
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>>12475234 >>12475912 Give Erace B the body (not including the neck) of Erace A
>>12472668 Doesn't the DJ have two other designs?
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>>12475942 Yeah but that one honking faggot who has the image is still out so we wait.
I've seen an aquilior sprite in some threads that is much better than the one on the wiki. Does anyone have that?
>>12475981 You mean warquila?
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>>12476001 no god no. take that vile thing away
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>>12476001 The other warquila is much better
I'd be happy to do some writing for you all, i can do dex entries or signs or whatever. Let me know what you want me to write and I can whip up a sample
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>>12476001 Finally it has knees
>>12476018 Dex entries for early route pokemon?
>>12476027 sure give me some names and a bit of background info (or is this all on the wiki?)
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12476045 It's all on the wiki!
Can someone give the current Warquila the knees he knees of
>>12476001 ?
>>12476079 okay browsing through the wiki - a lot of the mons on "mons that need dex entries" have dex entries already.
and the ones that don't have entries don't have any sort of info - inspiration for the pokemon's design etc.
but hey here's an attempt for you. let me know how offbase it feels haha.
"Cairup - This energetic Pokemon's psychic abilities are still developing. It learns by watching others."
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>>12476099 And remove that ring on its arm that
>>12476112 Cobrasect (please feel free to criticize, I can correct accordingly)
The hypnotic dance of the Cobrasect is powerful enough to subdue even humans. It is said they can manipulate feelings.
>>12476145 Cobrascet is now the prevo's name, actually. I'm pretty sure.
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>>12476161 oh. then this is the dex entry for the evo, just ot be clear
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12476161 Survey for it hasn't closed yet.
>>12476145 More I suppose!
Pottles claim empty pots as their armor. Pots broken during its life are summarily replaced. One Pottle will scavenge nearly fifty pots in its lifetime.
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Fawning spend their time leaping along rockfaces to strengthen their legs. Llamarsh long legs allow them to run great speeds and jump long distances. They fence with their developing horns. A single Buckston commands a pack of Llamarsh and Fawning. They use their large horns to intimidate foes.
>>12476238 Trikotta
Trikotta came into being when Pottle learned to preserve its armor. The spikes on its vines keep predators at bay.
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Guys while at the museum today I found Moose!!! Also I snagged some pics of some stuff we should work with for the project too
Monkey 1 [these guys really need names] sleeps 18 hours a day. During this time it meditates intensely. Monkey 2 do not require their eyes to see, they are able to sense any foes with their intuition.
>>12476280 Terrorcotta
This savage Pokemon has a tendancy to raid gardens, absorbing nutrients from other plants with its spiky vines.
>>12476288 We really need something like this ingame. The person standing btw is about 5'11.
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>>12476304 Quibble
Because of their tendency to pick a fight with anyone, Quibbles have no more than two nestmates.
>>12476310 What even is that?
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>>12476327 Ancient aztec battle frisbee. They were launched out of something like those disk-throwing toys you can get.
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Skullarva reside in messy undergrowth and dark woods. They lurk and feed to continue growth. Maskoon are said to be agents of death. The faces on their pupa are said to be the faces of the dead. Mortasque fly at high speeds, collecting nectar and leaving spores for germinating plants. They use their large wings to fend off predators and protect their young.
>>12476325 Thats possibly lake city btw. The next couple are random mons we can draw inspiration for flairees from
>>12476327 A calendar I think
>>12476304 Quibble
Because of their tendency to pick a fight with anyone, Quibbles have no more than two nestmates. In the wild, it is rare that a Quibble survives to adulthood. (or its final evolutionary form, not sure to how put that)
>>12476345 While youre on topic
>>12476345 Cardinite eggs must incubate in higher temperatures than other bird Pokemon. It is said that the warmer the Cardinite egg is kept, the stronger it will be.
>>12476365 Phlask
Phlasks are born from failed science experiments. The green glow they emit comes from tears shed by scientists.
(too cheesy?)
>>12476379 A little, but I like the basic concept.
>>12476379 Noxial
Having been exposed to extreme temperatures, Noxial are the ultimate survivalists, even able to use fire to strengthen themselves.
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>>12476390 these guys are probably my favorite so far. i want them to have a kickass backstory/creepy pokedex entry lol
>>12476356 Turkistador doesn't looks like a turkey at all
>>12476395 Fumighast are created when the same experiment has failed three times. They follow their creator around, tormenting them until they go insane.
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>>12476412 Hahahhahahaha i took that just for you anon
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>>12476412 The head's different, but I don't see any other notable divergence.
>>12476415 I have a question about
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/Minarac is that supposed to look like a berry on its back? Could use it for pokedex entry
>>12476412 Bisharp doesnt look like a bishop at all
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>>12476457 i mean is the thorax supposed to look like a berry.
cos then i could do:
"Minarac dig holes designed to leave themselves half exposed. Any predator who tries to take a bite of their berry-shaped thorax will find themselves at the business end of a Minarac stinger."
>>12476446 Its butt is based on a cyclocosmia's flat butt and a tunnel boring machine
>>12476452 >This looks nothing like a shitty surveyors head Its pokemon man, no need for massive autism on the likeness to its real life counterpart
>>12476452 maybe its because Bisharp is not named after bishop?
Turkistador is named after a turkey. It's described as a turkey-based mon.
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>>12476415 It is unknown how Gravollum are able to levitate, considering their awesome mass. Many speculate they built the ancient temples in (region)
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>>12476480 >it doesn't even look like an iguana Anonymous
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>>12476485 >maybe its because charizard isnt named after a lizard you're argument sounds like this
>>12476485 turquistadr redesign
no really, im joking DUNKYWUNKR !EA1kcDpTxA
>>12476356 Did it had 50 speed?
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12476519 This makes me appreciate our current one more
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12476533 YES IT DODD
We need to work this in somehow too
>>12476479 It doesnt look very flat. But okay!
Capable of digging through rock and soil, Minarac's hard thorax also serves as a protective shell, blocking the entrance to its home tunnels from entry.
>>12476536 add shades dumbass
we're not gonna insert this in the game without shades
>>12476552 i think that will be my last one for the day. hope it was useful!
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>>12476555 Chill bromigo thats the best outline Ive seen yet
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>>12476552 Because you can't see the back side
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>12476555 ... It's a WIP. I was checking to see if there were any major errors before going to the trouble of shading it.
>>12476584 Shshshhhhh its ok. Keep working youre doing amazing!
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
Quoted By:
>>12476555 This is literally the dumbest post I've seen all day.
>>12476564 It was! saved em all to a txt
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12476593 >>12476545 Aww thanks!
>>12476596 Fucking damn it, you made me spit coke all over my laptop.
>>12476619 We should cull the bug waifu.
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>>12476633 Theyre becoming dervishes more and more by the day, i miss dervishmon
I challenge you, current lavoon!
>>12476536 Very nice, but the bolts around the neck of the front sprite could use a bit of work. See how on the back sprite it's much thicker and more bolt-shaped, whereas on the front sprite they just kind of look like sticks.
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>>12476682 guys guys guys guys please can we have it?!
Just pointing out, FrostFuzz is an incredible composer.
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>>12476686 I like the horn
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12476700 Yeah this front sprite is next on my to-do list. The shading on it is all goofed up and it's making the back sprite harder to finish.
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>>12476686 >Everything must be as plain and flat as possible The horn and the zigzag I could do without, but the markings were just fine.
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>>12476729 Did he do the music for the demo? I was impressed with it honestly
>>12476682 I didn't vote for that one because it looks like someone put a Lavoon hat on an egg-shaped lava lamp, and not an actual thing that could be alive.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Anyone wanna take over this guy? I can't get the shading right because reasons.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12476863 I agree, with Glocto there is the lamp-part and then the bottom part which would hold all of its insides. That Lavoon's insides are just lava. It looks like it is just the lamp with a skin or hat like you said covering it.
This is a big reason why I liked the original Lavoon most out of a lot of these new ones.
Plus this guy looked massive!
>>12476942 Too many people focused on the animal aspect instead of the lava lamp evolving. A lava lamp squid evolving into a lava lamp whale is too much for them but a trapdoor spider with 8 legs is overdesigned
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>>12476942 lava eyes were best eyes Anonymous
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>>12476686 Congratulations, you drew a turkey. But sorry, we're looking for a Pokemon.
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>>12476958 8 legs looked bad dunky
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>>12476942 I just popped in to say that is the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen
I wish I could hate to death everyone trying to make Flairees a intimidating monster with zero charisma
>of the ten shitty recolors of the aoao being surveyed, not one of them changes the color of those digimon hands
>>12476931 thunder-wet mutt
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12477105 This one has personality, just look at this smirk.
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>>12477131 Should try making them shears to shear dreamdery wool
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>>12477165 Actually, this smirk was my suggestion... I wanted it to retain some of the mischievousness from Kidling
>>12476942 Clash ... seriously? The one you posted is the same - insides are just lava. And it looks like part of its back is cuted out. And try to make it sprite-ready pose. Not so massive anymore.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
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>>12477165 >>12477105 Dear mother of god ... you are seriously focusing on the fuckin smirk? Argh
>>12477165 >>12477105 Hear that guys? Add this face to everything. It adds "personality"
>>12473099 Can you replace greypow with this brighter one? people rightly said the grey made the stand out less.
(same artfag)
Why do all the approved mons look like dick. I looked through all the design stages that were scrapped, and the middle ones were generally good. what happened?
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>>12477253 >cut not cuted >dumb me Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12477224 What? I am not talking about the inside of the lamp being lava, that is obvious. but that one actually has more body then just lamp. And I figure the sprite will look like Wailords a bit. And how they made his look big. I am not saying that one was perfect just that I prefer it much more then anything else that has came about.
The main thing I mentioned was that it has an actual body, the one post earlier looks like just a lamp with a hat like an anon mentioned.
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>>12473099 (first one is the current)
>>12477316 Any new submission always replaces the old design because voters have shit taste.
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>>12476519 That's actually not bad.
>>12477316 Democracy happened. As everyone knows, compromise is the best method of making sure that no one is happy!
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>>12476686 It's Indian warpaint.
>>12473099 Can I get a turn?
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>>12477285 That's a different face.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12477364 That was just voted on and won...
>>12477354 I hate our voters. There are too many people who are uneducated about this project or are from a shitty internet culture (anyone from /b/ or /v/ can be prime examples of this) where any positive progress becomes naming the fighter line prevo after one of the influences of one of the prevos
>>12477285 Look at this fucker face, it gives him personality, it's the reason we chose this one instead of the version with cute cuddly eyes..
These eyes give him a mischievous look while retaining the cuteness
The smirk on that flairees fails to give that feel...
With Aguanaut, we have a "big bad motherfucker" vibe.. just as the snivy line always had a "smug" vibe... this kind of shit is important.. I wish the Kidling line to have a "troublemaker" vibe or something
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>>12477388 >his eyelid is slightly low >OMG PERSONALITY Anonymous
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12477400 That one lost already
>>12477386 why not bring back filter questions?
Working on a giant Golden Pixie Statue at the moment. Forgot to do pokestyle shading though so need to fix it up.
Would love to make some of those as well.
>>12477386 The sad thing is, as far as I'm aware there's bugger all we can do about it, besides trying to get the project to 'lay low', reducing interest and putting off random voters from voting for shits and giggles. I can hardly talk, as a fairly new collaborator, but I'm certainly doing more than a large portion of /vp/'s other inhabitants who are having their say.
>>12477388 > I'm serious, it's the best design Anonymous
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>>12476942 I prefer the ones like a few posts up. Looks friendlier
>>12477380 Sorry, missed that.
>>12477324 I'm not the one that decides what goes in. But if we're voting on the grey one might as well use the most current version of it.
Also, bite me
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>>12477474 Thats why critique is mandatory if you vote it needs an extreme overhaul/moderate changes and anything without critique is baleeted. Im not bringing back filter questions because that blew up in our faces when most of the people voting didnt know who Burning was. Besides, the best thing to do is to just push trough, avoid spreading the word of this, and downplaying all of this. And stay steadfast in your opinions
>>12477354 >>12477337 see
>>12477521 ?
this is the problem
>might as well use the most current version of it. Anonymous
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>>12477484 >That helm I like it!
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>>12477484 Stange legs. Neck and head - genius
>>12476942 Every Lavoon is the best Lavoon
>>12476686 Goggles. Just get rid of the goggles.
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>>12476686 Congrats. You somehow made it worse.
Reminds me of those threads where people make fun of genwunners and keep removing details until its a white blob
>>12477712 >people in charge of knowing about huge power Anonymous
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>>12477587 I'm sorry, I didn't mean the current design to mean the platypunch currently in the dex. I meant that I made 2 versions with gray skin, and that the gray with lighter purple looked better. So I'd prefer the 2nd version go to the survey instead of the 1st version, seeing as the 2nd version fixed the problems people pointed out about the 1st one. When I said "Voting on the gray one" and "Current" I meant submission #2.
I've just been doing recolors lately. And maybe it would be a good thing to hold off on that until after the design runoffs are over.
I just saw the more defective one up there and wanted to replace it with my updated colors.
As to whether both colors suck ass or a new design wins, that's out of my hands.
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>>12477749 Oh I think thats the version that got wiki'd. Nevermind it
master Dunky
>>12477712 it looks like tree trunks
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>>12477703 I'd rather a happy medium. There is just so much empty space. the red at least broke that up.
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>>12477766 So it's voice will make my dick hard like tree trunk's Anonymous
>>12477703 Gen 3 Turkistador?
Ws make it look more like it fits Warquilla, but at least the design looks intentional and consistant
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>>12477915 not bad actually
>>12477915 remove the googles!
Did i not upload this? sorry I suck at shading, so maybe someone else can make it more "pokemon"
>>12477915 Tailfeathers matching the wings?
>>12477954 Other than post, I think thats
golden Anonymous
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>>12477915 try to make the head feathers more pidgeot like
>>12477939 Is warpaint now.
How it look Kimosabe?
>>12477967 Hard to think of a different pose. Was going to be praying, until I thought better.
I kind of like how arms are splayed out just like all the wing dealies, but I won't argue that it's not the best.
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>>12478105 that's a brillant idea actually
Eh I tried some Enigmantis. Any thoughts as to what direction I should take?
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>>12478261 i like the head!
not the pose thought... i liked the body of the one floating in a lotus position that was surveyd time ago
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>>12478105 >heavy native theme >named after people that took over the natives tfw enhancing the native theme was my idea
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>>12477432 THIS. PLEASE bring back filter questions.
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>>12478261 6 limbs was voted in multiple times sketch.
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>>12478261 Stage magician idea is cool, but I think the gypsy angle is more intune with the crystal ball concept.
points for thinking outside of the box though!
>>12478126 Move the shoulders up and have the arms down? Or maybe a "PRAISE THE SUN" position like so?
>>12477954 tbh it looks a little bit flat, maybe for the superposition of some parts
But still, anon, i fucking love you.
now put it on the middle the remains of a fortress in the middle of a an unspoilt forest and add it some leaves DURRtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
>>12478348 It doesnt fly, right?
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>>12478364 It probably floats like every mew clone. But its more a matter of making the pose look religious, or something godly.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
I am still so happy that the Golden Idol made it in! I remember when there were so many people that didn't want it.
>>12478431 I can only imagine why... ahuehue
I kinda miss delicious tears xochi though
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12478499 I know what you mean, it was my favorite for a long while. There was this made though of another design. Maybe I shall ask an artist to remake the above image with the newer designs.
I loved all the concepts of Xochi protecting the Golden Idol, and them being best friends~ Anonymous
Why are turkeyshit line's feet so wrong placed?
>>12478499 That weird feel when The Boogie drew porn of Xochi.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12478805 He actually has drawn more since his first one... it seems that he has taken a liking to Xochi... The new one is in my dropbox~ Anonymous
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>>12478805 that great feel when you know he will probably continue to do so
>>12478748 How did this piece of shit got approved?
>>12478824 It is? I don't see it.
>>12478862 All the way the bottom. Here it is.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12478862 Very bottom, last picture. He had three different poses and has drawn two of the poses now.
I liked the pose he hasn't drawn yet best.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>12478889 that is some scary shit yo
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>>12478903 Nah I was joking around because The Boogie usually draws hyperrealstic melloetta porn.
>>12478909 Detailed drawings of pokemon always are.
>>12478848 >samefagging to the max You know what? YOU fucking design a bird Pokemon better than it.
The line had almost 6x as many people for it than against it, and you know what else?
Your opinion doesn't matter. You are merely a single, insignificant little shit whose ratshit opinions don't matter SHIT.
Shut the holy FUCK UP, and the the FUCK. OUT.
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>>12478926 I like turkrstrrdr but holy shit pic related.
>>12478919 That how Boogie's stuff always is I personally think he loves how scary it looks considering some of the fucked edits he does to his work. He made a flash that looked just like the anime too.
>>12478926 You're just as bad for responding to an obvious samefag.
>>12478926 You should have posted the frigate bird image. Its got dunky syndrome: some people have legit complaints, most are bandwagoners. Both are here to stay.
Calling mapfriend!
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>>12478935 It wasn't because of the samefag.
He does this stupid shit in every one of these threads, as well as other threads.
>>12478926 we should cull the bug waifu
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
Will I be able to download this game on steam?
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>>12478958 Obvious troll detected
>>12477967 Any of these better?
Kind of hard to figure things out with those shoulder spheres. And it can't interfere with that giant head and headressings.
If anyone were to draw an awesome pose I'd gladly redo mine.
>>12478361 What do you mean superposition?
>>12478748 >>12478848 What are you, faggots?
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>>12478975 I like the two at the bottom.
>>12478975 Top middle and right are my favorites. Maybe one could transform into another when something is activated.
>>12478985 If you like turkeyshit you're a tranny homossexual cunt.
>>12478998 Well i'm a tranny homossexual cunt, i guess.
>>12479004 Turkistador is edgy.
>>12479014 How is a cute native American-themed turkey/hoopoe "edgy"?
>>12479019 >>12479027 Why must you respond to faggots everytime?
>>12479019 Turkistador is ugly.
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>>12479033 because I have a problem
>>12479036 Whatever. Honchkrow is an ugly bag of cocks but it's still my favorite Pokémon.
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>>12479042 >I must keep responding, I have to Anonymous
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>>12478991 i like the idea. match the statue poses to solve a puzzle.
>>12479042 I bet you like pic related.
>>12479084 >implying Mandivag isn't the vagina pokemon Anonymous
>>12479093 You are one ugly mofo.
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>>12478926 >being this fanny-flustered Anonymous
>>12479173 can you guys give me a list of music to route/region. so i can add it to the regions as i organize their assets on the wiki? i added this one on wiki for now till you get a final version. or of course encourage your fellow music people to do so. I am only adding regions as far as the pending demo. meaning i will add waterfall cave, downward cave and town 3 tonight. same for anyone who has created assets for regions you can organize them onto the wiki pages.
>>12476310 Could be the 'original' gym badges, or what inspired them.
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>>12479272 >can you guys give me a list of music to route/region. uh well i dunno.
Most of the route themes people have made have been pretty vague on where they're supposed to be.
>>12479272 Sounds like the wiki is starting to compile that stuff
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/Route_1 DUNKYWUNKR !EA1kcDpTxA
>>12479291 Im personally partial to the badges forming a key that unlocks the elite four doors kind of like the key from the Brendan Frasor Mummy movies
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>>12478975 Bottom sides are perfect but keep the lack of elbows, or make them sharper.
>>12479340 Those routes need to be voted on later, right?
>>12479381 iirc route 1 had, and so far is the only one, to have a vote.
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>>12479348 This could be that then.
>>12479390 All three maps of it?
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>>12479450 i think so, but could very well be wrong, but the one in the demo is the one that won.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>12479280 That is not me, but I'm around. Anonymous
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>>>12479280 >12479340 that is me.....
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>12479469 Also my phone hates spoiler tags.
>>12479473 >auto-capitalize It makes captchas a bitch
>>12479675 >grolem4lyfe Where are you to not have your PC, Pawter?
>>12473099 You're missing all of these variations of elephant evo. Guess I'll post them again...
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>>12479736 >implying anyone uses zune Anonymous
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>>12479736 >dead microsft products >>>/g/ >>12479738 >>12479745 I seriously wish we still had the hedge elephants.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>12479697 I'm at work. I'll be getting out shortly though.
>>12479757 Any demo stuff you want from us?
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12479775 Sorry about that, just going through thread and saw no update replied to that post.
>>12479776 One step closer
>>12479843 speaking of baranaut, anyone have the better version of this?
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>12479767 Not particularly at the moment, I've been kind of out of the loop lately. The lovely water wheel is fantastically done, but it made me wonder if we were going to vote on a new starter town?
>>12479857 There is one on the sprite page. Can't tell if it's the same one though.
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>>12479875 We could just do some slight modifications like adding a river to stick it in. (Wheelfag here) I didn't know what the town looked like when I was told to make it. I guess we could stick it in that lake but that doesn't really make much sense.
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>>12479879 how about have it as foster town. where children who are over 12 live with foster parents after leaving foster's place in city 3. basically foster is the father figure for the pro-tags?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>12479928 thats great, anon
One thing I hated about HMs as they progressed. Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Dive, Doggypaddle, It just became such a water type sausage fest where HM slaves where the only real option. From memory we're keeping Dive and maybe Waterfall How about instead of using up another move slot, making some key item kind of like the Go-Goggles that allowed you to use surf to bypass additional obstacles. When you first get surf, it only lets you go across normal water. Then you get key item one, and you can also use it to go underwater. Same thing with waterfall. Realizing this sounds kind of like a twelve year old's fan request post, but it could be a good idea.
>>12479994 We voted no items bromigo. Sorry
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>>12480032 who knows.
As long as HMs are deletable, im ok with it.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12479994 This was surveyed upon a long time ago, I can dig up the results if you would like.
>>12480013 Actually just found it. Yes some of the basic ones can be replaced by an item.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12479994 And to post one Draik drew awhile back~
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>>12480063 Oh thank got please no cut or rock smash.
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>>12480063 That's a shame. Oh well.
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>>12480063 wasn't it gonna be, surf, dive and then fly. with fly being the end all to getting to hidden areas.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12480118 Was there runoffs though? I don't remember any or have an image of runoffs saved. And if not you can't say we voted not to have them. We would then just make the runoffs now since it wasn't decided then.
>>12480157 They need runoffs now
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>>12480157 Don't make runoffs, it's just another chance for newfags to ruin game mechanics
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12480169 Well then I will create a survey right now.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
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>>12480169 Why can't you just pick the top 4 or 5 and leave it at that.
Any RPGmaker savvy on? This would work using transparencies yes? Because if so that would help me cut down on a lot of tiles.
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>>12480186 Not entirely sure what you're asking but that would work best if you put something like the river on the second layer and the ice on the third.
>>12480209 So if I were to give these tiles to people with RPG maker they could make the cracked river and cracked ice as shown without any problems?
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
Well since I guess the winning option didn't get at least 50% we probably should have runoffs. So here it is, the Basic HM functions replaced by Items Survey:http:// www .surveymonkey .com /s/7XSTW3K
>>12480233 >someone already voted no Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>12480231 Yes.
So is anyone assembling this in an RMXP tileset?
I'll do it if necessary but it takes up a ton of time... Anonymous
>>12480250 i dont hate HMs. I just want them to be fucking deletable.
>>12480262 They still would be but c'mon who the fuck wants to learn rock smash or cut.
>>12480254 Yeah, I'm tiling them when I'm finished.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12480269 This guy does, he wants all the HMs!
>>12480269 rock smash is kinda superhuman though
strength will never be anything but obnoxious to me
using it that is, the puzzles arent all bad Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>12480285 Awesome, thank you so much!
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waterfall should be part of surf
>>12480287 >Defog I never want that shit in a Pokemon game again by the way
>>12480298 Do people actually use rock smash in a battle?
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12480315 I don't think I ever actually used Defog...
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12480342 >>12480360 No one really did because you could go through an area without it like flash and because Bibarel never learned it.
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>>12480269 if they were deletable theyd be half decent early game moves.
Nothing special but decent.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12480387 The two areas you need it in aren't even a quarter as hard as rock tunnel so ...
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>>12480416 maaaan, fuck rock tunnel.
Flash is horrible too.
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>>12480416 So you could go through the areas without using it like I said. What's your point?
What I never understood was most HMs were garbage, but nearly every water/flying I had knew surf/fly because they were just really good moves. Compared to cut, which I always felt sorry for burdening on a mon I'd never even use otherwise.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>12480529 We could change Cut and some other HMs a bit, there may have been a survey about it.
Anymore snow/ice we want?
>>12480555 why not any attack 90 move with stab bonus? instead of slash?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>12480566 I dunno, may as well keep it unique move, probably easier to implement.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>12480529 I think the idea is that they want HM's usable early game, which is why they put cut and rock smash places early on. And give you those HM's early on. So that you aren't only able to use surf, cut, fly, etc.. like mid-late game. Because surf is already a very powerful move, even at the time you normally get it. And if every HM was as powerful they couldn't give it to you super early with it being so powerful. There has to be some balance.
>>12480555 see
>>12480063 Second question. Just make sure that when you get the HM it isn't too powerful. I am all for having Cut and some early ones being replaced with items to instead of that though.
I come bearing glyphs!>inb4 criticisms about pokemon size.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12480592 Yay! I haven't seen you around in awhile! I always love your art!
>>12480592 And also, here's this...
as always, the rest of my work can be found here:
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php ?
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12480618 rtdhgfuhjfdhuijgfduhjgkfsh
This is so adorable and amazing!
>>12480626 Please tell me you do this for a living.
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>>12479709 I was just showing that (for me at least) caps don't effect captchas
>>12480649 but I'm terrible, I could hardly live of these scribbles.
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>>12480660 Makes me sad to hear you think that. You should be doing children's books. And books for childish adults as well.
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>>12480660 If you drew furry scat porn you could be set for life.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Someone wanna draw eyes on this guy?
HM idea - they are still in the game as normal in addition to trainer-used HMs, but there is a secret area near where you obtain the HM that rewards the item - either by doing a puzzle (using the HM to complete it, Zelda-style) or fighting lots of trainers. That way you kind of have to "prove mastery" over the HM before you lose the limitations it has. In addition to being an extra "whoa!" compared to if you're just handed the items, it's something to seek out that's worth it.
For the dessert, if you can't fly out, can we put in a single npc with someone like Necronite who can teleport you out? Perhaps at a cost. And if I was king of the universe I'd make it a bit like route 4, where it's a small journey to the next area, but you can go off the beaten path and venture into the dessert as instead as well. I'd be fine with the current map though.
>>12480727 I still say that if we want this game to be challen ging we should make the pokecentre cost money, perhaps make a separate mode?
>>12480708 most don't need eyes. I'd just remove the nostrils.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>12479843 This, this right here, makes me very happy.
Am trying to fix this musburry overworld right now.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>12480660 horse shit you draw beautiful and you are beautiful, never change
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>12480754 The salt is placed between its eyes.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12480754 The angle it's at pretty much requires an eye unfortunately. I think it'd look better with one too, I'm just terrible at them.
>>12480753 >if we want this game to be challenging we should make the pokecentre cost money no, but we should have "ether" on sale at pokemarts (at a stupidly high price, so players who want more of a challenge can depend on paying at a mart, while players who are happy with their free health care can continue using the centers as usual.
>>12480708 Remove the mouth, make the "rabbit ears" a little more spread apart (move just the left one would be fine).
>>12480817 >being this casual I bet you think every E4 should be lvl 40 maximum
>>12480836 not him, but I'm not really a fan of items you can't obtain more of in one way or another
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>>12480827 looks pretty accurate actually
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>12480831 Oh! I like how it looks but I think could be moved over like 1-2 pixels left and up.
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>>12480860 What does that have to do paying for pokemon centers?
>>12480836 Not that guy, but sure, if the level scaling is done properly.
I've never been a fan of all the grinding in Pokemon. I still tolerate it, but for the most part I'd rather emulate at 500% speed or higher than use an actual hand held.
On that topic, could we introduce a "throttle" feature that allows you to speed up the game?
That would be pretty fucking awesome.
>>12480836 I may be casual, but that doesn't change the fact that charging to heal in an attempt to manufacture imagined difficulty is a stupid idea.
>I bet you want it to cost more to heal depending on how many badges you have... Anonymous
>>12480901 >>12480836 Alright guys, calm down.
What I'm wondering is if there's a way to have multiple difficulty levels.
I know that's very un-Pokemon of me, but it might be cool...
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Requesting a pic of some Doppole piloting a Pokeman robot .
>>12480878 >needing to grind >wanting a fast forward feature Oh god why? People like you are why Black and White 2 are so damn easy
>>12480901 Every JRPG outside of pokemon does it, it prevents you from just stocking potions to win and thinking carefully in an encounter because you know that losing a mon or some health isn't just something that can be waved away with a 10 sec trip.
>admitting you're a casual Anonymous
>>12480927 >I know that's very un-Pokemon of me Black2/white2 did it...
would have been nice if the difficulty levels were usable from the beginning though.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>12480940 Some Pokemon games require you to grind if you want a 6 pokemon party
GSC&RS come to mind.
Our game should allow the player to have a 6 pokemon party.
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>>12480955 The challenge mode difficulty barely did a thing though.
>>12480873 pic related
>>12480940 Most emulators have a speed up. It's not an inherently bad idea.
>>12480940 >>12480753 >>12480836 How about we put character into every pokemon center who runs a donation box (where you can donate a set amount of money for sick children) and the people who want higher difficulty can deposit money in the box every time they heal, and the people who don't want higher difficulty don't have to.
>>12480940 >Ignoring the difficulty level post right after his. Oh god why? People like you are the reason that the Pokemon franchise is so unnecessarily simplified in the first place.
Some people enjoy a nice relaxing (non-challenging) gaming experience to coincide with our need for difficult games.
I believe that's why difficulty levels were invented in the first place.
>>12481000 A hobo that panhandles outside?
>>12480940 >implying being a casual is a problem when it comes to a child's game Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12480995 Sweet, throwin that shit up.
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>>12480959 Sprites on the party menu bob up and down, up and down looks better as-is but with the party bob in mind, side to side will look better.
>>12480962 I'm not sure I follow do you mean a viable six mon party? Could you not catch high xild mons like a victory road if grinding offends so much, it wasn't hellish FF grinding it was pretty light stuff I don't understand this need to make a pretty easy game easier.
>>12481000 That's bloody stupid as most players wouldn't understand why the box is there and a set pricing is the point of a "inn rest" is pokemon the only JRPG you play? Is that hard for players like you to adapt a more challenging experience.
>>12481010 Didn't entirely ignore I said that challenge mode didn't much of anything I don't want something like that all.
>>12481024 Are we making for children?
>>12481010 What should probably push for is additional optional challenges that give awesome but required rewards. The causual fags can skim through on the basics, the hardcore fags can stick around in places like the dessert and reap the rewards
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>12481047 Yes, a viable one.
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>>12481012 Prompt:
"It's a box with the picture of a jolly snowgre on the front, he's holding a sign that says 'Please help Fosters kids'...
Would you like to make a donation?"
>donate: 1000P >yes >no Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>12480959 I like the right one!
Quoted By:
>>12481047 >implying our difficulties have to be like challenge mode at all. really? you think that's what I meant?
No, like a difference in leveling would literally be it. If you wanted a challenge, you play against higher levels, both wild and trainer.
You could have it range from stupid easy to stupid hard.
>>12481047 >most players wouldn't understand why the box is there and a set pricing is the point of a "inn rest" is pokemon the only JRPG you play? most players won't understand why the pokemon center is suddenly charging money.
>>12481087 .... And will inherently hate our game.
Let's try to at least make it somewhat appealing to play.
>>12480959 Quick question, do they float?
I kind of asumed they do...
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>>12481110 follow up:
yes they do
>>12481050 What reward can you a pokemon player that he can't get anywhere else? A tm? a pokemon
I'm still going to resist that stupid idea of a teleport being in the desert.
>>12481087 A business charging for a service a box that the player puts money into and nothing happens are two completely different things and you know it.
>>12481097 I don't think that because you hate challenging features means that other players will. Look how many people go out there looking harder romhacks I see a thread about Voltwhite/BlazeBlack everyday on /vp/
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>>12481136 A business charging for a service and a box that the player puts money into and nothing happens are two completely different things and you know it.* Is what I meant to type.
>>12481097 at least we have at least one way to earn money aside from trainer battles in the casino. that's why i wanted a battle arena with your buddies from campaign. basically mini poke-league to compete in with randomized outcomes and match-ups.
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>>12481136 >A business charging for a service a box that the player puts money into and nothing happens are two completely different things and you know it. but in the pokemon world the pokemon center is a business that doesn't charge money. It's always been that way, and I don't feel comfortable attributing it to "lol, gamefreak mistakes"
>>12481136 >challenging features >charging money at the pokemon center There different things really, charging money at the pokemon center is basically breaking the spirit of the game.
The pokemon center is supposed to be a safe haven.
What happens if you white out and have no money? Do you just lose?
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>>12481152 because i know my money is going to spent on furnature and super potions
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
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>>12481136 It kinda reminds me of that Abra in the main room of the E4~ Given how big it is, I wouldn't mind. Only if it teleports you to the beginning. And you can't teleport INTO the desert. So yea, like the Abra in the E4.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12481165 See, in a JPRG you went and fought weak monsters for gold. In Pokemon, if you beat all of the trainers, well, Pokemon don't drop P. So.. yeah. I guess. It would make the game harder but at times like this it would sort of be a major problem. Sell a few pokeball, I guess? a repel? an antidote? and hope you don't need them soon?
Nah. As much as I love JRPG's, charging can be a problem. (Though how often do you run out of P in Pokemon, save going ot the E4?)
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>>12481165 >What happens if you white out and have no money? you wake up in the ER and have to wait 10+ hours real time before resuming play.
>inb4 "south America has better healthcare than the US." Anonymous
>>12481165 I'd have it transport you to your mom's house. But
>>12481189 has a point I wasn't really thinking.
But god help me if we allow flying or teleport in that fucking desert or we make smaller.
>>12481136 >What reward can you a pokemon player that he can't get anywhere else? A hold item
A mon with a special move (like extreme speed Dratini)
tms and pokemon work too
the xp from extra adventuring
It's a pretty standard practice in rpgs, providing multiple sidequests and places to play and rewarding the people that choose to do them.
Not sure why you're sounding skeptical about it.
I mean think about it, Unown, Porygon, the Safari Zone, it's not like it's anything ground breaking to suggest we put in cool stuff to reward people that pull all the stops.
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>>12481189 the post game storyline will be about how the player was driven into poverty over his obscene medical bills and had to move back home and live with his parents.
culminating in a scene where the player walks into the ocean and waits for the water spirit to take away his pain forever.
>>12481227 I like these ideas.
What we should attempt to do is have extra quests and harder difficulty modes for the "try-hards" buy still make the game enjoyable for the "casuals"
>>12481211 >But god help me if we allow flying or teleport in that fucking desert Prompt:
"The wind is too strong, your pokemon can't seem to fly"
"The sun is too hot, your pokemon cant seem to focus enough to teleport"
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>12481270 "your pokemon doesn't know where to teleport" or something. Like. It's so huge, they can't get enough energy to teleport out.
There is a
~* MYSTICAL POWER *~ prohibiting your pokemon to teleport, since we seem to be talking about jrpgs.
>>12481270 That's pretty much the consensus right now.
I thought it would be nice to have a single area in the entire desert where a guy could send you out.
Sounds like people don't like that idea, so we won't use it. Don't see why people are flipping their shit about the desert getting ruined.
>>12480710 Bumping for opinions
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>>12481255 As long we don't dumb down areas like the desert, or have shit the rival using only stat lowering moves when your hp gets low.
If you give "try-hard" players stat boosting rewards in a casual rpg all it does it make the game even fucking easier.
>>12481288 >can't fly out >can't dig out >find out desert is actually giant snowglobe Anonymous
>>12481288 >~* MYSTICAL POWER *~ could be one of those trixy meteors we've been throwing around the idea of.
since the meteors take on the qualities of the places they land, the desert meteor takes on the qualities of "arena trap"
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>>12481291 I'm actually more concerned about gym battles being too easy but casualization usually leads to more casualization so I felt the need to stop while you were ahead.
>>12481304 2deep4me sounds like it was written by Kojima.
>>12481309 trixy meteors?
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>>12481293 >>12480710 you already have to "prove mastery" by beating the Gym leader that corosponds to each HM...
>>12481330 back when we were actually working on maps the idea was floated about having Meteors that fell from space in different locations, they would have special qualities depending on where they were located.
One near the Daycare that would heal your pokemons status when you walked within a few blocks of it,
One in the jungle that would poison the first mon in you party if you were dumb enough to go near it...
I figure the one in the desert could exert a strange force preventing you from using moves to escape.
>>12481353 That sounds really interesting, was there any plan to a "galaxy turtle" encounter to one of them?
Maybe as an explanation of their origins like clefairy?
I like the idea of not allowing fly in the desert (or in any extreme weather) but if a player wastes a attack on teleport they should be allowed to use it. Side note, if we do this with the desert, victory road should get the same treatment. Also, side quests with special move pokemon would be pretty sweet. It would make exploring more exciting.
>>12481381 galaxy turtle didn't exist when the meteor idea was being tossed around
>>12481398 Then I propose the idea. Sound any good?
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>>12481410 maybe there's a scientist near the obsorvatory who has been studying the meteors and asks you to help him investigate one near by, only to realize it's actually a high level galaxy turtle guarding a moon/shinystone that she thinks is her egg.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
Hue. Maybe the desert can be one of those areas... Where you have to go in the direction of a certain pattern to get out or you're lost forever/keep going back to the beginning/town.
>>12481445 Doesn't that hinder exploration and make it kind of linear?
>>12481445 >keep going back to the beginning/town. that would make it way to easy to escape.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
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>>12481460 >>12481461 Different patterns go to different areas.
Also, to escape, maybe, but to GO ON it would be hard without the correct pattern. Without the pattern you could never EXIT the desert. Only return to the beginning/resting point. It would make it stupidly hard.
Maybe the puzzle pieces are found of the trixy meteors?That would be an awesome asshole move :3c
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>>12481461 Ohh yeah this too.
>>12481382 Victory road is mandatory, doesn't need any extra challenge.
Desert is optional, gets to be balls to the wall hard.
And I assume there should be some extremely worthwhile reward in the oasis.
Teleport out located in the oasis?
Ahhh! Don't hit me!
>>12481484 >Teleport out located in the oasis? Stop pushing this shit.
>>12481484 >And I assume there should be some extremely worthwhile reward in the oasis. softsand Anonymous
>>12481484 The guy who made the big ass map had a reward I forget what though.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
They used to be put on grids-maps, too. So you had a room with 4 doors and had to go in the order of east, north, west, south, north, west, east to get out. If you chose a wrong door you'd end up in the beginning. In the desert, there could be 'resting rocks' that tells you what grid you are in. It would probably work easiest in some sort of temple, though. It had to have huge rooms, though, so there's a point to exploring. Again, different combinations = different routes (1 for completion, 3 for secrets!) I'm very bad at explaining. But here's the explanation for the direction pattern.
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>>12481494 Bust your balls getting in, seems stupid to have to bust your balls getting out.
But I am stopping now.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>12481517 I was mainly thinking the fossils
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>>12480765 I think it is to frantic looking
Moving one pixel is usually enough at that scale.
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>>12481541 >In the desert, there could be 'resting rocks' that tells you what grid you are in. On one of the last paths, you see a skeleton with the rock only halfway etched.
>>12481600 i like the idea of non-shiny unques. so you can get all ball variants of dopple, or the odd weridly colored common poke. something to consider when we finally get dex sprites and start argueing over 2 loved shiny configs
Posting this again for critique/suggestions
>>12481618 I also like the idea of different forms...
maybe Sandy has a camp in the desert next to a giant skink where she offers to give you a nice TM if you catch a heavy enough skink... like that weird guy who likes giant heracross?
>>12481656 I'm warmed up to the idea when i read that you didn't actually screw Northington out of the plot and made him a better schemer, you still should add in a an image of him though. I do love it now.
>>12481600 Starting to realize that could be an actual thing.
Either a wild legendary, or the one sandra uses. Or both
Just give it a huge sprite and modify the weight for attaks that involve that stuff.
I want it to happen
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>>12481658 Or the oasis is where she caught her megaskink
>>12481665 I originally made a picture of him being turned into gold but thought it looked weird so I deleted it. I'll try again later though.
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>>12481674 >Just give it a huge sprite and modify the weight for attaks that involve that stuff. >inb4 my lv.5 Chayan lowkicks the shit out of that thing. Anonymous
>>12481707 Just use a regular picture of him no need to spoil at a first glance.
>>12481445 That worked okay in caves, but how would that work in a desert?
>>12481747 imagine altering cave tileswaped to look like a desert.
>>12481768 How would you change rooms?
>>12481874 walk off screen (either left/right/up/down)
>>12481879 is our resolution going to be locked to the demo one?
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>>12481731 Well okay, I'll just put the regular Northington picture in then.
>>12481658 yeah i still want a fishing contest too. have a really big cuppy or something hidden under a piece of ice you can break if you beat him in the contest to get big cuppies or alternate color great white cuppy or something. so we can use ahab
>>12481993 We had a shiny white lavoon for his story, c'mon you were aware that we had a whale pokemon and you suggest cuppy for an ahab character?
>>12482009 never seen he sprite sorry. but yeah maybe you use a golden cuppy to lure a great white lavoon with ahab. then after you can try to catch your own white lavoon. I would like for trainers you battle to have a shiny every once and a while. like ricardo having a shiny crawglock etc.
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>>12482025 >maybe you use a golden cuppy to lure a great white lavoon with ahab. please just stop
Finished the demo routes pages. now we can correlate stuff better. i need the maps someone made of mountain cave i think?? it was one of the early cave had a water then a lava section. add all your things to this page, add trainer convos if you have planned trainer locations so we can pup them with the trainers you face along the trail in the npcs. clash fill in the catch "x" here so we can argue with you till it's perfect. music people list your tracks onto these pages. it's more the snogre, kobolds, hamsters and kidling holding us back from the next demo. sorry for being pushy but between the snails pace forum, the readily deleted thread, the soundcloud circle jerk and sketcher, moose and clash sexting each other.if you have something missing from the wiki, wiki it. if you don't know how to add a photo just ask someone else to or upload the hoto into the wiki's library and someone like me or renob or chenn will paste it into the right directory. (goes back to my book)
>>12481600 What if we had event fights/special Pokemon that were uncatchable like the Pokewood stuff?
>>12482219 dopple rodergerro. has a artificial replacement arm and an eye-patch.
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>>12482267 >not a pokeball eyepatch Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12482188 I will work on catchable Pokemon in places that have finalized maps tomorr..today, after I sleep and wake up.
Will still be up for awhile now, but prepping the Ice Leader Survey. Might just release it sometime during the day since it doesn't seem like many others are going to give concepts. Which I don't blame people, Foster is pretty well liked. I'll make sure to let people know an an hour or two before I release it though.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>12481288 To add to the "not knowing" thing; It's a desert. You, the character, your Pokemon even. You're totally lost and cannot find your way out, even if you tried to fly.
You either can't see the map or "It doesn't do any good! There's nothing but sand to go off of....