>>12473830I always imagined they were more like surveys, recording every encounter to see what the populations were.
>>12473004Those weren't vegans, they were ignorant morons. There are, unfortunately, a lot of kids who die of malnutrition, and this is the only case I've heard of where it was due to a (hopelessly inadequate!) 'vegan' diet. Conversely, there are plenty of kids who thrive and are completely healthy on a vegan diet, but they're just not ~newsworthy~ enough.
And getting back to the topic, I imagine there are some people in the Pokeverse who eat meat, but it'd be much more frowned upon. I can't see anyone who trains a Miltank or something and considers them their companion being comfortable with a Miltank steak. It could also be downright hazardous - good luck preparing Magikarp sashimi if Mama Gyarados shows up!