>>12495598It's not a thing of "oldfag" or "newfag." I was new once. It's a matter of upholding a certain etiquette. On 4chan, we've developed a way of acting that sets us apart from every other board on the internet, and we "oldfags" like it this way. There is no other place on the internet quite like it except for shitty knockoffs, like 7chan and plus4chan. This unspoken code is what weeds out the newfags from the"people who are new but will fit in."
Don't use emoticons. Don't use too many memes, as memes are like icing. A little bit of icing on a cake will make the cake more delicious, but you can't make a cake out of icing, it'll make you sick. Don't use action marks (like the *takes out spoon because it's random lol* type shit.) Have actual conversation. Be an asshole, but don't be stupid.
Remember, 4chan is the place where smart people go to act dumb. Facebook/Leddit/9fag/Gaia/the rest of the internet is where dumb people go to act smart.