Quoted By:
> Charmeleon sounds horny
> Blastoise is Bowser
> Pidgeot is a chicken?
> Rattata's on speed?
> Raticate is mankey?
> Oddish doesn't sound ri-OHGODGLOOMANDVILEPLUME. Nightmares for weeks..
> Did.. machamp just growl at me?
> SLOWPOKE evolved into AUDREY II! Feed me, Seymore!
> Goddammit, feed him, Seymore, not evolve him and make love to him.
> That grimer and muk were.... perfect! So deliciously creepy.
> Gastly is Bart Simpson?
> That Krabby is hilarious. Awful and I never want to hear it again, but hilarious.
> Kingler is supposed to say cookie. End of discussion.
> Weezing... What have they done to you?
So, with that all said... I would be... ok with this. Skip the anime voices, and go straight with the ones making actual roars and things and I'd be QUITE happy. I like the fact that a large portion of them actually sound quite creepy or fierce, not just "hey, this thing is covered in teeth and spikes, but it's still cutesy".