>>12537573>alright for the limitations of back then.Just alright? You are out of your mind, it was fantastic for the limitations of the time.
Anyway OP I will explain to you why /vp/ thinks they hate "genwunners," but really hate "nostalgiafags."
When Pokemon was a new game it enjoyed a level of mass popularity that it would never again reach. Everyone and their mom loved the brand. But most of these people would lose interest over time for one reason or another. Nowadays a lot of the people who lost interest can accurately be described as "nostalgiafags," they tout the original games as superior in every way, do not acknowledge more than 151 Pokemon, and will not even try new games. These types of people flood Facebook and are often the type of person you meet when you think you have met a Pokemon fan irl.
Genwunner, on the other hand, is a group of people that like Gen 1 the best but have actually bothered to play the rest of the games. /vp/ often uses the two words interchangeably, which is wrong. I'm not sure why they do this, my best guess is because /vp/ is full of young, teenage Pokemon fans, and a lot of the time genwunners are old enough to have started with Gen 1. I've met a few young players that appreciate Gen 1, but they are few.