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No.12542306 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Pokemon that you will never be a fan of because of personal experiences IRL

>be me
>be after class
>notice dude in lobby who is playing DS
>"hey that's the dude from class! I wonder what he's playing"
>walk by casually and see he's playing Gen IV, appears to be EV training a Zangoose

>come back 5 mins later
>he's still there
>figure I should make friends here who play pokemon, especially considering the friends I do have are alphas and never would give pokemon a try bc stigma
>sit at his table
>"hey, what's up man? I'm Eric. I noticed you were playing pokemon"
>is very short with me and is a complete asshole
>I abruptly get up and leave after only 30 seconds
>associate Zangoose with the memory of meeting an autist IRL
>will never train a Zangoose