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No.12569826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys

I'm here as a regular /vp/ user as well as a competitive battler to share with you some of the common misconceptions about SMOGON.

1) Moxiemence is the best, most powerful, end all be all of Pokemon
Oh my lord this is the most common and most exaggerated of all misconceptions. Salamence is not even top 20 OU this gen. Base 100 Speed just does not cut it anymore. His Attack stat remains impressive, however in order to beat Ferrothorn, Skarmory, or many other bulky Steel Types, Salamence must run a mixed set with Fire Blast. This detracts from his already underwhelming defenses. Similarly, another trade off that must be made is the choice between Speed and Power. Scarf Mence is walled easily, even with Moxie. Mix Mence is slow and revengable. DD Mence is in the same boat as Moxie Mence, having to run Fire Blast or be walled to hell and back.

2) Smogon plays favorites
No, no no way no how, no. Some say it's Dragons. Some say it's Stealth Rocks. Some say it's Hyper Offense, some say it's Stall. None of them are Smogon's favorite. What IS Smogon's favorite is BALANCE. Smogon wishes to have a meta where everything is viable. Things like Genesect, Tornadus-T, and Excadrill simply require too much of your team dedicated to countering it. When 2 of your teamslots are already set before even starting teambuilding, something is wrong. For example, reliably beating Tornadus-T meant running SpDef Jirachi and something to threaten it, or running Zapdos with a Rapid Spinner, and a few other niche strategies. This is NOT something Smogon likes, because Smogon wants MORE things to be viable (yes even YOUR favorite Pokes!).

3) Smogon hates fun
Smogon seeks fun. This is the main reason Moody, Evasion, and the like are banned. Maybe they aren't super powerful (although they can be at times) but holy shit is a 100 turn moody-fest boring. Smogon's priorities are balance first, and fun a close second. Cont'd