[6 / 2 / ?]
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Can we get a gen expected/got thread?
>Gen I
Expected meh game
Got muh childhood
>Gen II
Expected one region
Got two
>Gen III
Expected pokemon stadium 3
Expected One game+rerelease of same region
Got 2 console games that were awesome
Got extra remake of gen I with a side of Sevii
>Gen IV
Expected a balanced pokedex
Expected easier LAN trading
Got muh legendaries
Got muh pokegod
Got Gen II remake
>Gen V
Expected gen III remake
Expected battle revolution 2, stadium 3, Colloseum 3:Mirror B's Glorious Return
Got a sequel to the first BW
Got online battle
Idk /vp/ I think I lost out on that console. I really wanted to see my pokemon on my tv. Hoenn could have been nice too, but I would take PWT and online battles as a good distraction from it. That and BW2 had a good endgame.
>Gen I
Expected meh game
Got muh childhood
>Gen II
Expected one region
Got two
>Gen III
Expected pokemon stadium 3
Expected One game+rerelease of same region
Got 2 console games that were awesome
Got extra remake of gen I with a side of Sevii
>Gen IV
Expected a balanced pokedex
Expected easier LAN trading
Got muh legendaries
Got muh pokegod
Got Gen II remake
>Gen V
Expected gen III remake
Expected battle revolution 2, stadium 3, Colloseum 3:Mirror B's Glorious Return
Got a sequel to the first BW
Got online battle
Idk /vp/ I think I lost out on that console. I really wanted to see my pokemon on my tv. Hoenn could have been nice too, but I would take PWT and online battles as a good distraction from it. That and BW2 had a good endgame.