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GR8 UPD8S M8S GENERAL: White Whale Edition

>What is 'Updates General'?
Updates General is the bastard son of ye olde NuzGen and the fairly recent rebirth of Nuzlocke Thread, the style of which has caused a lot of division in the community. In order to keep NuzGen from being flooded with a separate tone of posting and general bitchery, it was decided that the Sheet-style updates popularized in Nuzlocke Thread should be retained in their own thread so that Nuzlocke streamers would not get bogged down in the mess.

>What is an 'Update', specifically?
The specific method of 'updating' ITT is done using MSPaint or Photoshop (or what have you) to create sheets for easy display of teams, accomplished goals, and the like. A simplified Template can be found in the links below, as well as art and sprite rips to use with the sheets. Also, I will post an example sheet following this. Although this style was popularized by Nuzlocke Thread, it is NOT only for Nuzlockes, and can be used for general purposes as a means of asking for advice or showing off your super special shiny team.

>What's happening to Nuzlocke Thread
Well hopefully Nuzlocke Thread as it is now will be re-purposed into ye olde NuzGen, specifically for streaming, shitposting and circlejerking as in the days of old. Which means keep updates out of NuzGen and keep Stream links OUT of Update General.

>Nuzlocke Info
>Links to official games
>Romhack Links
>Emulator info
>Difficulty list

>Pokemon images
>This includes:
>All Pokemon images by Ken Sugimori
>Boxed image sets

>Other goodies
A simple way to make a team roster, but not very detailed.

Sorry for going with the still uninspiring title for the thread, but the only other suggestion was pretty vague. I guess it's our theme.