GR8 UPD8S M8S GENERAL: White Whale Edition
>What is 'Updates General'? Updates General is the bastard son of ye olde NuzGen and the fairly recent rebirth of Nuzlocke Thread, the style of which has caused a lot of division in the community. In order to keep NuzGen from being flooded with a separate tone of posting and general bitchery, it was decided that the Sheet-style updates popularized in Nuzlocke Thread should be retained in their own thread so that Nuzlocke streamers would not get bogged down in the mess.
>What is an 'Update', specifically? The specific method of 'updating' ITT is done using MSPaint or Photoshop (or what have you) to create sheets for easy display of teams, accomplished goals, and the like. A simplified Template can be found in the links below, as well as art and sprite rips to use with the sheets. Also, I will post an example sheet following this. Although this style was popularized by Nuzlocke Thread, it is NOT only for Nuzlockes, and can be used for general purposes as a means of asking for advice or showing off your super special shiny team.
>What's happening to Nuzlocke Thread Well hopefully Nuzlocke Thread as it is now will be re-purposed into ye olde NuzGen, specifically for streaming, shitposting and circlejerking as in the days of old. Which means keep updates out of NuzGen and keep Stream links OUT of Update General.
>Nuzlocke Info >Links to official games >Romhack Links >Emulator info >Difficulty list >Pokemon images >This includes: >All Pokemon images by Ken Sugimori >Templates >Boxed image sets >Badges >Other goodies A simple way to make a team roster, but not very detailed.
Sorry for going with the still uninspiring title for the thread, but the only other suggestion was pretty vague. I guess it's our theme.
Can't believe I decided to rerun StormSilver, but I'm in it to win it. Doing fantastic, up to chuck with only 3 deaths. Wondering who I should add to the team if any, I have yet to pick a 6th dude.
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>>12612579 Just beat Cress in my semiblind playthrough of Black version.
My rules are simple, first pokemon from each area unless I have already caught it before.
Dupe clause is because I have never played gen 5 yet and I want to experience as many new Pokes as possible.
Level cap of the highest Pokemon the gym leader has.
Plus wo = game over.
Beat Cress easily with Tofu and Peanut.
Moving on to the next town once I get Tuna to level 10.
>>12612579 AND Eusine just blew through half my team with his nasty plot Hypno. RIP 2012, DragonSlayr and Coilossus
>>12612691 Damn that sucks man.
>>12612698 For water, should I add Horsea or Chinchou?
(would have to thief for a while to get dat dragonscale)
>>12612718 I would go for Chichou if he has volt absorb, Horsea if you plan on getting a Kingdra.
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>>12612731 Wait never mind, I might not do either since Vantas is still alive
>>12612674 That's how it is with Dragons, bro.
Half your team is going t obe be ground-type by the end of this, assuming all goes well. You might want to consider throwing Sandstorm on of your dudes, since 4 of 6 of them don't give a fuck.
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BB2, had to stop and can't play until Wednesday. Almost ready for Roxie. Benny the Lucario Oscar the Meowth Turntable the Voltorb Minerva the Nidorina Chun-Li the Dewott Deaths Lily the Staravia 3-14 (Died to Turntable)
>>12612546 You create this shit to avoid the oldfags and then you use the shitspeak they do?
Akrid, you sir, are a faggot.
>>12612850 it's called "sarcasm"
And its pretty popular everywhere that isn't Japan
>>12612859 >sarcasm >not popular in Japan I don't even
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>NuzGen is dead
>creating a new general when the oldfags come in and hurt your feelings >thinking they wanted nuzgen back when they clearly said they didn't >mfw this isn't called butthurtfaggot general
>>12612896 >>12612877 Make a Nuzgen, this is for updates, not shitposting.
>>12612901 Then why aren't you updating m8?
Also im streaming Anonymous
>>12612877 Tyfrax, please fuck off back to your little hidey hole. Nobody wants you here, and we all know you're just here shitposting.
>>12612921 >implying a response to a shitpost isn't a shitpost fuck, they're winning again
and yes, this is another shitpost
>>12612906 >Well hopefully Nuzlocke Thread as it is now will be re-purposed into ye olde NuzGen, specifically for streaming, shitposting and circlejerking as in the days of old. Which means keep updates out of NuzGen and keep Stream links OUT of Update General. gb2/nuzgen/
>>12612906 Just because you have a trip doesn't mean you can bypass rules.
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>>12612931 OKAY THEN UPD8 TIME
>>12612906 find us on twitch
>>12612945 >complains that a different group of posters ruined his old threads >comes into a new unrelated group and does the same thing Hush little Tyfrax, it'll be alright. Tell the police where the bad men touched you.
>>12612956 There is nothing happening on there right now, faggot
ShinyUmbreon !!pjdwQ37EweQ
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>>12612949 I dont think he would care about the rules even without a trip >.>
ShinyUmbreon !!pjdwQ37EweQ
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>>12612967 >Actually taking dicksss seriously on a stream post People actually do this?
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>>12612966 Except we weren't complaining. We were shitposting
How come no one streams anymore? And no, i'm not acknowledging JLT
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>>12612999 Because this isn't a thread about streaming.
Tyfrax !XAAywFbpGk
>>12612966 Getting ready to grind for Roxie
Also streaming it Also grinding a lot Also contributing Cheeky Anonymous
I came here for updates, but Akrid can't even keep the oldfags out. I'm leaving here too
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>>12612999 read the OP, if you want a dedicated streams thread then get with some streamers and make one. You see what happens when the streamfags come ITT.
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>>12613011 get out of here shitposter
>>12613013 >implying One of Dicksss fake streams has already been deleted and Tyfrax isn't actually breaking any rules because he isn't posting the link.
Ignore Streamfags
Report Stream Links
Avoid Stream Posters
Do your part, comrade.
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>>12612750 Also, update before (now during) EA's conference.
I don't have a good plan to deal with wobbafetts.
I think I'm just going to skip the ghost place. I don't think I really need Shadow Ball.
>>12613031 >report stream links So you are admitting that you people completely fucked up nuzgen, right?
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>>12613055 >So you are admitting that you people completely fucked up nuzgen, right? No, it's just that stream links belong in Nuzgen with all the shit that comes with it.
Just beat my nuzlocke of Blaze Black. The great deal of losses, the amount of tears, the excruciating pain, it's all over now. RIP in peace you glorious bastards.
>>12613066 Congradufuckinglations
Who was on your winning team?
also, are the E4 doubles ?
>>12613055 Dude, I wasn't even AROUND /vp/ back when NuzGen was in full swing. And now we're trying to separate playthrough Updates and Nuzgen so that the streamers can go do their own shit. If you'd stop your whining and go make your own damn thread the same way we did there would be literally no problem.
Besides, Stream Links are against the rules unless you go and make a specific thread for them because they cause shit. So keep crying that I'm doing what's supposed to be done.
>>12613066 Yeah. Who did you win with?
>>12613066 Cool.
Cept you didn't tell us who you won with.
>>12613085 see what youre not getting is that streamers and the oldfags arent on the same page. JLT and I? We didn't want to kick y'all out of nuzgen/thread/hootenanny
stop grouping streamers with dicksss.
>>12613085 How stupid are you? We've been doing our own shit for months, and we told you countless times that WE DON'T WANT NUZGEN BACK. You fuckers ruined it, and you can have it
God dammit, stop stroking your fucking ego and stop pretending that we even give a shit about anything you say. You were in tyfrax's stream yesterday trying so hard to fit in and act like an oldfag. We called you out on it, and now you create this updates shit because you got booty bothered at us and are now acting like the savior of all of these template/art people.
Why the fuck do you think we would revive nuzgen when we said over and over that we don't want it back?
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>>12613107 5 bucks says power trip
>>12613107 So wait, Akrid is speaking out against the oldfags shitposting and he was in one of their streams trying to fit pretend like he was one of them?
What a massive faggot. Jesus Christ
Akrid, just got rekt by dicksss
>>12613071 All 4 of them are double battles, and I was able to get by with minimal losses by teaching nearly all of them protect.
The E4 winners are:
Sigma the Golurk
Phalanx the Altaria(DEAD)
David the Scrafty(DEAD)
Nakhti the Cofagrigus
Mobius the Alakazam
Zero the Krookodile(DEAD)
David was the best bro. And he made his final sacrifice against Ghetsis' genesect. ;-;7
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>>12613107 Then go away.
Or shut up.
>>12613101 Sorry if it seems like everyone is getting caught up in the purge here, but to prevent things from going to shit you either have to stick to the rules 100% or completely ignore them.
Seriously, you guys can just go make a different Thread (not even a dedicated General) for your stream and there'd be no problem - in fact more people would be likely to see it there.
and cross-thread links don't count as actual stream links so you could still advertise ITT and I really couldn't do shit Anonymous
>>12613107 Akrid status: No Country for Told Men
>>12613107 If you don't want it back then fine. But stop shitting up the unrelated thread that doesn't even use the term Nuzlocke. Christ.
>>12613107 The only thing worse than an oldfag, is someone who tries to fit in with one and then gets mad and pretends like he is leading the charge against them. Fuck you Akrid, I thought you were an ok guy.
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>>12613107 If you don't want it back then fine. But stop shitting up the unrelated thread that doesn't even use the term Nuzlocke. Christ.
>>12613119 I don't have a problem with them streaming until they start shitting up threads, and the only decent stream is Soren's who is pretty much doing the least shitposting.
>>12613130 Doesn't use the term Nuzlocke? I counted seven in your initial thread post.
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>>12613130 >unrelated thread >based on nuzlocke runs Wow, you are so full of shit right now Akrid. You should leave with Tyfrax and Dicksss
>>12613123 No one wants to make a thread for every part of sharing a nuzlocke.
NuzGen was fine as is. Yes the original streamers were shitting on it, but who gives a fuck? its their opinion. we dont need to migrate to pix or gtfo nuzlocke upd8 land. You took it upon yourself and now you're dictating what people can and cannot do to fucking share their nuzlocke. its retarded to the third power.
You moved everyone to upd8 general because your feelings got hurt by Dicksss Tyfrax and Soren. That doesnt make you the leader of update general
which is a stupidass name. Pokemon Master General is way better since this is all about our journeys to become the master But sure, blame the streamers and NuzGen's oldfags.
>>12613128 >>12613145 >>12613119 >all this samefag Put the trip back on Tyfrax
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>>12613107 >This mad >mfw once I get past that mad, dicksss is actually right >mfw dicksss is right shit, is this the end of the world?
>>12613101 I'm about to face Falkner.
Wish me luck. Anonymous
Guys, what should I try nuzlocking now? At my disposal are crystal dust (a crystal remake in gen 3) sapphire, or emerald. Which would you recommend of those 3 options and what gender/starter should I roll with?
>>12613166 Can Magna be our new leader? Or at least our representative? Akrid is a shitface
>>12613159 Yeah I use it to point out that the thread isn't only for Nuzlockes unlike the previous threads. There's a reason it's called 'Updates General' for now and not Nuzlocke thread/Nuzgen/etc.
Tyfrax !XAAywFbpGk
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>>12613167 I have never posted without my trip
I thought it was pretty clear I dont care if you know its me or not
>he cant check for samefag haha oh wow
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>>12613184 Fuck off, Akrid. Go try and kiss Tyfrax, Soren and Dicksss' ass again.
>>12613184 How is the thread unrelated to nuzlockes when it includes nuzlocke updates?
Going by your logic, this should just be a thread for non-nuzlocke updates. Since it's unrelated, right?
>>12613176 Emerald with Treecko
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>>12613207 Akrid is getting rekt from every side now. Newfags and oldfags both think he's full of shit
>>12613159 Yeah, I use it to point out that the thread isn't only for Nuzlockes unlike the previous threads. There's a reason it's called 'Updates General' for now and not Nuzlocke thread/Nuzgen/etc.
>>12613166 I'm not dictating what people do; Stream links are against the rules in the first place and Nuzgen/etc got by because it was understood as a general rule that it was for Streamers. And personally, I don't care if the oldfags hang out here and tell us when they're streaming - you're not supposed to post stream LINKS. Hopefully enforcing that will prevent these threads from falling into the same shitholes the old ones were. You can post whatever you want here, hell I even allowed you to get by posting Stream links last thread because I didn't want to start this shitstorm up. And I didn't force anyone to come to this thread, I made it and posted a single link in Nuzlocke Thread because people were sick of the shitposting. If you want to go back to that, then go ahead.
And yeah the name isn't very good but Pokemon Master General is just vague and nondescript.
Updates general had like 5 posts today after being dead since yesterday. Tyfrax and Dicksss showed up and we're almost at 70 posts. They are like reply magnets
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>>12613211 Thanks homie for actually discussing stuff here instead of contribootin to the shitstorm
I actually wanted to use treecko because I've never completed a nuzlocke with him, or fully beaten emerald
>>12613207 Yeah I'll admit to wording that fucking terribly. I mean to say that this thread is not specifically dedicated to only Nuzlockes but is more of an open-use kind of thing. The point is there is absolutely no reason for the old streamers to come in here and just shitpost. At least Tyfrax actually posted something relevant with
>>12613011 >>12613181 Yeah, Magna can do whatever you guys want. I'm not being some dictatorial jerk here, I just want the threads to go on in peace without the oldfags shitposting OR other people being genrally upset. In fact, it'd make my life easier since I wouldn't have to make the new threads, which is literally the only thing I've even DONE.
>>12613234 That's not true. People were updating. Seth and I were doing like half the work, which is fine. We were having fun, obviously.
Then these fuckers show up and it's completely off-topic posting. That's not good.
Quantity doesn't equal quality, especially on a slow board like /vp/
now seriously. Shut up and stop responding to shit that ain't updates/Pokemon/Nuzlocke related
SukMuhDick !eqyIPLZQig
>>12613175 Minnie OHKOd his Pidgey and Blaze took down his Pidgeotto with 2 embers.
Also, I've fucked up the levels in my previous post, Minnie was lvl 12, not 10
>Yeah, Magna can do whatever you guys want. I'm not being some dictatorial jerk here But that is exactly what you are doing. You have a bigger fucking ego than the oldfags. And Tyfrax probably posted that picture sarcastically. The oldfags are probably laughing at you right now for taking that seriously
>>12613260 let's just be friends
>>12613181 I'd serve my people proudly.
In related news: I'm busy today, but I'll be updated by BB2 and my Emerald nuzlocke later today.
>>12613231 >stop shitting up the unrelated thread that doesn't even use the term Nuzlocke You need to stop tripping over your words. It's either unrelated to nuzlockes or related. Can't have the best of both worlds.
Besides, who really gives a fuck if someone posts a stream link? None of us have any intent on posting any, so you're just fucking the other people here who want to stream.
'But make your own thread for streams!'
In the last three days or so, two people, minus Tyfrax, have said they were going to stream. One person, if you don't include JLT.
Yeah. Make a thread for one person. Great idea. A+
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>>12613263 This place isn't for nuzlocke info though. Akrid said it himself, lel
Holy shit, Audino's are amazing, one move that can hurt you and ~1200 exp. I never knew how good they actually were until now. If only the grass would rattle more.
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>>12613281 >if you don't include JLT >even considering including JLT in anything Tyfrax !XAAywFbpGk
>>12613290 I don't know man, that Secret Power can be a bitch sometimes.
Depends what level you find them at
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>>12613301 Take Down is so much worse.
First post responding to this post names me and chooses my gender for an emerald 'locke second chooses name for my Treecko
>>12613301 I'm in the forest in Black and I am surprised.
It only knew double-slap but I'm not sure what it's 4th move is, because it kept using helping hand and refresh.
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>>12613281 Akrid won't respond to you. He doesn't respond when people point out how much of a faggot he is. Dicksss put him on blast and he ignored it. But if dicksss is right, then Akrid is the biggest faggot in here
Tyfrax !XAAywFbpGk
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>>12613318 Yea that's when they are harmless. They never become threatening but Secret Power can be a bitch because of sleep.
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>>Arguing instead of having fun
SukMuhDick !eqyIPLZQig
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>>12613320 done and done..I'll post again once I get treecko to ask for names
Tyfrax and Dicksss posted a total of 7 times in here. You people are acting like they posted 100 times each They completely derailed this thread which was probably their goal in the first place. Why complain about what they are doing, when the replies to their posts quadruple the amount of times they post?
>>12613281 see
>>12613260 >>12613275 What picture exactly? My head's fried from simultaneously grinding, arguing ITT and a whole bunch of other shit on Skype.
>>12613278 Fine by me, having more people posting and less people flinging shit like wild monkeys is always a plus. If you guys want to allow streams on here then I guess I've been outvoted and I'll change the OP of the next thread.
>>12613342 Also, maybe you should change it so you don't look like such an oldfag wannabe
>>12613336 Dicksss specifically posted a stream link and I believe it got deleted. Tyfrax hasn't really been a problem.
Most of the arguing is from other people being either vehemently pro- or con- streamers.
>>12613354 U wot m8? I don't really have a problem with Tyfrax, Soren, etc. Dicksss I don't like because he just shitposts continuously, but I don't see any indication of being an 'oldfag wannabe'.
And yeah I watched a few of their streams, which as I've said I don't have a problem with until they start their nonsense.
>all this ad hominem Anonymous
>>12613356 He posted a ruse link just to mess with you people and someone was stupid enough to fall for it. Why do you people keep falling for their bait?
>I've no idea what you guys are talking about but I'm just gonna ignore it So I've been sitting on this idea for a couple of days now so I decided to give it a shot. I present to you: the one-per-type nuzlocke run! >implying this hasn't been done before I'm sure you get the idea, though the logistics were a bit more complicated than anticipated, I've come up with my own custom rule-set. If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to share it Until then, here's my first update! (in my absolutely amazing template, if I do say so myself)
MEANWHILE, IN THE LAND OF THREAD RELEVANCE can we all go back to the land of thread relevance? shitstorm's over and I've been outvoted on the matter of allowing stream links, all thats left is the personal insults which aren't doing much
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>>12613382 There is hope for this thread.
I like it. Good luck.
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>>12613375 I think -one- person actually used it, and that was probably the same person who reported it so no harm there.
>>12613373 They only started their nonsense yesterday until you tried to fit in with them apparently. Soren doesn't shitpost. Tyfrax and Dicksss do just for guaranteedreplies.jpg
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>>12613267 >fucked up the levels YOU FUCKED UP NOW, M8
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>>12613382 I like it
Speaking of which, I need to do a Gold/Silver/Crystal run at some point...
>>12613375 You literally just changed the name of nuzgen. I just don't even know what to say at this point
>>12613373 I haven't posted. Don't bring me into your shitflinging contest what so ever. Dicksss doesn't stream. Ty streamed for the first time in like a month yesterday. Why the fuck is their confusion.
If someone said the sky is blue you people would literally sit here and argue over indigo and cerulean.
>>12613408 >tried to fit in with them I watched, I think it was 2 streams. One was Soren's which was fine and dandy and the other I don't remember because I was doing other shit.
Good god, you act like it's some sin to watch their streams when all I've said about it is that they need to stop shitposting so much. And hell, now stream links are allowed so there's even less ground for all this ad-hominem.
Basically your post boils down to "URAFAGET" and its a little sad. Shitstorm's over, buddy. Ya missed it.
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>>12613392 Also use lombre. You need Canta~ on every team when possible
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>>12613471 stop replying. shitposting is over. just drop it.
>>12613471 Hey, Akrid. You have a bit of a problem. Some of us "newfags" were also in tyfrax's stream yesterday. And you were trying desperately to fit in with the oldfags. Don't even pretend like you weren't. You posted a lot in that stream.
Now you are bullshitting like you went there and didn't like it and you left. No, they banned you because you were trying to pretend like you were in their "sekrit club"
I'm sure you'll try and deny it, but I was there and dicksss was right. Just admit you got buttmad they didn't like you and leave it at that
>>12613463 There is no confusion, and I'm not dragging you into this. There's this one samefag who keeps trying to make the fact that I watched you guys stream into something horrid and I'm just saying I don't have a problem with you guys when you aren't shitposting (which you haven't done at all, so...)
And as for "you literally just changed the name of NuzGen", yeah that was kind of the idea to stop all the shitposting but then everybody got MAD and overturned the one actual rule about streams. So yep, this is NuzGen 2.0 (3.0? Would the previous Nulocke Threads be 2.0?). Enjoy your stay I guess.
I just want to talk about fucking nuzlockes. I Mean this is nuzgen. Whatever you name it its the same thread. I started a black 2 run but with a numel as my starter. Any name suggestions?
>>12613471 you were in tyfrax's thread yesterday. they kicked you out because you were trying to hard
now you say you don't even remember the other stream
hahahah oh wow
>>12613504 Watch all the streams you want dude. You watched mine with no conflict. Of course me and tyfrax are different. How you may act in mine may not be acceptable for everyone else. Just be mindful to how that streamer is reacting and you should be good.
>>12613498 >they banned me They did? IIRC it was Z that kept getting banned, and either way I stopped paying attention for a pretty long time to do other shit.
As I've said, there's no scandal about me being in the thread and getting along with them. Soren, Tyfrax, Bex, etc. are pretty gr8 guise. I specifically dislike it when people start shitposting like crazy, which is exactly what you're doing.
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>>12613525 *stream, not thread
>>12613533 Holy shit, man. They banned you about 20 times and you kept coming back
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>>12613511 I've always called any Numel I catch Dromad. Something to do with Dromedary or dry?
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>updates general more like>Akrid full of shit general amirite?
>>12613511 Name it Vesuvius, the legacy must live on. So far I think me, Magna and someone else have all used that name.
>>12613471 All this back pedaling. You were trying to hard to fit in with us last night, trying to be a ~lel oldfag~ Before you left for good, you kept trying to tell us we could have nuzgen back, and how you were making this general so nuzgen could go back to how it was etc, despite being told several times we don't want that cesspool back.
You were trying to hard to get us to like you by doing that, and kept insisting that we could have it. Just please, stop before you embarrass yourself further.
Or don't, I like a good giggle.
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>>12613511 obligatory Vesuvius rec
Tyfrax !XAAywFbpGk
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>>12613463 >>12613511 >>12613531 Stop using Soren's name you flaming homosexual
>>12613545 I never realized I was being banned. I may actually be retarded, but I wasn't upset. Me and Tyfrax got along pretty well.
>>12613556 Starting my Blaze Black 2 nuzlocke with a different starter scheme. Elekid, Magby, or Smoochum?
>>12613575 Elekid named EdiSON
>>12613572 He kept banning you, dumbass
Thatguy111 !92/W4GenjM
>>12613575 I recommend Elekid.
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>>12613558 The original point of this thread was so that NuzGen or something like it could come in and be a place for streamers to do this thing without the infighting in the Nuzlocke Threads. That didn't pan out so now this is just NuzGen 3.0 or whatever.
And I wasn't trying to be ~lel oldfag, but I do try to get along with most people when they aren't doing excessively stupid things. The streams were, and are fine. it's the shitposting that annoys me.
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>>12613572 Ummm, we all think you're a faggot. Like literally all of us. Including Tyfrax. We all took turns banning you yesterday trying to get you to leave.
Who are you trying to convince? You made this shit because you were mad that we banned you for trying to be an oldfag
>>12613588 Akrid (from what im reading) is being shady and simultaneously pissing off streamers and nonstreamers, which leads to a thread no one wanted to be creaetd, with strange rules and most shit posting that content, but I'm attributing this more to the time of day.
>>12613585 >>12613584 Well I guess I'm retarded. Whoops. This is relevant how...?
Thatguy111 !92/W4GenjM
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>>12613572 Please stop posting.
Bex !S.0hAt7KZE
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>>12613572 Every time you got unbanned, you complained about getting banned in the first place. And lel getting along with Tyfrax. What stream do you think you were in last night?
>>12613580 Fuck you Edison. Nikola it is.
>>12613592 Think you're right. They also made Electivire an Electric/Fight type too.
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>>12613616 A fellow Tesla fan? You are my nigga.
Tyfrax !XAAywFbpGk
>>12613605 It's not. You keep bringing this shit up. Scroll up and you'll see me try and contribute but you faggots just wont stop jerking it.
>>12613616 >Nicola >not tesla Anonymous
>>12613625 >>Nicola >>not tesla AkridHunter
>>12613601 >shady and simultaneously pissy >strange rules Naw, I'm not pissy (though I may be a complete fucking idiot when it comes to livestream) and the only rule there ever was - don't post stream links - has been overturned.
I completely acknowledge that I am no king of Internet Fights and haven't handled the shitstorm that well, but now everything has fizzed down to personal insults which I may be deserving of, at least on the front of "I am retarded when it comes to livestream".
>>12613631 I meant as name for the Elekid, Tesla sounds cooler than Nicola
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>>12613634 >confusing pissing people off with being pissy okay, maybe youre right.
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>>12613639 I always name my Magnemites Tesla, but now I think Faraday is a better name. But damn he's just so... Nikola.
he was pointing out you spelled the name wrong AkridHunter
>>12613624 Yeah Tyfrax you actually haven't been any kind of problem. And if I was being a massive faggot in the stream and now seem like an idiot, its probably because I've been running off a combination of very little sleep and painkillers for the past few days. Apologies to all, I'm completely deserving of most of the shit I'm getting on that front.
Now can we go back to the land of thread relevancy?
>>12613664 Now he's backpedaling and making excuses for himself. I lol'd
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Oh Jesus I just remembered there's a Wobbafett in the Psychic Gym I'm fucking terrified.
>>12613701 >he's still shitposting without updates I lol'd
>>12613664 The oldfags are just trying to reel you in so they can shit on you later. How can you not see this?
>>12613718 Well Tyfrax actually hasn't done anything wrong ITT, so...
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The biggest shitposter in this thread has been Akrid
>>12613718 Can we stop talking about us like we are some secret club. We aren't bad people. I think we're nice. I mean we welcome pretty much anyone and everyone to come watch our streams. Just get along and keep on nuzlocking!
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>>12613730 Since when do you get to determine if people are doing anything wrong? Considering /vp/ is a message board on 4chan where people can post text and pictures to reply or discuss anything that isn't blatantly illegial (CP and the like), who did anything wrong?
Dicksss didn't even do anything wrong
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>>12613738 this
is there any reason I should bother trying to get a Tropius on route 119? I already have the others on the route besides Kecleon so its really my choice. If not, should I just grab the Kecleon? I may want Tropius as a Flyer...
>>12613715 WOAH WOAH WOAH.
What the hell man?
Why did Breloom get retired?
>mfw all the posts shitting on Akrid were deleted >mfw we will all remember how much of a faggot he is and you can't delete that shit
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>>12613766 going up against Winona, and the Tate/Liza, he'll be useless. Stardust is just an HM Whore.
>>12613778 I didn't actually report them so I'm just as lost as you are, the only post that should have been deleted ITT was Dicksss fake stream link,
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>>12613790 sure you didn't.....
Ground up a brand spankin' new team. Tifa I caught in Tohjo falls at that level and shes just a placeholder until I can get something that isn't redundant. Just tutored Ice Punch to Mrs. Bones, and it's time to rumble with Chuck
>>12613821 >naming a ghost Mrs. Bones Anonymous
heres this, trekking the long path from undella to opelucid. not sure to who replaced gengar with, who died at my rivals flygon.
>>12613835 It actually had bones on it before it evolved
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>>12613851 Togetic if you have a shiny stone
>>12613821 Chuck was a clean win between Gnazi's STAB psybeam (he's bug/psychic), Bratwurst's Aerial Ace and Mrs. Bones being immune to focus punch. Time for the safari rockets
>>12613890 Eek, Petrel's Skuntank killed JinJolly when he survived a flamethrower and dug underground when burned. The burn damage finished him off
Sorry JinJolly, every pokemon named after you dies ;_;
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UNNNNNNNNGGGHHHH YEAH. FUCK YOU TWINS, YOU AIN'T SHIT. LOL 4x CALM MIND PSYCHIC ON BOUNCY DID NOTHING WHAT. CONFUSE RAY WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. SOLARBEAM DOES SHIT AGAINST PROTECT WHAT. Though I was close a few times, thank god for Giga Drain on Lupe. Seriously, without Bouncy I would have wiped again. GOD I've never made this far! Now to start divin' and thiefin' so I can get Lupe to her full potential.
Yo im about to fight Ariana and Archer streaming but not gonna post link
>>12613958 Awe that fucking sucks man.
In other news, WE CAMERUPT NAO
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>>12614005 Ariana's down. Kudos to Mrs. Bones who 1hko'd her jynx with Shadow Punch, Vantas who managed to kill Arbok with 2 Crabhammers even though he survived with only 4hp, and Tifa, who managed to one-shot Honchkrow with a swaggered-up double edge
>>12614021 How's that Trapinch going there, buddy.
>>12614121 its_shit.jpg
But Flygon will be so worth it...
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>>12614162 Right.
Until Ice Beam.
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>>12612546 I want to have her babies.
And Flannery is quite smoking as well.
>>12614021 Why does all of your team have Pokerus?
Either spreaded or hax
>>12614272 The entire team gets it when one gets infected.
>>12612546 >>12612546 Who are you quoting?
Just beat Lenora for the basic badge. Almost had a scare against her Herdier, when she got a crit on Goober, he managed to survive and Peanut came in for the take down. Her watchdog was nothing for Mushu's arm thrust.
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>>12614272 >>12614279 Yeah, when one gets it it spreads extremely quickly. That's why I have THE BABY in the box as an infect-ant.
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>>12614397 Tofu's dead :(
He is now replaced with Cacao the Sewadle.
Hopefully he turns out to be useful.
Started a Fire Red run today. Things are going pretty well. I only lost Soren because that Koffing took me by surprise. Now I'm getting rid of a Rocket infestation in Silph Co. and then it's off to take down Sabrina And goddamn, Grace is a rapetrain with that Sleep Powerder/Dream Eater combo. Whiskers seems to have a little trouble keeping up at this stage, but I'm not giving up on him yet
>>12614883 Yeah, Butterfree's pretty good, I'd switch out your Raticate though if he isn't pulling his weight.
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>Mfw I thought torkoal's nostrils were its eyes and that it had wierd ear things >can never unsee
>>12612674 >2 softsands >all pokerus Nice hacking faggot
Cleared out the rocket hideout with only one casualty: the newly caught Farfetch'd Masamune when she failed to kill Petrel's Weezing with psycho cut. She will be sincerely missed, dat crithax was amazing. Tifa's here to stay until at least Giovanni because 2 waters is actually a good thing right now.
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>>12615005 You don't understand how pokerus works do you, and you can easily get 2 soft sands in game.
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>>12614946 I'm gonna hold on to him for a bit longer and see how it goes.
It's mostly because I keep going up against so many Koffing's that just wall the shit out of him. I might teach him Shadow ball or something later on
>>12615005 Am I being rused, or is this child actually this dumb?
Ein !47l32bwJfY
Saved in front of Clay right now, thinking about going a grinding up to 48 so I have a cushion of safety for his damn Excadrill. Loco finally learned Hydro Pump at 45 and got evolved and Slim became friendly enough to evolve hooray
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>>12615011 Ugh, Mrs. Bones was just taken out by an Exeggutor's Wood Hammer on a Rocket Grunt ;_; Grindan up Big Momma the Graveler
>>12615089 sheit, forgot mah image
>>12615115 >slim Oh god you totally need a Sudowoodo or something named Fatboy now
Ein !47l32bwJfY
>>12615164 Haha nice one, think I missed the Sudo though, just caught a Tentacool on route 6 and there goes my catch >.<
>>12615180 Train that 'cool and give him gigadrain, boom Marlon dies, esp if it has rain dish
Ein !47l32bwJfY
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>>12615192 Hmm, that is what I was training up Loco for, has rain dish, plus can learn Giga Drain/Energy Ball and Surf, plus Ice Beam with Hydro Pump. But haven't used a Tentacruel in forever so maybe I should.
>>12615164 Jesus Christ I just almost had a heart attack. Winona's punk-ass Altaria decides to stop being Confused and brings Nano down to ONE HP with Earthquake. Anyways, Vesuvius is definitely the bread-winner of the team, for now...
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>>12615230 And now Captcha's being a bitch. fun times
>>12612546 >What is 'Updates General'? A bunch (like 2) of Nuzlockers got trolled by tripfags and instead of using trip-blocking options they created another thread with a slightly different name to trick the tripfags.
And it worked because the tripfags are circlejerking attentionwhores.
Nuzlocke 2013
Burgh went down so easily may have been the easiest gym leader I have faced in a while. Looks like an electric gym next, let's hope Goober is up to the challenge.
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>>12614883 And that's another badge down thanks to Leonardo and Vic. I'm really glad I took the time to invest in a thunderbolt TM.
Vic even soloed that rival fight sans the Venusaur which was dealt with by Leo.
Giovanni was kinda annoying since he kept getting lucky with those poison stings though.
Now it's on to Cinnabar. It's gonna be a good route for Whiskers to kick some ass
Alas, a sad day for everyone who isn't bratwurst Rival's gengar raped EVERYONE. Time to rebuild
>>12615401 Just... fucking HOW
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>>12615347 Fuck, Burrito was KO in one hit from Cheren's Dewott on Route 4.
Hopefully there are some cool spawns here.
I'm thinking train a Lickilicky for Johto's E4. Does it have some moves? Some TMs?
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>>12615420 I didnt have full heals and he put everyone to sleep
>>12615433 Well it's got a wide range of what it can learn. Any coverage you need in particular?
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>>12615433 Mehh. It can stack TMs with the best of them but I don't know of it actually being all that useful. Someone else may come along and prove me wrong though.
>>12615478 I was thinking in something to beat the E4.
Kill Lance with roll out would be delicious, mmm...
>>12615504 I suppose you can teach it Ice Beam or something. He's bulky enough to survive a few hits
>>12615579 And anything that dont imply 10000 points at voltorb flip?
I just get one ice beam and one thunderbolt, i'm a bit tired of that shit...
Gonna start a Flora Sky Nuzlocke pretty soon Anonymous
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>>12615620 Earthquake? Maybe Thunder if you're feeling lucky
I don't see a more proper Nuzlocke General. Would anyone be interested in watching a fully randomized version of a blind Yet Another Fire Red Hack nuzrun? I couldn't even tell you what starters I'd get.
quick question: should Vesuvius forget Magnitude for Earthquake or just keep it? I'm setting him up with Amnesia/Rock Slide/Eruption/either Earthquake or Magnitude. Which one's better?
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>>12615810 would be awesome, though idk if yafrh can be randomized
>>12615826 depends on whether anyone else needs the EQ
>>12615826 I'd say eq, just because it's more reliable.
Does the same damage regardless without fussing around with 4s and 5s.
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>>12615826 nvm NO he learns Eq at 37
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>>12615639 Just made it to the first town! Team is Charmander and Poochyena
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>>12615849 It's not from a TM. Swampert also learns Earthquake naturally, but since her Spec Attk is TERRIBLE I may have to replace her with a Walrein or some such to kill Dragons reliably.
>>12615852 This is what I was thinking, and I guess I'll go with that
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>>12615639 Well that stream went from 4 to 1 viewers so I'll start up again later, maybe will drum up more interest
My final update for the night. Made it to Nimbasa City, training on Route 5 I ran into the newest member of the team, Trap. Once everyone is level 25, it's on to the next gym challenge! Also, can I go to the desert resort before doing this gym? I want the soft sand and was wondering if this place is special or not.
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Good news and bad news, ladies and gents. The good is that the dream team is completed; everyone has hit the point where he/she can hold their own and there are no foreseeable reasons why I should lose any more bros. The bad news is that Abbey, my starter and the group leader will most likely not be going to the E4. For some unbeknownst reason the RNG gods have cursed her with an abominable Spec Atk stat, meaning that any use of Water or Ice moves on her end will be ineffective against Drake's Dragons.
Is Hippowdon worth it in nuzlocke? That sand stream could fuck me over in a lot of situations
That's two more badges under my belt. Rover and Monty handled the riff-raff in Blaine's gym while Leonardo surfed him to death.
Then I added a few a more bros to the team and knocked out Zapdos and Articuno.
It's kinda sad Zapdos doesn't even know thundershock
Probably going to handle the rest of the endgame tomorrow
>>12615997 >Also, can I go to the desert resort before doing this gym? Don't see why you can't
>>12616096 If you have the chance to make use of the Sandstorm then sure, if not he may be a little too risky.
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>>12616106 my team is Kingdra/lanturn/arcanine/girafarig/ambipom so no
Out of curiosity, why isn't Expert Emerald on that list? Is Nuzlocke-ing that considered too hard or do you guys see it as a flawed ROM?
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News Flash: Fuck Shuppets
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>>12616146 I didn't actually make the lists in the OP, so I really can't tell you. Sorry.
So, I just had the brilliant idea of starting a Sapphire nuzlocke. Once it's finished I'm going to transfer the survivors over to my finished Soul Silver nuzlocke, then do an E4 rematch with 2 party members from SS, 2 from LG, and 2 from Sapphire. After that I'll nuzlocke a gen 5 game and hopefully be done before October. Thoughts?
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YAFRH doesn't support the randomization.. at least, not that I could tell. I really don't want to play without the special split... I guess I'll have to find a different ROM. With a needlessly complex story.
>>12616214 Sounds cool, wish I had a 3DS to do stuff like that on. In time...
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>>12616230 Look for used ones on craigslist or something. I got mine for $100 from
a friend . But don't give up hope. You still got a few months to get the money together.
Ok, trying this again. About to stream the continuation of my Flora Sky nuzlocke. Currently at the town after the first gym, which does not appear to have a gym. Pic related: current team (coincidentally the pre-evos of my two favorite pokemon as a kid) JLT
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TIME FOR RADIO TOWER attempt 2: electric boogaloo.
have a whole new team, time to take on all the admins and giovanni in stormsilver Finnbro
>>12616325 Currently infiltrating Team Magma. Surprisingly no deaths yet
>>12616652 I'm infiltrating them too!
Sexually Finnbro
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Ain't no one fucks with Hungry
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>>12616936 >no fun allowed Thread's ded m8, and I don't see you posting anything more relevant
>>12617032 Pimp slaped salamence with choice banded icepunch on ambipom. game over.
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>>12617051 Pimp bit the dust when he coudn't kill the kimono girls' Lefeon ;_;
Trainer Grant
Only gonna be playing for about an hour, just beat May on route 110.
>mfw everytime I fish somewhere I catch a Magikarp >mfw I try a second time just to see what I could've caught >mfw it's always a Poliwag Is it too much to ask for just one fucking Poliwag?
OK who do I add for the Elite 4? and should I swap Pokey for the Gong? I'm worried about my rival's gengar at the end of victory road too
>>12617221 forgot to say I do not want to use dragonite
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>>12617221 turn stream back on noob, I have heart breaking news
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>>12617223 internet is fucking dead
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>>12617190 make a dupes clause, no catching a pokemon you've already caught and if you come across one you kill it and go to the next
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I'm nowhere near ready for the last gym, let alone Clair. Where's a good place to train at this level. Nothing gives me enough exp anymore....
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Well shit. I catch a Psyduck in the safari zone of all places, with a great Spec Atk stat only to learn that the damn thing can only learn Psychic by breeding. Ugggh. If the multitype isn't going to help it, I'm better off praying for a good Walrein.
Trainer Grant
>>12617123 Just beat the trainers on 117, out for tonight. Welcoming FredyMerc to the team
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>>12617285 get it together, fag
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>>12617221 So I'm swapping Zong for pig and giving it calm mind, and using a fucking LEDIAN as my 6th dude. Dat hacked stat buff, iron fist and punches.
Night dudes
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>>12615164 >>12615115 I alway name my Snolax's Slim Jim or Slim.
>Be doing randomized nuzlocke on emerald >Starter is a Nidorian Male with Rock Head + Take Down >Great Start >New route >This Pops up Man, my run is going great and I've only battled May (or Technician Jo )
>>12617591 wut
this luck
stats are randomized?
>>12617591 Fucking cacophony
>>12617612 yup stats are randomized, this is how he is currently after some training
His moves as of yet are Sandstorm, Rock Slide and Will-O-Wisp
>>12617620 The thought of having a deaf red duskull is cute
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>>12617620 and I just noticed no pokemon have cacophony since it's a beta-removed feature
jesus christ is Rubedo special
>>12617632 Oh god, new poke, only has Take Down
It came with shell bell Ein
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>>12615115 Got everyone to 48 and sitting in front of Clay, having trouble planning this Gym out, any one got some advice?
>>12617727 >Reach petalburg woods >First Pokemon is articuno This run man
I caught him with my 2nd last ball
Also, I fought a lady or whatever that had a relincant with wonder guard that could not be bipassed by my poke's moves. I had to resort to sandstorm/poison gas/disable to kill it, and the lady had a full restore. No casualties aside from potions and oran berries
>>12618059 best run ever
gg would do
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>>12618071 >Scrumpy (Nidoran Male) learned curse >He's a ghost type >Rubedo (shiny duskull) learned perish song and now I'm not afraid of wonder guard anymore it's so good I want to cry
guys, what is your baseline rule on overleveling? I don't want to feel like I'm cheating.
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>>12618182 for me, 7 levels over is the max
I can't really avoid it when I'm fighting high-end exp pokemon in the wild and I'm in a no-repel-no-run
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>>12618182 I try not to go past the highest level of the next gym leader's pokemon that I haven't beaten.
I raise it a little for the league, but I won't go farther than five levels above the champ
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>>12618182 I try to stay no more than 3-5 levels above the highest lvl of their pokemon
Sorry for asking about this in this thread, but I can't find the nuzlocke general. I'm having a lot of trouble with emulating. Whenever I open up a ROM, it starts okay, but the professors' sprite in the introduction doesn't show up, nor do the sprites for when you choose female or male mc. And after that pretty much everything is hard to see and looks generally fucked up. Does anyone know what to do?
>>12618501 Emu? Roms? Settings?
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>>12618508 I use desmume. The last time this happened was when I tried to start up volt white, but it happens pretty much every time I try to emulate.
I'm not sure about my settings, but I don't think that's the problem, since I haven't really changed anything
>>12613382 Update for my totally awesome one-per-type run
I'm wondering, are dive and waterfall a thing in soul silver?
Didn't really think about it. Going to suck to have to make an HM slave, lets hope it's not going to be my Croconaw ^^
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>>12619118 They got rid of dive and I'm pretty sure you're going to need waterfall and whirlpool. It's not a bad move for Croconaw anyway since they tend to be more physical