>>12657611You do realize I was not the guy who posted the 'soccer mom' comment? (I believe if someone were to quote that post and one of mine, I could screen cap it and provide proof. As the link to my post would say "(You)" while the original 'soccer mom' post would not.)
Either way, I thought 'soccer moms' very clearly meant 'parents who find gambling to be abhorrent', or something of that nature.
I'm sorry to have rustled your jimmies by assuming that someones jimmies were rustled.
Also I used the term 'autist' because, honestly, the only people I can imagine not understanding the use of 'soccer mom' there are people whose first language is not English and people who cannot understand sarcasm, i.e. persons with autism-spectrum disorders.
I extend real apologies to any person with autism who may have had their jimmies rustled by reading this, or any of my other posts.