Old thread:
>>12715919 This thread is for exchanging 3DS friend codes so we can play games, swap notes, and get hyped for X/Y!
If you want to be added to the list, post your name and friend code, and Adrian will add it.
Remember, both you and the friend in question must enter each others' friend codes in order to become a friend. There's no in-game friend queue, so check to make sure people you've added have added you as well!
Danny -3668-7833-2691
Oh awesome, hopefully this will still be up by the morning..
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Also known as random occasionally Pokémon Swapnote general.
Quoted By:
I wonder how XY will implement SpotPass.
Makai Wars 3625-8096-0261
>/r/ new thread >new thread actually happens God bless Brb, adding the whole fuckin' list, everyone should attempt the same.
Add me, newcomers! Huck @ 1864 8668 8113
Christian 0001-3821-5023
From old thread, enjoying talking to all of you on Swapnote, also if anyone wishes to add me, let me know so I can add back :)
Deel 4484-8513-9738
Christian 0001-3821-5023
Maddie 0275-7898-8740
add me, new people and tell me if you do, i don't have my 3ds again until tomorrow i think i'mkinda scared of all the swapnotes
Paris 5327-2177-0128
You guys if X/Y does cool things with the PSS, this is going to be a good time
I want to add more people, but I feel like I'm filling up my friend list too fast and it makes me uncomfortable.
Here, take it. 1246-9276-2255
Rembog 4957-2781-6550
Anyone who has added me and I haven't please let me know
Christian 0001-3821-5023
>>12724054 you have been added
Makai Wars 3625-8096-0261
Makai Wars 3625-8096-0261
Patrick M. 1564-2017-1809
Hi. My user name and code is above. So, yeah. Imma add you guys, k? Oh, and GET HYPED!
Paris 5327-2177-0128
Christian 0001-3821-5023
Quoted By:
>>12724054 Name is Jericho btw.
Eric 2509 - 1070 - 0136
Can anyone confirm for me that 100 is the limit?
Maddie 0275-7898-8740
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
>>12724440 Super confirmed
Eric 2509 - 1070 - 0136
Quoted By:
>>12724014 Tomorrow, I will probably start deleting those who haven't been on for 2 days or more
David 0834-1049-7221
Just got back from man of steel twas great so now i'm back to add peeps on #30
Cameron 4339-3583-7440
>>12724505 Your name is fun I am adding you
Cameron 4339-3583-7440
Zinzolin (0087 2329 0463)
OLL (82 on list)
If you're over number 90 or so it'll take me a day or 2 to add you, but I'll get around to you eventually as I have to delete anyone who hasn't responded in 24 hours. please add me and I'll appear in your list when I reach you.
Galo 0361-6874-8238
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
Quoted By:
Yoh peeps im back, catching up on all my swap notes, then im gonna delete my unconfirmed friends and add the newfrienss THen its ANIMAL CROSSING TIME!!!!
Steffie 0662 3389 9790
>>12723660 Sorry for bumping an old thread but I just got a 3ds, and a
legitimate copy of black 2, looking for some dream points and the such.
Code is: 0662 3389 9790
I'll be adding a bunch of people to the list
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
Quoted By:
>>12725955 Never too late m8, welcome aboard
S-dood !VbUQsxiYDs!!bYtd8PbDoqG
H-hello V-visit my town? I should be back in 5-6 hours, name is on the list under the same name of course
>>12726005 How'd you get a face like that? Mine is totally different. I want your eyes
S-dood !VbUQsxiYDs!!bYtd8PbDoqG
Quoted By:
>>12726013 I have no idea, it was there from the start.
I-I'm pretty new to Animal Corssing Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>12726047 I haven't got the game yet but I can't decide what eyes I want. I'm tossing up between the second and the 6th at the moment.
I asked my mother to help me decide but she was no use.
Quoted By:
>>12726071 Female faces, I mean
Jasmine 0344 9392 8646 I'm gonna go through the list and add everyone, I'm also going to add everyone in the thread.
Guys, got my physical copy of AC. So, how do we reset again? I got this frog guy with... ugly brows and attitude. Dude, I wish I could snap his neck (if he had any).
>>12726085 I mean, who talks with 'as ifs'. All the time. Gosh.
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
Quoted By:
>>12726099 Lol wish I could help but idk, im trying to figure out what to do about my time, the only time ill be playing is the middle of the night when my towns folk are asleep
>>12726084 Adding
Kenshiro 2938-6021-1664
So, I was having trouble getting online on the friends list yesterday and then went off to do other stuff. Still kinda busy for a couple days, but I'm actually going through adding people now. Oh, and it looks like I'm already on that list in the OP at No.89 (though I didn't give a name yesterday)
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
Quoted By:
Well friends im probably leaving wifi for now, peace out andhave a good day
matt - 3024-5321-7621
Lets do this, getting pretty keen for swapnotes
matt - 3024-5321-7621
matt - 3024-5321-7621
Lex 4957-2152-7828
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Quoted By:
I'll say it again, I'm still waiting for lots of replies from people on the list. If you're on the list, please add me. I'll be going out now, probably getting Animal Crossing.
0705 - 2783 - 1100 (30th on the list) william Wed 19 Jun 2013 14:14:16 No. 12726791 Report Someone still didn't got my Confirmation? if someone have added and i havent added back, please let me know.
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
DaveC 1161-0008-1498
Adding all the new people when my 3DS finishes charging! Swapnote time.
Melissa 4699-5716-9642
Quoted By:
Is everyone having a good/fair/tolerable day today?
I am having way too much fun with this Swapnote thing.
>>12726084 >>12725955 >>12726859 >>12726523 >>12726196 >>12725534 >>12725523 >>12725475 >>12724314 >>12724235 >>12724153 >>12724054 Added all of you.
S-dood !VbUQsxiYDs!!bYtd8PbDoqG
Quoted By:
I'm back again. If I haven't added you back yet, let me know.
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Quoted By:
Apparently editing a note at the head of a thread creates a completely new thread. That's just awkward.
Paris 5327-2177-0128
Danny -3668-7833-2691
Morning people, how's everything. Anyone I need to add?
S-dood !VbUQsxiYDs!!bYtd8PbDoqG
>>12723907 Also from the old thread. Added.
>>12725955 Also added.I'm still waiting on Fris, Jacolo, Damon, bEArd, B, Pommy, Edwin, numerous anons, Adrian, Woman, Ken, Erik, Samuel, Prince, VagRaptor, Billy Mays, Goose, Mengele, Blinky, and Noah and Steffie to add me back.
Though I added *most *of the ones who haven't added me back yet in the original thread, so some of the anons probably have an trip/name now, or I may have shortened the name I put in in my Friends List.
I really don't want to but in about 24 hours I'm deleting everyone who hasn't added me back.
dustin 0404-5539-0330
Paris 5327-2177-0128
>>12727153 added~
also if anyone has added me and i haven't reciprocated, let me know. i'm waiting to hear from david (72), anthony (106), jimbo (94), andmyaxew (85), drewjester (90), nizram (86), zinzolin, oll, william, and davec
>>12727137 Sorry for the delay, but I can't seem to find you on the list?
dustin 0404-5539-0330
>>12727200 3DS says your code isn't valid
Quoted By:
Guys, can we like talk about Animal Crossing here? Anyone expert in this game? First time player btw.
Paris 5327-2177-0128
Quoted By:
>>12727284 i ran into that problem before, it worked after waiting a while
dustin 0404-5539-0330
>>12727284 nvm its working
are you a grill? Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12723907 i don't have you...
you still here?
Guys, can I like add you guys randomly when I get XY? And we can do battles, trades etc. I don't have my DS now and I won't be having it until October. That's when I will be going back home for sem break.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
Quoted By:
>>12727319 you'll have to look for a thread like this here or on /v/ or something because friend-code adding has to be two-way
Goose 3265 6082 7882
also finally going up the list and adding everyone i haven't yet
Quoted By:
>>12727317 Yeah, will add after looking at all these /vp/ Swapnotes!
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Good morning, /vp/! I added everyone that was in the previous thread when I left. Some people still need to add me to make it official, though.
Mike 5026-4657-3031
Considering that list is way too big for me to add everyone, and I wouldn't have enough space anyway, I'm deleting all current provisional friends and only adding people who explicitly state that they added me.
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
>>12727120 >>12727200 I added both of you.
(At least I'm pretty sure I added Paris. I know I added Danny...)
Mike 5026-4657-3031
Also, Alex, Gendo, danny and Sbiz, open your gates.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
Quoted By:
>>12727488 dont think i have you either...
i need some peaches btw
you need like cherries or mangoes
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Quoted By:
>>12727200 Well, I actually didn't add you before, Paris, but now I did.
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Quoted By:
Does anyone have any games OTHER than AC (which I don't have)? I would love to be tossed around like a salad in Kid Icarus: Uprising and Mario Kart 7.
I'll open my gate for anyone who cares to join me!
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12727549 yeah ill come
we should add each other as bestfriends so we can chat across towns nigg
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
Hey. Any one that's new please add me. Just woke up so don't know how many people joined
>>12727566 All right, opening gate soon, get your body ready
Paris 5327-2177-0128
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12727578 ye standing by tell me when you get it up
also anyone w/ ac lurking add noah and go to his town
the more people we get in this ac circle-jerk the more fruit we get traded and also other fun stuff
Mike 5026-4657-3031
>Here is a list of available towns at the moment > > > > > Has anyone opened their gate?
Mike 5026-4657-3031
Quoted By:
>>12727604 I guess I spoke too soon.
>>12727578 Will you accept a newbie peasant like me?
Mike 5026-4657-3031
>>12727604 Oh, you haven't registered me as a friend.
Can you do that now?
Quoted By:
>>12727627 Me again, new to AC, so how do I go to your town, guys? Just enter your FC at the train station?
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12727642 mike did you add me?
Mike 5026-4657-3031
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Great, now I feel lonely without Animal Crossing.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12727653 oh then i'll go home and open my g8
sorry anthonlonely
Quoted By:
>>12727662 Shhhh, you're not alone
>>12727662 Oh Anthony, I have Kid Icarus and all but the cart is at home. I'm sorry I couldn't join you in the brawl.
>>12723660 Adding everyone + posters.
Phoenix: 2337-3518-6581
>>12727668 Coming over soon once you leave my place, let me know
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Quoted By:
>>12727685 Darn. Guess I'll just have to fight Lvl 1 AI punching bags, then.
Not that I don't like doing that, though Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12727653 >>12727695 opened g8
get in here niggs
>>12727688 also added you
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Anyone here I haven't registered yet? I have room for about 20 more. Maybe more if I go and delete my /v/ friends who never are on anymore.
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
Quoted By:
Guise, how do we train station?
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Quoted By:
>>12727715 >>12727688 Added Phoenix, adding Carrotfoot now.
Quoted By:
>>12727715 Are they... dead?
Mike 5026-4657-3031
>>12727712 Still isn't showing up.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
Quoted By:
>>12727712 it disconnected me >.>
reopening g8
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12727750 should be up now
>>12727750 I was about to go to Goose's town but I got an error, now it doesn't show up.
Goose, what do?
Goose 3265 6082 7882
devy !!amY9gdlKRd7
Quoted By:
>mfw i can't share shit because my 3ds (along with my ipod) was stolen :c gives me an excuse to buy an XL though...
add me!!! carlos 3609-2382-5053
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Quoted By:
Apparently right now everyone's busy on Swapnote or Animal Crossing. I guess I'll check up on this thread a little while later.
Danny -3668-7833-2691
Paris 5327-2177-0128
Zetsu 2062-9690-3528
Zetsu here. Take my code. Tell me when you do. I shall add you it return. Have a lovely time doings so. Hopefully I'll get AC New Leaf soon.
Makai Wars 3625-8096-0261
DaveC 1161-0008-1498
Quoted By:
>>12728038 Added!
Also, I've never gotten so much notes in such a short time!
Laevateinn 5171-9638-0018
Quoted By:
where is your number xD
DaveC 1161-0008-1498
>>12728101 Added you as well.
JP 1005-8436-6101
Hi guise, I don't know well how this works, but whatever
Carl 3609-2382-5053
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
>>12728101 >>12728112 >>12728146 Added
>>12728126 Basically, I add you into my friend list, and then you add me on yours. Boom. We're now officially Internet buddies
Quoted By:
>>12727688 Officially added everybody, I'll give the blank cards until the end of the week.
Thanks to everybody for the adds :)
Danny -3668-7833-2691
>>12728101 >>12728038 I'll try to add you when I get from work!
Carl 3609-2382-5053
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
>>12728126 You're my 100th. Gonna have to start deleting people that haven't added back now.
Here's mine, I've been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf, if you gots it then we can play togetha, an trade fruits an stuff FC:0903-3908-2543
S-dood !VbUQsxiYDs!!bYtd8PbDoqG
>>12727261 I'm Brianna on the list.
do you even ctrl+f? In very unrelated good news, my tablet came in the mail to my city today. Bad news is I guess I was busy playing AC at the time (I just got back from somewhere and wanted to rest) the mailman came because they just left that slip instead.
...But since it's AC I have no regrets.
Quoted By:
>>12728478 oh yeah my name is Birdo
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Add me please. And I'm up for a visit to your town in AC people. Anyone up for it?
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>checking Swapnote >40 new letters >chek 'em >finish after ~40 Minutes >see I have moar new letters >20 new letters >mfw You know, /vp/, I really love you guys.
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12728560 Now I'm excited for ya guys.
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>>12728560 wait wat..
That's not the image I uploaded..
I've never seen that gif before.. ever
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
Quoted By:
>>12728576 Well... It kinda fits with what you were saying...
>>12728565 Gonna add you in a bit
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12728576 Ben add meeeeee~ btw playing AC now? Can I visit you?
>>12728576 That happens sometimes. It went to another thread, possibly even a different board. Actually, most likely a different board.
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>>12728602 Never happened to me before..
I actually wanted this
>>12728600 I bought AC today, I'll start playing soon
Also adding now
Carl 3609-2382-5053
>>12728576 ADD ME BEEEEEN :D added
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Quoted By:
>>12728600 I'll add you in a sec. If I missed anyone, let me know since I'd rather have people that are still breathing on here!
Quoted By:
What's with the friend code exchanging, if you don't have X/Y?I don't have a 3DS, but I'm thinking about buying one next month.
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Quoted By:
>>12728630 Coolio! Let's visit one another.
Dawn 0018-0622-4610
Ok, adding everyone on the list. This might take a while..
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Quoted By:
>>12728637 i added you too, carl
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
>>12728664 I registered you, as well.
Carl 3609-2382-5053
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Quoted By:
Omg finally had friends. I didn't bother back then. Guess I should thank /vp/ for this. Anyway, anyone opening their gates for visit? C'mon peeps!
Michael 1907-8366-7201
I made an MK7 community for this thread, although anyone and everyone is welcome. 07-8833-7792-5900 Btw, I only plan on adding 35-50% of this list if that's cool with you OP. You can remove my name/FC if you want.
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12728630 Ben, lemme visit you, please? I wanna test the visiting function and honestly, playing real time with new friends are kinda... cool.
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>>12728764 If I knew how everything works, sure. I think I have to play a little more first, though.
I only started my new game quarter of an hour ago..
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
I have: David Lima Galo Cameron Goose danny Lobster Karselim chana Huharo Sukhbir Jarrod Zetsu Paris Patrick Vettel Eithan Rembog Caitlin Eric Jimbo Lex noah Laevateinn Hawthorne Melissa Andrew Luke Adrian Anyone who's name I didn't call? I'd love to add ya!
Paris 5327-2177-0128
Michael 1907-8366-7201
>>12728882 You can go ahead and add me.
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
>>12728760 It tells me the code is invalid.
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>>12728882 I added you, I think
try me?
Carl 3609-2382-5053
Maddie 0275-7898-8740
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12728882 Yo! Me as well if you would like a South Asian representative.
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Quoted By:
>>12728926 Southeast Asia, gosh.
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
>>12728882 Add me <3
As of this moment, this is my list. I'll start deleting those who never added me unless you ask me to not do so. I need to make space to add new pokebros.
Quoted By:
>>12728494 >S-dood >Brianna lolwat
Will add after lunch :)
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Quoted By:
>>12728919 >>12728926 >>12728939 Gotcha!
I'm always up for more!
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12728791 Oh cool. I new to that series too actually. Take your time bro.
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
Quoted By:
>>12728939 K I'll add you in a bit
If there's anyone who has added me that I have not added back, please let me know and I will definitely add you later
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Quoted By:
>>12728939 thanks for making the list! I'll try to add you when i finish downloading all of these notes.
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Quoted By:
>>12728901 Michael, could you repost the MK7 code? The other one doesn't seem to work.
Laevateinn 5171-9638-0018
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Add me please :3 I've been here before, got most of you people
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Quoted By:
>>12728978 Adding you as we speak.
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
So, I'll be getting my DS back from repairs sometime around 4-5pm, pacific. I'll post my name+friend code, and work on adding people as soon as possible.
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
Quoted By:
>>12729020 Lol Dr., added ya.
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12729047 Will be waiting. I'm far from filling this up.
Maddie 0275-7898-8740
Quoted By:
pleeease tell me if i'm unconfirmed on your list, it's really hard to keep track on my phone
>>12728994 got you and Carrot now
Michael 1907-8366-7201
/vp/ MK7 Community Code:
>>12728903 Sorry about that.
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
>>12729099 Thanks!
I'm up for racing anytime, everyone.
JP 1005-8436-6101
>>12728197 Thanks, got it now.
Zaim 3840-5661-3560
>>12729150 Adding? I'm adding you btw.
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
>>12729150 Added, if that's cool with you.
Still waiting on Saklaner.
Michael 1907-8366-7201
Quoted By:
>>12729117 Same, hopefully the code gets added to the OP. I sent it out over swapnote too.
JP 1005-8436-6101
Maddie 0275-7898-8740
these mini swapnote threads are super cute
Luker/Seth 3582-8243-2263
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Quoted By:
>>12729252 >Pic threads >voice threads >pet threads >age threads ...we really aren't anons now.
Lobster (1719-4324-7212)
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Quoted By:
>>12729020 Still waiting for you to add me
>>12728971 My gates are now open!
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
>>12729365 You have a very cute Mii.
Lobster (1719-4324-7212)
Michael 1907-8366-7201
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Adrian (5257-9521-3545)
Afternoon everyone! I'm currently updating the list with everyone who's posted on this thread. I've also alphabetized the first 100+! If anyone would like to become a regular, I will be highlighting names of those people who will be on the threads daily welcoming newcomers. Just let me know!
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
>>12729411 >not buying on release and getting dem ambassador games Noah
>>12729394 M-mind if I add you?
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
>>12729451 Count me in, buddy!
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
>>12729458 Of course not!
May I have your FC?
Quoted By:
>>12729475 Sorry, forgot it but it's 2664-2215-1965
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Quoted By:
>>12729475 Scratch that, found it.
Quoted By:
Geese are scary and mean
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Quoted By:
>>12729475 I added you! :y
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
>>12729394 ...most Mii are adorable!
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
>>12729526 I think mine is too strange to be adorable.
If I buy another 3DS (I'm looking to get an XL) is there a way to transfer my friends?
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Quoted By:
>>12729537 Well, it is rather unique.
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Quoted By:
>>12729543 Yes. In settings, there is an option to do a system transfer. If I remember correctly, everything from your old 3DS will travel to the new one.
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Quoted By:
>>12729543 I'm assuming system transfer would work. Or are you wanting to just transfer the friends list?
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
>>12729461 Added, finally. List got full real fast and now I'm trying to fix everything!
>>12729252 Add me, you have me waiting here :(
New list for me! I added the FCs I saw on this thread, deleted some people and added new ones! If I deleted you and want to add me, let me know.
Karselim 4854-6460-8530
Righto adding anyone waiting on me again this morning. So many swap notes, so little time!
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
>>12729609 I haven't used my 3DS so much since Fire Emblem... these bloody notes are addictive.
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Karselim 4854-6460-8530
Quoted By:
>>12729622 I know right, drowning in the damn things its wonderful!
Adrian (5257-9521-3545)
Here's the updated list, alphabetized and all! I've also added all the newcomers, so whoever hasn't added me yet, I'm waiting!>Also, If anyone would like to become a regular, I will be highlighting names of those people who will be on the threads daily welcoming newcomers. Just let me know!
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Maddie 0275-7898-8740
>>12729798 i'll become a reg, i guess
are these kind of threads gonna become a regular thing?
Lex 4957-2152-7828
Quoted By:
>>12729815 >>12729806 Captcha ate my name.
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
>>12729798 Number 9 is me and I'm not Seth
Adrian (5257-9521-3545)
>>12729821 I'd guess so, the mods haven't 404'd any of the previous ones.
>>12729833 I thought so. I think my vision fucked up when I saw your posts right next to each other and I thought his FC was yours.
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
>>12729798 I'll become regular
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
>>12729843 It's cool. I'm "regular", I think.
Unless we're talking about Prune juice or something.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12729798 ye i'll do the regular thing
i get on fairly frequently
i can also attempt to organize (and fail) at getting people acquainted in animal crossing
>>12729263 >>12729323 >>12729355 And added you guys as well while I'm here.
I'd like to join the "regulars" list. Swapnote is way too much fun, and I look forward to trading/battling in XY or the new Smashbros with all of you.
Adrian (5257-9521-3545)
>>12729916 Name? I'll upload the updated list a little while later, I want to get as many people in one shot before having to go back and edit over and over.
Patrick M. 1564-2017-1809
Please add me! (btw: what kind of advantages does this offer? Sorry for being a noob on the field of the 3DS)
Goose 3265 6082 7882
Quoted By:
>>12729958 ok
heeeeey cave story
Patrick M. 1564-2017-1809
Quoted By:
>>12729971 I'll add you. Just need your name and friend code
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Add me. Btw, what kind of advantages does this give?
Lex 4957-2152-7828
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
I'm back! Is there anyone I need to add? Of course, there are a few people still provisional on my list. One is Carrotfoot. The others, I can't remember.
Quoted By:
>>12729798 I'd definitely love to be a regular, so count me in! These threads are great, and I'm enjoying all the Swapnotes and Animal Crossing visits, looking forward to X/Y for sure
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Anyone registered me that hasn't heard back yet, or would like to register me that hasn't? Also, my provisional friends are: Tatsu B G-Meister Tejal Billy William Ser Dylan Sbiz Ronoak Ramses Lido Jared Greg Daniel Corvas Commandrrf Chlizinski Brianna Amanda Please register me, or let me know if you can't due to filled friend roster. O-or won't because you just don't want me...
Patrick M. 1564-2017-1809
Quoted By:
>>12729992 >>12729993 Added!
>>12729992 It lets you play multiplayer and such
Can you see about making me a regular, Adrian? c:
Carrotfoot 2449 4619 9391
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
>>12730064 I registered you a little while ago.
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
>>12730090 >>12730075 Oh, nevermind. Thx mang.
Patrick M. 1564-2017-1809
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Alright, I think I've added everyone who said they've added me. If you have me as Provisional, let me know so I can toss you on this here list c:
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>>12729798 I'd say I'm (here) pretty regular(ly)
So you can highlight me, good sir!
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730113 Newbie here! (also added you)
Posting from my 3DS because my laptop is broken. Made a shitty pic in Game notes. Top FC is for my actual 3DS, seeing as I want friends for Swapnote. (i send more than just pokemon related stuff..) and the bottom is my Pokemon Black FC.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12730113 yeah gotta add you soon
in the middle of an ac session but i'll but your fc down when i'm done i'll add you
Patrick M. 1564-2017-1809
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12730178 i'll get to you as soon as i'm done on ac
i've got your name down as well as your fc
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Quoted By:
>>12730202 Added you. If I need to add anyone else, just say
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Quoted By:
>>12730156 added, fellow patrick.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
Quoted By:
>>12730113 yep added you on provis
Rembog 4957-2781-6550
This thread still alive? If there is any new people from yesterday, let me know so we can mutually add each other. And if you have added me and I haven't added you yet, please let me know.
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Seth 3582-8243-2263
>>12730258 Already gotcha bro!
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Quoted By:
>>12730270 Oh yeah, it's a clusterfuck of names, sorry I forgot! Here's a cute cat for reimbursement.
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
I have Dawn as Provisional, apparently. Anyways, added everyone who's posted since I got here. I have nine slots left :c
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Quoted By:
>>12730272 Someone I love your name lmao
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Quoted By:
Re-make thread OP before this 404's
Carl 3609-2382-5053
I add all, reply if you add me
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Quoted By:
>>12730430 Add me /vp/orean
Rembog 4957-2781-6550
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
Quoted By:
>>12730475 Rembog, I added you last night.
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Also, Black 2 friend info: Claire [3525 9960 3786]
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
>>12729798 Do you realize how much of pain it will be for me to fix my own list now? :c
Also I like the regulars deal. Count me in, maybe?
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12730507 we've got a thread on swapnote for that, you can start a new one anyways if you want c:
>>12730522 i'd suggest only asking if you can be on, like daily or close to daily idk
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730522 Add me :)
Cecilia 2020 - 1109 - 9150
Anthony 4983-4986-3356
We're going to need a new thread.
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730632 What the hell is Swapnote? Also added! He!
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Thatguy111 !92/W4GenjM
I'll add whoever adds me 3737-9732-7056
Dr. Ivo 2836-1284-6520
Someone wants to play AC right now?
Thatguy111 [3737-9732-7056]
Anybody add me? Or am I not to be loved ;_;
Jared 5086-1351-8720
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Quoted By:
>>12730735 >>12730742 Added
>>12730775 This thread is just slow hehe
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
Quoted By:
>>12730775 >>12730779 Welcome to list, /tr/ainers.
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12730704 letterbox maybe?
>>12730632 responded to some of your note, but swapnote is inconsistent as hell and you might get the responses like tommorow
>>12730742 don't think i have you
add me if you're still on, i'll put you on provisional
>>12730779 k
Patrick 1032 2249 7595
Well I'm done here, for now! I'm almost full on my friend's list with 93 friends, I'm going to delete anyone who hasn't added me yet tonight. Thanks, OP for making these threads!
Cecilia 2020 - 1109 - 9150
>>12730791 is that why it seems to be working so badly? zzz
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
>>12730529 Well, I am here everyday, have answered on all threads and probably nobody who has added me is waiting for confirmation. Any questions?
Thatguy111 [3737-9732-7056]
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
>>12730818 What is your name, friend?
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12730742 i'll open my gate
do you happen to have any peaches dude?
>>12730824 o-oh just asking ya
Seth 3582-8243-2263
>>12730848 >>12730843 Ah, shit, sorry. Took it off to post on a different board.
Dr. Ivo 2836-1284-6520
>>12730851 I'll bring some peaches.
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
>>12730851 >>12730742 You people are almost making me go buy ACNL right now (if I had the money)
Tony 3995-6549-3311
Anyone I have to add yet?
Thatguy111 [3737-9732-7056]
Claire [2707-1687-8027]
>>12730876 I already have you, bro.
With that, I'm off for a few hours.
Added: Andrew, Lobster, Michael, Seth, Carrotfoot, Noah, Saklaner, Adrian, Lex, Antonio, Goose, Patrick, Rembog, Cecilia, Jared, Also Jared.
Provisional: Dawn
See you guys later!
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730904 I've already added you silly beans
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730919 You haven't added me yet! HOW DARE YOU
Thatguy111 [3737-9732-7056]
>>12730924 Oh silly me :3
I was looking for a Tony in my Friends list, not Antonio
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Quoted By:
>>12730911 Can you add me? I added you, or so my 3DS tells me. If not, I'll try adding you again.
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730941 How do you mean? I changed my name to Tony normally
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
>>12730936 I've lost sight of who I have and haven't added
I'm so sorry, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
captcha: (orsante) weariness
how fitting
Thatguy111 [3737-9732-7056]
>>12730972 On my Friends list, it says Antonio.
Either that or I'm insane
Tony 3995-6549-3311
>>12730986 Bloody hell, I'll try to adapt it. My mistake!
>>12730975 I feel you bro :p
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
Lex 4957-2152-7828
Quoted By:
>>12730127 >>12730138 >>12730632 >>12730735 >>12730742 >>12730779 One last mass add before heading to bed. See you in a few hours, /vp/!
Heybunny [2964-8690-8039]
S-dood !VbUQsxiYDs!!bYtd8PbDoqG
Warning again, I'm deleting anyone who hasn't added me back at around noon EST tomorrow.
Huharo 4811-7487-2456
Hey if anyone has added me please tell me now so that can add you back
>>12731167 >Huharo 4811-7487-2456 06/19/13(Wed)18:22 No.12731167 please add me, I just added yours
Thatguy111 [3737-9732-7056]
Anyone in my Friends list down for some Mario Kart 7? I made a community. The code is: 23-4806-0411-5949
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Incoming list of people who still need to add me>Erik >0318-7170-5364 >Prince >Ramses >Billy >Meed >Gardefag >VagRaptor >G-Meister >bEArd >5472-6682-8780 >Jacolo >B >Edwin >3926-5042-3738 >Adrian >Woman >Ken >Chris >Damon >Alkaid >Dr. Mengele >Zetsu >Blinky >Caitlin >Chlizinski >Ken >Anthony >DrewJester >Christian >Claire Anyone who hasn't added me off this list within 12 hours will be deleted, because my list ist almost full. I have two free slots left
Andmyaxew 4768-8694-7043
Anyone that has me as provisional?
>>12731330 Please add me I'll add you
Christian 0001-3821-5023
>>12731223 Added you!
So many new people... Well, if anyone would like to add me, let me know!
Heybunny [2964-8690-8039]
Andrew: 0275-7440-2961
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Heybunny [2964-8690-8039]
Saklaner / 1204 - 0349 - 1776
Quoted By:
>>12731214 Added you, add me back c:
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Quoted By:
>>12731330 Little update, I'll be deleting these provisionally to make some space:
>0318-7170-5364 >5472-6682-8780 >3926-5042-3738 If these are your codes, tell me and I'll re-add them.
Was away for a while, back now :) But people stopped adding me :( Anyone?
Heybunny [2964-8690-8039]
Seth 3582-8243-2263
>>12731477 Want to add mine, I'll add yours
Christian 0001-3821-5023
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Hawthorne 5112-4127-5508
Just checking in again. I have most of the list added, yet most are still provisionals. (So if any of the new people want to add me, reply and all will be cool.)
Goose 3265 6082 7882
>>12731628 i'll add ya
anyone else that still on reply to this post and i'll get you too
running a bit low on space tho...
Seth 3582-8243-2263
Quoted By:
>>12731628 I'm new around here and I'll add you
Carl 3609-2382-5053
Heybunny [2964-8690-8039]
Hawthorne 5112-4127-5508
Christian 0001-3821-5023
Dr.Mengele/ 0490-5186-9471
Quoted By:
We need a new thread
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Quoted By:
Has this reached bump limit yet? If not, it's about to. Can someone make a new thread?
Ben 4253 - 3540 - 4294
Quoted By:
Made a new thread
>>12732232 Chassity 5214-9813-3981
Quoted By:
so many new people... gonna have to wait until tomorrow before I start deleting... I'm sitting at 100 friends at the moment
Soxar 0860-3491-0577
Quoted By:
>>12723660 hope to be added to the list
I'll start adding other people later tonight,
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
Morning crew! Any one whos waiting on me to add back let me know, I deleted all my unconfirmeds So how are we all today?
Lex 4957-2152-7828
Quoted By:
>>12736730 We've moved, mate. This thread is sinking.