>>127719281. nigger
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78985 up, 13469 down
A fully grown niglet
Theres one of them niggers
wigger grillz bling monkey black
by Shanaynay121092 Sep 28, 2006 add a video
2. nigger
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52098 up, 19387 down
A word that everyone else is afraid to define except in utter seriousness, for fear of being branded a rascist, in total ignorance of the colloquial usage of the word, its characterization in popular culture, and the populations of people it is used most by.
You shouldn't ever say the n-word, you rascist cracker asshole.
by Panocha007 Oct 20, 2003 add a video
3. nigger
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45385 up, 14703 down
a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "nigger" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*
by Scooby King Feb 27, 2005 add a video
4. nigger
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21627 up, 10142 down
nigga, niggah etc. al.(noun)1.describes an ignorant, uneducated, foolish individual regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
2. endearing term between two or more individual to describe a friendship or bond.
1.Shut up, you nigger
2. Chris, you my nigga.
by Matt Mar 15, 2005 add a video
5. Nigger
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13844 up, 5838 down
Slang description for slaves who were brought mostly from West Africa by the Dutch, English, and Portuguese from what was then a huge "Nigerian Basin" which makes up part of the countries of Nigeria and Niger today.
Load the Nigger's on the ship, time for an auction in Kingst