>>12786848My charges got changed from possession of a trafficable amount of a drug of dependance to possession of a poisonous substance.
They said that the judge or whoever won't even bother with it, and it's been 2 weeks since the date they said I'd get a letter/ call saying 'come to court lol'.
It was my first offense, and since I live in a small rural town, they'd rather get rid of the guy that sells pot, pills, shard and acid to the whole shire than some dumb kid who got a bunch of shit off Silk Road and just so happened to get caught while doing nothing.
As for them instigating the "deal", we had a q of weed each (I should mention I was in my car with a friend) that we picked up earlier that night. We had to mention this in our interview and they were like "ooooh yea, who is he? if it's who we think it is, admitting it was him can do a lot for you etc.".
He's a nice bloke, but he has a lot of assault, possession and theft charges against him atm and I guess they wanted to get him for as much shit as possible.
In a small country town, every cop thinks they're a hero and wants to be responsible for the "big bust" for dat promotion.
We knew we probably wouldn't have our charges go through from the get go, and the cops just wanted to give us a scare, but it was still a harrowing experience, and we know not be so retarded in the future.