[93 / 17 / ?]
Quoted By: >>12800520 >>12800582 >>12800595 >>12803448 >>12803493 >>12803540 >>12806229 >>12810786 >>12815172 >>12815203 >>12815260 >>12815450
THIS FUCKER RIGHT HERE. Why the hell does this thing even exist? What is the purpose of this Pokemon at all? Why did GF deem it necessary to give jigglypuff an pre-evolution? Pichu, I understand. Magby, Elekid, and Tyrouge I understand too. Smoochum is debatable, as well. But FUCKING IGGLYBUFF. When I was 10 I didn't even know it existed until RSE. I don't see any other pokemon that is unnecessary and useless as igglybuff, honestly. It is truly the most forgettable Pokemon in the entire series.