[15 / 3 / ?]
We all have been wondering how the economy of the pokearth works. I'm here to tell you. Pokemon trainers are roaming individuals like nomads. they live off the land and travel the world. Average, stationary people would live a life similar to the lives we live today, expect they would be working for a place to live, clothes and other material items. Pkmn trainers still need money of course, for pokemon centers and pokemon items and basic living items. This is where the pokemon league comes in. Every year the Pokemon League of a region throws a giant festival where they make huge sum of money. they could also make money during the year with contests, broadcasting gym battles, random tournaments etc. This money is then used for next years festival, funding pokemon centres, and given to the pokemon trainers/nomans who participated in the league. We all get hung up on the fact that a Pokemon world would be an expensive one. Everything would be practically free because, hello, there's pokemon. Every would have or know someone who had a grass type like tropius, eggecute and exeggutor would could produce infinite berries and fruit with harvest. thats why everyone eats fruit and not meat. (they probably used to but went vegan for moral and economic reasons). Food prices, a being a major cost in society, would reduce the need for money.>Sorry but i had a major wave of autism and head cannon.
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I imagine the financial system of Pokéarth as simply being some kind of points system. I mean, I can't rationalize taking actual money from a little kid after trouncing them in a basic battle... and if you keep losing, you'll run out of money to survive. I thus also suspect that the infrastructure of the Pokémon world is subsidised by "the National Gov't" (of which the "National Pokédex" is named after) to the point where someone can grab a shitton of Max Repels, etc, with their credits and it won't cause much of an issue with supply for demand. And then I remember that it's just a game/cartooon, and so I really should just relax.
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The way I see it is that because there are so few trainers who are dedicated strictly to battle the money kinda just leaks in from other professions that trainers. Think of it this way. You, your rival(s), and ace trainers are for the most part the only trainers who actually compete for badges and aim to become champion. Everyone else has some kind of job on the side to occupy them, kids have school and prize money is their allowance, business people in Castelia certainly aren't full time trainers, even the Gym Leaders have proven to have side jobs or passions that they also follow. It's just that for most of the game you will battle and gain prize money from these people. The point is that being a real trainer is tough. Only the really good ones can make enough money to live comfortably. If you suck then you don't get money, if you don't get money then you find something that will get you money so you don't live out on the street with a "will battle for $$$" sign in your hand. For every winner there is a loser and Veterans/Ace Trainers/Gym Leaders and those lot have proven that they are the 50% who can keep winning enough to not become poor. As for Pokemon Centers and the like, those are payed for by either the tax payers or by various competitions held by the Pokemon League to raise the funds. The things in the Pokemarts could also be marked up slightly to cover free Pokemon healthcare.
>>12819386 My headcanon is
1 Pokédollar = 1 American cent
So in American currency Poké Balls would cost $2.00 which based on how mass produced they are makes sense.
And an amulet coin magically doubles any amount of money you gain.
>>12819622 The Amulet Coin is actually a mind control device that is programed to make trainers give up more cash.
>>12819611 That's hardly head canon considering the prices are the same in the japanese version.
Although it sounds rather sad that after completely beating the game, my guy only has $20,000 to show for it.
Well, I guess that much money would go a long way in that world.
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>>12819651 Society inthe PokéWorld allow for a much lower cost of living so yes.
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>>12819628 If I tried really hard I could head-canonize it.
Something like an Amulet Coin being a bet: "I bet my guy holding a statistically useless item can beat your guy holding a Choice Band, if I win you have to give me doubru money"
of course that doesn't work if you follow game trainers and realize almost none of them use held items
>>12819651 >solid gold nuggets are worth 100 dollars The economy there is screwed.
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>>12819676 Price of gold is significantly lower because its more abundant and the lower cost of living lowers its value.
>>12819676 It's never mentioned how big each nugget is.
Also, what if your character is just a stupid kid that doesn't realize how valuable gold is.
>Hey i've got this solid gold thing how much can you give me >lol gold aint werth shit m8 ill giv u 100 doller >Holy shit thats a lot of money, i'll take it Also, probably gold isn't rare because there are Pokemon that can find it easily. Or even Pokemon that can fucking MAKE gold. Who the fuck knows. Would gold even be worth anything in a world like theirs?
>>12819727 >A nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a high price to shops. >pure gold $100 for solid gold? That must be microscopic nugget.
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>>12819765 Okay you win. Our PCs are fucking retarded.
Guess you can't be good at everything.
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Most people aren't professional trainers, just hobbiests. Gym leaders, Elite Four members, and some trainers (mostly aspiring Champions and Leaders) can support themselves on battling alone, though most choose not to. Gym trainers are volunteers and Gyms are community supported, since the gyms bring a lot of business into town.