>>12834303Need a trade, no one is around. Here's a free for all, let me know what you decide to take and leave me
=====Level 5 Derps=====
Aerodactyl, Alomomola, Anorith x2, Archen x2, Azurill, Baltoy, Bellsprout, Bronzor, Budew, Carvanha x3, Chansey, Daruamaka, Dratini, Drilbur, Eevee, Gible, Heatran, Hoothoot, Houndour, Illumise, Kecleon, Klink, Lileep x2, Lunatone, Murkrow, Omanyte x2, Oshawott, Paras, Pineco, Ralts, Sandile, Seedot, Shellos, Slakoth, Smoochum, Snivy, Spiritomb, Squirtle, Staryu, Stunky, Sudowoodo, Surskit x2, Swinub, Taillow, Tentacool, Tirtouga, Togepi, Torchic x2, Tyrogue, Venipede, Wingull, Wynaut