>>12838035>>12838045You're shit. I hope you are locked in an airtight metal box submerged underwater, and for some ungodly reason there's a keypad inside that requires a code, and I know the password (and, in this unlikely scenario, we have walkie talkies) I would respond with "Google it bitch." BUT as you take the last breath of oxygen, I pull you out, and take you aboard a ship. I give you a towel to wipe yourself off, because the water was very cold. at this point I walk over with some sort of object, bend you over, and pull your pants down to brand "GOOGLE" on your ass. You scream in pain huddled on the deck as I speak to a man in a suit. You see him hand me large sums of money before I say my parting goodbye. The man puts a collar around your neck that says Google, and informs you that you've been sold off to Google as a new blowjob slave.
This continues for many years until one day, you wish for freedom so bad you bite a dick. HARD. You're taken out back immediately and told to get on your knees. You hear a shotgun being loaded firmly behind you. the metallic sound of shells being placed inside seals your fate as you feel deep in your chest that this is the end. You hear the rustling fabric of the man hold the gun up, and time seems to slow down as you remember what you've done, how much of an asshole you've been, and he pulls the trigger. You're life ends that day, in the rain he dumps your body in a shallow hole, knowing you won't be remembered. Your gravestone contains only one word. And, of course, it's: Google.