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[47 / 5 / ?]

I fixed some of your shit, Game Freak

No.12862044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>azurill has a 50%/50% gender ratio, like it should be
>all starts have a 50%/50% gender ratio
>your first pokémon will be, with a chance of 75%, the same gender as your character, independent of its natural gender ratio

>the term "baby pokemon" no longer exist and pokemon wich were previously categorized as such are now breedable
>parents of pokemon wich were previously categozied as "baby pokemon" no longer have to fulfill conditions like holding items to be bred
>pokemon wich were previously categozied as "baby pokemon" now evolve by leveling up, without any extra conditions

>pichu + level 10 = pikachu
>cleffa + level 10 = clefairy
>igglybuff + level 10 = jigglypuff
>azurill + level 10 = marill
>budew + level 10 = roselia
>chingling + level 10 = chimecho
>bonsly + level 15 = sudowoodo
>mime jr. + level 15 = mr. mime
>mantyke + level 20 = mantine
>togepi + level 20 = togetic
>happiny + level 20 = chansey
>munchlax + level 30 = snorlax
>riolu + level 30 = lucario

>kadabra + level 30 = alakazam
>machoke + level 38 = machamp
>graveler + level 35 = golem
>haunter + level 35 = gengar
>gurdurr + level 35 = conkeldurr
>boldore + level 35 = gigalith

>seadra + level 44 = seadraking
>rhyhorn + level 30 = rhydon
>rhydon + level 42 = rhyperior
>aipom + level 32 = ambipom
>lickitung + level 33 = lickilicky
>yanma + level 33 = yanmega
>gligar + level 34 = giscor
>feebas + level 20 = milotic
