>Fiery Aura (non damaging fire type move)
The user is covered in a raging fire for 3-5 turns
if the user is not fire type, it is burned
whenever the user makes physical contact with another pokemon, the opposing pokemon takes type based fire damage, starting at 6 percent
>Boil off (damaging fire type move)
80 BP, deals super effective damage to water types, if it is raining, then the user is unaffected by the rain for 2 turns
>Submerge (non damaging water type move)
the user submerges itself for 2-5 turns
while submerged, water type moves gain an additional 1.5X damage boost, and fire type attacks do 1/2 damage, this stacks with rain, also, electric type moves deal 2X damage
if the user uses specific moves, they will be boosted further by the submerged status (Surf, Dive,etc)
>Shifter (ability)
shifts dimensions while in battle
Drought for Trick Room
>Enlighten (move)
speed is cut, but defense and special defense are boosted drastically
>Avenger (ability)
attack, special attack, and speed are doubled when HP reaches half
I suck balls when it comes to names, so if you guys have better names, go ahead