>>12951862Perhaps not for XY, but I had an idea for a game where there'd be two teams - one would be an environment (nature) themed team, and the other would be a technology (nurture) themed team. As the protagonist, you'd choose to temporarily infiltrate and associate with one team and oppose the other, though they both are malevolent. The game would end with you taking both of them out.
The nature team would be all about conserving the environment, but they'd also have this "top of the food chain," "natural selection," "might makes right" mentality to them. They'd believe that the strong have a sort of natural right to dominate those weaker than them, and it would extend to the way they used and treated pokemon. If you join them, you'd be able to make use of their mystic lore and druid magic and stuff to change the natures of your pokemon or modify their egg moves.
The technology themed team would be all about urbanization. They'd be sort of a "we're all in this together," "we're all equals," "we're all working towards a better tomorrow" kind of group, but with creepy harrison bergeron undertones. They'd be all about using technology and cybernetics to modify pokemon genesect-style on a widespread level, and joining with them would let you use their technology to change your pokemon's IVs or quickly EV train them.
Probably lol2edgy by half, but I think it would be pretty cool.
>>12952307I love this idea.