Starting a FireRed nuzlocke! Here's the low down so far...>Player's Name: RED >Rival's Name: GREEN >Any pokemon that faints dies and must be released. >Only catch the first poke'mon of an area/route (no dupe clause) >Six "Trophy Poke'mon" can be caught through out the game. They don't have to be the first one seen on the route, but they can't be used in any battle. >Starter is determined by Trainer ID's last digit (1-3 grass, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, 0 use the next number over) I'm fairly stoked, and I'll probably need some help with nicknames along the way. I've never played FireRed all the way through.
>>13053177 It's the easiest one of any pokemon game thanks to VS seeker, weak gym leaders and trainers, and super strong catchable pokemon. Good nuzlocke for a newbie, but generally not entertaining to watch.
You streaming or just posting caps itt?
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
So my ID is 13805, so I'll be starting with Charmander (I like Venusaur more than Charizard...). Any ideas on the name?>also the other rule is that battle mode is changed from shift to set.
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>Player's Name: RED >Rival's Name: GREEN Stopped reading there.
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>>13053229 Your next captcha
>>13053210 Then I'll sage all my posts, so I won't self bump if no one is interested.
>>13053224 I'm just posting caps. I'm not sure how to stream.
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>>13053242 >shift and not set Alright, I'm interested. What'd you name your charmander
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I went with my CAPTCHA. Let me introduce you to THATCEI!!!
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>>13053242 Me neither But people tend not to because it can maul a non powerful PC
Call charmander lizardlips
>>13053278 Did you get the potion from your PC?
Holy shit! Yeah, I see why people like this guy so much.
>>13053294 Yep! That was something I always did as a kid on Red. I thought it was a secret, so I felt really cool.
We'll this is the first poke'mon on route1, but I don't have any poke'balls so it looks like this route is a bust. This pidgey will buuuuuurrrrrnnn!
>>13053333 Anon, it's completely okay to disregard encounter prior to obtaining PokéBalls. A lot of people do just that in Nuzlocke runs.
>>13053333 nice quads, but just go back and catch the first one you see when you have pokeballs again m8, nobody will judge you
>Rival's Name: GREEN He is BLUE you fucking retard. Anime (Gary) and Manga (Green) are not canon. Blue is canon.
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>>13053378 He's Green in FR/LG thought, so chill dude
>>13053363 >>13053352 I must hold to my conviction as a poke'mon trainer *closes eyes and clenches fist*
I just got done running the poke'mart errand and THATCEI is sitting pretty at level 8. I'm going to see what comes my way on route2 and route22.
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>>13053378 Only as a reference to red/blue in gen 1, but the only remakes are of red and green, so it at least fits here
>>13053378 your mom is not cannon lol
>>13053407 pray for a mankey or else brock is gonna rek u m8. or hopefully you get a caterpie in viridian forest and can evolve it to butterfree
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>>13053378 You are fucking retarded, Green is his default name in Fire Red.
>>13053421 >metal claw >brock has no super effective moves against THATCEI Anonymous
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>>13053430 >Rattata You're fucked already, unless you get a Caterpie in Viridian Forest have fun grinding Charmander to 18 to beat Brock
I can't lower her health anymore without killing her. This is going to use up a lot of poke'balls in the process.
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>>13053440 >what is Rock Tomb
I got her! I just need a name for her.
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>>13053449 most early shit can be caught at half health with normal pokeballs
>>13053489 Nuptup. Nuptup devours all souls
>>13053520 Ladies and gentlemen...
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>>13053539 Should have gone with Nuptup
like anyone will get the reference ;_; Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13053529 Nuptup is not a Rattatta, good sir
>>13053529 oooh I do like that name, but I'm only taking the first response.
I'm grinding JOLENE up a bit until she is level 8 too, then I'm going to hit route2
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>>13053579 Well, its a reference to ProJared's nuzlocke, but he named his gloom that.
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13053579 If you go with Nuptup, please, save it for an
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It's time to meet our next friend! I'm off to route2.
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It's a lady pidgey! I need a good flying type.
I caught her in two turns (total badass). What should I name her?
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The childlike wonder and excitement of the OP is truly inspirational.
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
>>13053674 I really like that. I'm going to level her up a bit and grab some antidotes before heading into Viridian Forest.
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>>13053696 Mmmm, what a naughty girl...
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
>>13053696 Good luck in the Forest!
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>>13053748 Thank you!
Okay, so I feel like it's time for a checkpoint role call. My party is filled with the following...
>THATCEI, the brave charmander. He's level 9 and knows scratch, growl, and ember. His ability is blaze. >JOLENE, the lonely rattata. She's level 8 and knows tackle, tail whip, and quick attack. Her ability is guts. >MERCY, the naughty pidgey. She's level 8 and knows tackle and sand attack. Her ability is keen eye.
It looks like I'm about to be the proud owner of a weedle next!
>>13053843 Name it WhoopiPie.
Slamma jamma!!! What name should I bestow upon this little lady?
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13053868 Jackelynn
I'm not good at names. Anonymous
>>13053868 >>13053859 I'm liking the all female except Charmander thing going on. Lucky guy has his own harem.
>>13053859 Posting a name before a caught it! You are very proactive, sir anon.
>>13053886 I'm kind of glad to know i'm not the only person who thinks up this kind of degeneracy while playing pokemon Anonymous
>>13053891 >sir >>13053906 I usually do the opposite. Have a female of my favorite team member and gift her with her very own reverse harem.
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>>13053925 Oops! Sorry
I had a close call with THATCEI being poisoned will helping WHOOPIPIE level up, but thank goodness I had that antidote. Also, I had my first evolution!!!
Now it's time for my first non-rival battle. I'm leading with WHOOPIPIE. I think I need to stop relying on THATCEI so much because he's leveling up much faster than the rest of my poke'comrades.
>>13053979 It might be best to power level THATCEI since you'll be relying on his Metal Claw to take out Brock. You can always catch up the rest of your party with that route of trainers immediately after.
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
It isn't too amazing. I tried to get through his weedle with WHOOPIPIE, but she was down to four hp, so I switched her out with JOLENE. JOLENE was able to knock out the weedle, but was poisoned in the process. Luckily I have one antidote left.
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054012 Huzzah, No deaths yet, let's keep it that way
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>>13054004 You have a point
I was able to win without any casualties, but I don't like how close I came to losing WHOOPIPIE. I'm going to hone my trainer skills and be a little more careful.
Let's see if I can handle this next bug catcher a little better...
>>13054077 She's gonna have a hard time beating anything by herself before she evolves at level 10.
>>13054124 Yeah, I had to switch out for JOLENE again. This battle went much smoother, and WHOOPIPIE and JOLENE leveled up!
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
>>13054146 Nice!
JOLENE could end up being pretty good, Raticate can hit a lot harder than you'd expect
>>13054146 You may want to head back to town while you're ahead to pick up a few more Antidotes.
>>13054165 She's definitely proving herself in battle.
>>13054173 That was a good idea. I think if I hadn't then I may have lost MERCY to another bugcatcher.
After taking down a few more bugcatchers, I've made it to route3. This pidgey is the first poke'mon I met in the grass. I don't think that I'll catch it (MERCY might get jealous). I'm going to train up the team I have for now until I'm fully confident and then take the Pewter City gym challenge.
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054224 Good luck with the rocks, Be careful with WhoopiePie
*insert single tear of joy*
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>>13054264 Grats! Now don't kill him on Brock.
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>>13054264 Congratulations! She
has no moves! Anonymous
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>>13054264 I don't mean to be mean or anything but is there even one important battle in Fire Red where a Beedrill would be useful? Wouldn't it be wiser to give the XP to more "capable" guys?
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
It's time for the Pewter City gym challenge!!! My line up is...>MERCY, the naughty pidgey. She's level 15 and knows tackle, sand attack, gust, and quick attack. Her ability is keen eye. >JOLENE, the lonely rattata. She's level 15 and knows tackle, tail whip, quick attack, and hyper fang. Her ability is guts. >THATCEI, the brave charmander. He's level 15 and knows scratch, growl, ember, and metal claw. His ability is blaze. >WHOOPIPIE, the impish beedrill. She's level 15 and knows poison sting, focus energy, harden, and fury attack. Her ability is swarm. I think I can take the first trainer, but I'm nervous about Brock. I'm going to need to rely on JOLENE and THATCEI's metal claw attack. *fingers crossed*
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>>13054479 >naughty ehehehehehe. i wish you hadn't used all caps though.
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054479 >>13054506 Be careful here, THATCEI's Metal Claw should make things easier on you, but He could take a lot of damage really quickly, from that Rock weakness
I took down the trainer's geodude after two tail whips and a hyper fang critical. I think luck may be on my side!
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Good luck, OP. I just recently bombed an Emerald Nuzlocke run after the first four Pokes I could catch were Poocheyana, and then failed to catch 2, then the next two were Abras who teleported. Wiped hard at fighting gym to a crit on my starter.
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
*I've got tummy butterflies* LET'S DO THIS!!!
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054600 >dat filename I believe in you OP, you can do eet
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!! Here comes the big guns! JOLENE's tailwhipx2 and hyperfang combo is proving amazing in combat though!
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>>13054640 JOLENE is going to die to one rock tomb
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054640 Be careful with Jolene, you got this!
I'm going to be heartbroken if you lose her PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
She's been hit by one rocktomb and missed by another. Onix is mainly using tackles and binds though. I'm trying to focus on tailwhips and healing with potions. I've used 3/5 from my inventory so far.
>>13054695 >healing items in battle isnt that not allowed?
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>>13054708 that rule is a personal choice
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054708 It's not one of the core Nuzlocke rules, no, and nothing was said about it in the op, so I'd say it's fair game
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Name your next Pokemon Sogeking.
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>>13054708 Not according to OP's rules. You don't have to follow the original Nuzlocke rules to a T, you can pick and choose to create the experience that you find most enjoyable. After all, the whole point is to have fun.
PKMN Trainer RED !BAlid/rL1I
And Onix fainted from a hyper fang critical!!! No casualties to report!!! I am overwhelmed with pride in JOLENE and all my poke'mon!!! *dance of exuberance* I'm going to take a break for now, but I'll be back and continue posting my saga. I can't wait to see what Mt. Moon holds in store. Thank you all for rooting for me and watching! PKMN Trainer RED signing off!
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>>13054755 are you gonna have a different floor different poke rule? or one poke for the whole cave
Phyrro 1765 3505 7271 !wJaxeehRtQ
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>>13054755 Good luck with your adventure, and congratulations with the run so far.
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>>13054755 Jolene, Jolene, Jolene JOOOOLEEEEENNNNNNNE
I'm really happy for you OP