>>13054025>that would make the faster evolution become the best, just like infernape.But that's the same with the Grass/Dark Fire/Psychic Water/Fighting trio, if Chespin's evo outspeeds Fennekin's evo it'll just slap its shit with a Night Slash or something and there's no point to either being Grass or Fire.
>>13054034 said, it defeats the purpose of the triangle, so the secondary types should enforce the triangle (or not be related at all) rather than go against it.
>>13054035Ice is a shitty type and I assume you mean resistance. Both combinations have 4 weaknesses but Fighting offers more resistances. I realize this but in-game it's probably not significantly worse, Fighting and Steel are definitely less common threats through normal gameplay than Flying and Psychic types. Being super effective against the very common Grass, Flying and Ground types (plus Dragon, which is definitely going to be more common since we see Level 8 Axew hordes in one screenshot) is very useful, and having Ice as a secondary type would mean it would learn Ice moves earlier than a TM for Ice Beam would be available for Water types. It's not so bad if you think about it.