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I will be Tobias' son and he will give me his Darkrai, Latios, and his Entei, Zapdos, Articuno, and Togepi.
I will follow Ash in his shadows until I see he has developed his best team ever and will almost for sure win the league.
Not if I have anything to say about it.
Ash's pokemon have gotten strong and have beaten all of my legendaries. It comes down to Togepi vs Pikachu. Pikachu is wiped from his previous battle with Darkrai. I take advantage of this. ''Togepi, use Metronome.'' Togepi starts wagging its finger, and all of a sudden, a bright beam shoots up into the sky. Meteors start raining down on the stadium, killing everyone in the stands. The whole island that the pokemon league was being held on is decimated. After all the chaos, I see Pikachu laying there with the swirlies in his eyes. Togepi had used Judgment.
Ash picks up Pikachu and smiles. Everyone in the stands is dead, but Ash just looks on and smiles. This is the 54th time Ash has lost in the Top 8.
I go on to win the league, and after my victory, I go into hiding.
Watching, waiting...