Bidoof: Maestro and Overseer of the Eternal Void
"The greatest force in the Universe, is the force of Nothingness"
Agenda: To anull, destroy and ultimately return all things to the original nothingness from which all things were created.
Taboo: Followers of Great God Emporer Bidoof must have aboslutely no values in the physical world. They must be always nihilistic, and force their emptiness upon others. If they begin to have emotion, love, or value in their life, it is swiftly taken and burned in front of them, whether it be people/money/Pokemon. If this happens twice, the follower is transformed into a wrym like creature, with white smoke instead of eyes, and arms too small to strangle ones self. They shall be deaf, they shall be blind, they will be immortal until the day the Void claims all. They will need to scream, but they will have no mouth.
Skills by following God Emporer Bidoof
Drain: You will become a vacuum of instantaneous heavy force. At first you will make people only tired, or depressed, it will not sustain or energize you, but as you progress in training you will drain more than just energy, soon you will be able to drain life forces by simply being near life.
Plagas: This is the highest skill you can learn, reserved only for Highest Level Followers, you can spread Drain like an infection, so as you touch one person, they are infected with drain. As they touch someone else, they are infected with drain, in an urban environment, this can lead to complete destruction of all life.
Rewards: If you have earned a reward it is only this, you will be united with the Void quickly, instead of at the end of days. You will yearn only for the Void, being one with the Void is your only desire.
So C'mon and Join The Cult of Bidoof today!