>>13082821At the time /vp/ was created, HG/SS had just come out and the first B/W information was being revealed. In addition, this was before /vg/, so General Threads of every franchise were running wild on /v/.
At any one time there'd be a Pokemon General, B/W speculation, and a Gen Wars thread on the front page of /v/ at any given time.
Non-pokemonfags were pissed that there were 3 or 4 pokemon boards on the front page at any given time. They were pissed they'd have to search two or three pages back to discuss the game they wanted since half the front page was pokemon. So they would end up shitposting in all of the pokemon threads to derail them. And then you would have the white knight "LOL Y R U GUIS SHITTING ON POGEYMANZ" threads, which were even worse.
So moot set up a containment board to make /v/ less polarizing.
/vp/ was good for like a day when it was just outcast /v/irgins who wanted to chill and discuss pokemon. Then, the /b/tards and tripfags found it. People thought with a new board, it would be a chance to establish themselves as the resident Master Ruseman and Lord of Tripfags. So the first 2-3 years of /vp/ was furry threads, tripfag circlejerks, Gen Wars, shameless meme forcing, roleplaying, I herd u like mudkipz/Slowpoke/FUCK YEAH SEAKING /b/-spamming over and over and over and over again.
It was pretty cancerous, arguably the worst board on 4chan.
Then about a year or two ago moot added a shitload of new mods an janitors, and this board has gone back to being tolerable.
>>13082976/v/ has three containment boards, that's how bad it is. Not even /b/ is that bad.