[49 / 4 / ?]

528KiB, 1600x1586, pokemon_blue_cover_art_by_comunello76-d4xvjro.jpg
Quoted By: >>13096579 >>13096646 >>13096653 >>13096689 >>13096902 >>13097012 >>13097137 >>13097167 >>13097533
We knows it's inevitable, Hoenn will be remade. But instead of ShinyPeriodBlood Sapphire and RockinAnalbead Ruby, what if we got a remake of Emerald. Actually, a remake of Emerald, and Blue. Instead of having to remake 2 versions of Hoenn and Kanto, why not make a paired version that guarantees people will buy both? I'm talking about a paired version, one being a 3D remake of Emerald, the both being a 3D remake of Blue. Heck, maybe even take it farther and make them sequels to the games.
>inb4 OP is autistic.
I know.
>inb4 OP is autistic.
I know.