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No.13103588 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys, why do you like Dunsparce? Why does everyone in /vp/ seem to like Dunsparce?

No, this is not a b8. I genuinely want to know why someone would like Dunsparce. I once tried to train a Dunsparce in Gold about ten years ago but I gave up because of its horrible learnset. After that, I never saw or heard anyone ever mention Dunsparce anywhere until I started lurking /vp/ which seems to be some kind of a global Dunsparce fan club.

Seriously, when I think about Dunsparce, this is what comes into my mind:
>the design is really dull
>it has extremely boring typing, which is nearly useless both offensively and defensively
>it has horrible base stats
>it is outclassed in every possible way by just about all other Normal types besides Ditto
>it is very difficult to use both in-game and competitively
>it is very rare, has no evolutionary relatives and is hardly ever used by in-game trainers, making it even more forgettable

Before I found /vp/, I honestly though that Dunsparce is the most forgettable and meaningless Pokemon. Why do you all like it? Why does everyone hope for a Dunsparce evo? Have I missed something? Am I not seeing something that I should be seeing? Or is it some kind of an inside joke of /vp/ to like Dunsparce? Please, I really hope someone would give me a serious explanation. Also, I hope I'm not the only one who is feeling this way.

Sincerely, a very confused anon.