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!!UUnIq9F3xgT No.13151457 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Never finishing edition
Favor is obtained by following your god's agenda.
Doesn't have a good ring to it, imo.
I traded my black 3DS for a red 3DS XL. The 3D part on my normal 3DS was fucked up and displayed 3D at the lowest possible intensity. Meant to send it to nintendo but never got around to it.
Should I reword it to "..And must hoard their tech..." I can kinda see where anon is going with this.
There's nothing you can do for Lugia. He's one of my favorite pokes, too, but there's no chance of him leaving the magical realm now.
I'll get to reincarnate, someone else in this thread had some suggestions. As for Mewtwo, that second part does kinda mess with me, too.
You won't need to mutate yourself
No, that's be a buffed version of Blazing Truth.
>does Yveltal's Death Form include LAZORS 'n'shit?
Yes, they're just not as good as Yveltal's lazers.