>>13155109Cartridge storage space has FUCK-ALL to do with game length.
It has a little more to do with populating the game world, but in the instance of trees and people and props in the world, there are shortcuts that make it really really easy to store a lot of different people in a very tiny space, so even that's negligible.
Even basic polygons don't take up huge ammounts of space on a cart. The biggest part of any polygon, data wise, is the texture, and you'll notice how there's a lot of solid colors and stuff going on, in the world and Pokemon, to allow the texture to be small, without sacrificing aesthetic value.
By far, the biggest space hogs in a game are the sound and FMV files, and since Pokemon still uses Midis, which are tiny, and has very little in the way of FMV cutscenes, there's a fuck-ton of space available for everything the game needs.
Just as a point of interest, Metal Gear Solid 4 is 50GB, but only because the audio in that game is uncompressed.
If you compressed it normally, the entire game would come out to just under 7GB.
8GB storage space is a fucking huge amount, especially on the 3DS.