Red's a pansy. He stopped Team Rocket, sure, but for only a short while. Canonically, he was ineffective against actually stopping Team Rocket from doing anything major, Gold was the one who stopped Team Rocket for good. He even then went on to canoniclly beat Red. Even then, we have Hilbert/Hilda, who stopped Ghetsis from taking over Unova, which, really didnt do anything based on his plan. Ghetsis planned to fool everyone in the Unova region from releasing their pokemon so he would be the only one in power, but it's a shame he forgot about the entire rest of the pokemon world having pokemon and being able to stop him. Nate, while not recognized as a "hero", still had more at stake than both Red, Gold, and Hilbert, since Ghetsis was planning on using Kyurem to actually cause mayhem and destruction with its ice powers. Then there's Brendan, who pretty much saved the world itself by intervening in the plans of Team Aqua and Magma, a far lager feat than any of the ones previously mentioned. Last of all there is Lucas, who saved the entire universe, traversed dimensions, and actually put an official end to Team Galactic as far as we know. So realistically speaking, while we don't know of any other PC's official teams, Red is inferior to Ethan/Gold based on them winning in a battle where one of the parties unknown but implied to be superior to Red. Red, and Ethan/Gold are trumped by Hilbert based on the challenges they faced, and since the more difficult the challenge the stronger the team is implied to be, Red and Ethan really don't have much to go on. Nate would be above Hilbert, Gold and Red, yet below Brendan. So Lucas, based on what we know about the hurdles he had to jump, and how much implied difficulty went in to him having to actually thwart Team Galactic, is far superior in both power (he fought an incredibly high leveled Barry, and would have far more diversity stat and typing wise for his implied team) and the accomplishments of his adventure than Red.