[4 / 2 / ?]
Quoted By: >>13182204 >>13182210
>be 11
>sister is 9
>at the playground on beach
>my town has a bitchin beach yo
>anyway, we're playing on the swings
>kid around 10-11 years old starts calling my sister names
>distinctly hear him call her a "sissy bitch"
>now I, in fact, agree with this statement
>but thats my sister your talking to you little faggot
>he keeps calling her names so my sister runs to the my dads car crying
>i follow him back to his lair
>its a sand castle about 30 feet from the play ground
>see him playing with his gameboy sp
>he puts the sp in the sandcastle and leaves it there
>what the fuck
>make sure hes out of sight
>run up to the sandcastle
>find his gameboy sp with pokemon sapphire in it. also see pokemon silver
>take that shit
>find the kid
>hatch a plan in 4.2 seconds after seeing him
>run up to him
>"hey you little bitch. i heard you call my sister a sissy bitch. go and say sorry or else"
>now if he had apologized i would have gave him his shit back
>instead he calls me a faggot and gives me the finger
>i show him his pokemon silver version
>he flips out saying i better give it back or his brother will beat me up
>yea right kid
>i run towards the ocean
>hes chasing after me
>finally i get there after about 2 mins of him chasing me
>i stand at the edge of the water threatening to sacrifice his silver version to poseidon
>he begs me not to do it
>i take out his sp
>he starts balling uncontrollably
>tell him im sorry and extend my hand out with the stuff in it
>he goes for it
>i about-face to the crashing waves and promptly hut hut hike that shit into the atlantic
>kid goes ape shit
>he jumps into the ocean after them and i begin to walk away laughing my ass off with sapphire version still in my hand
>be in school next day
>kid is crying that his brother braiden had to go to the hospital because he almost drowned
>pop in sapphire version when i get home
>Player Braiden
>sister is 9
>at the playground on beach
>my town has a bitchin beach yo
>anyway, we're playing on the swings
>kid around 10-11 years old starts calling my sister names
>distinctly hear him call her a "sissy bitch"
>now I, in fact, agree with this statement
>but thats my sister your talking to you little faggot
>he keeps calling her names so my sister runs to the my dads car crying
>i follow him back to his lair
>its a sand castle about 30 feet from the play ground
>see him playing with his gameboy sp
>he puts the sp in the sandcastle and leaves it there
>what the fuck
>make sure hes out of sight
>run up to the sandcastle
>find his gameboy sp with pokemon sapphire in it. also see pokemon silver
>take that shit
>find the kid
>hatch a plan in 4.2 seconds after seeing him
>run up to him
>"hey you little bitch. i heard you call my sister a sissy bitch. go and say sorry or else"
>now if he had apologized i would have gave him his shit back
>instead he calls me a faggot and gives me the finger
>i show him his pokemon silver version
>he flips out saying i better give it back or his brother will beat me up
>yea right kid
>i run towards the ocean
>hes chasing after me
>finally i get there after about 2 mins of him chasing me
>i stand at the edge of the water threatening to sacrifice his silver version to poseidon
>he begs me not to do it
>i take out his sp
>he starts balling uncontrollably
>tell him im sorry and extend my hand out with the stuff in it
>he goes for it
>i about-face to the crashing waves and promptly hut hut hike that shit into the atlantic
>kid goes ape shit
>he jumps into the ocean after them and i begin to walk away laughing my ass off with sapphire version still in my hand
>be in school next day
>kid is crying that his brother braiden had to go to the hospital because he almost drowned
>pop in sapphire version when i get home
>Player Braiden