Espeon yawned. Another day had just ended and hr trainer, Jack was setting up camp for the night. Espeon knew the fun she and the other Pokemon would have while their trainer slept. She would lock Jack in his sleep so he couldn't wake up and his Pokemon would such out his fluids. But tonight would be different, for one of Jack's Pokemon Gardevoir was sensing all the activites going on through the nigfh with her telepathic powers and she was going to put a stop to it. She had great respect for Jack, he was like a son to her, and she was like a mother to him. He would often suck on her nipples, taking in Gardevior sweet breast milk into hsi taste buds. Often times he would kiss and tickle her sensitive pussy and eat out her clit. She wasn't going to let Espeon or any other Poekmon harm him while he slept again. That night when Jack set off for sleep, Espeon got ready to let out the other Pokemon, Golbat, Beautifly and Houndoom. She headed for the backpack with the PokeBalls, and let the others out. "About fucking time, your bitch faggot" growled Houndoom to Espeon. Espeon sniffed "Oh shut the fuck up bitch lets just do this shit" With that she had her gen glow on Jack and once more locked him in sleep. Golbat was eager to start sucking on Jack's warm blood. They all advanced on the helpless human, but Gardivor stopped them. "I have been seeing what you all have been doing to Jack every night and I had come put a stop to it." She said firmly protecting Jack.