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Quoted By: >>13231295 >>13231322
Guys, I was watching random JonTron videos and I found that him and Ego did an emerald video.
I was happily chuckling to their immature humor when suddenly I noticed the description.
And then it hit me. In high school I was in complete denial of it as I was enjoying Platinum too much when my friends told me this. But it actually hit me now.
Every pokemon game is the same.
You start a new game, say bye to mum, grab your starter, battle your rival, get badges, kick the evil teams' asses, beat the champion, then it's done with.
I have bought every single game since Emerald came out(I was handed Sapphire and Firered when I was younger.) As I recall the pricing, I have spent over 400 dollars of hard earned allowance/job money on the SAME GAME.
But I'm glad I have accepted it.
Has anyone else accepted this cold, harsh truth yet? If you have, how do you get over it? Because I suddenly feel indifferent about X and Y..
I was happily chuckling to their immature humor when suddenly I noticed the description.
And then it hit me. In high school I was in complete denial of it as I was enjoying Platinum too much when my friends told me this. But it actually hit me now.
Every pokemon game is the same.
You start a new game, say bye to mum, grab your starter, battle your rival, get badges, kick the evil teams' asses, beat the champion, then it's done with.
I have bought every single game since Emerald came out(I was handed Sapphire and Firered when I was younger.) As I recall the pricing, I have spent over 400 dollars of hard earned allowance/job money on the SAME GAME.
But I'm glad I have accepted it.
Has anyone else accepted this cold, harsh truth yet? If you have, how do you get over it? Because I suddenly feel indifferent about X and Y..