>>13269059In another thread I put forward the notion of splitting Flying-type into two types - Wind-type and some form of Winged-Beast-type.
Winged-Beast pokemon are essentially Normal-type pokemon that can fly, incorporated into one type. Winged-Beast pokemon keep the Ground immunity and aerial attacks (like Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Fly, Wing Attack, etc.) all get changed to Winged-Beast-type.
So what about Wind-type then? This type would take all wind-based attacks (Gust, Razor Wind, etc.) and sound-based attacks (Growl, Howl, Hyper Voice, etc.) under its remit. Importantly, Wind-types don't have a Ground-type immunity (unless they get an Ability that grants them an immunity).
>Winged-Beast typeImmune to Ground-type
Weak to Wind-type
Normal against everything else.
As you can see, Winged-Beast type is fairly similar to the 'neutral' Normal-type. Wind-type would have its own strengths and weaknesses (e.g: strong against Fighting and Ghost, weak against Steel and Fire).
One argument people make is "every Flying pokemon would be a Wind type". Not true. Many birds and bugs don't learn wind-based attacks. How would my new types affect pokemon?
>Farfetch'dCannot use wind-based attacks, becomes Winged-Beast type
>DodrioCannot fly or use wind-based attacks, becomes Normal-type
>PidgeotCan fly AND can use wind-based attacks, becomes Winged-Beast/Wind type.
>ExploudCan use sound-based attacks, becomes Normal/Wind type
>ChatotCan fly and use sound-based attacks, becomes Winged-Beast/Wind type
etc, etc.